Information model, its use

An information model is a set of clearly defined properties that display all the data about objects and processes to be investigated. In this case, the original object is replaced by the names (values) and their established values.

For example, the information model of a country house is a card from the catalog of a construction company, according to which the customer can choose the most suitable project for himself. Each card contains the name (size) of the properties of the building and their meaning. This can be the appearance with dimensions, the number of floors, the material of the walls and their thickness, the material from which the roof is made, etc.


An information model is names (symbolic elements) and their values ​​(symbolic and figurative data).

A figurative element can be a drawing or photograph, as well as a video or volumetric layout. However, in this case, it must be possible to associate elements with the characteristics of the selected object. For example, the line “Appearance” in the catalog of house varieties should contain the layout code. And in order for the mock-ups to become elements of a given information model, rather than a simple decoration, they are provided with labels with ciphers.

The model is represented by processes and objects in a figurative or symbolic form. The information model by the presentation method can be of various kinds.


A figurative model (photographs, drawings, etc.) is a visual image of objects fixed on any of the information carriers (paper, film and film, etc.).

The information model presented in a widespread way is used in the field of education (illustrations in textbooks, study posters on taught subjects) and in such sciences where the classification of objects by characteristics and external signs is important. This may be botany, biology, paleontology and other sciences.

The sign information model is built based on the use of various languages, the so-called sign systems. Such a model is presented in the form of text in ordinary natural language or in the form of a program in the selected programming language, as well as formulas (areas, for example).

Models can combine iconic and figurative elements.

Examples of these are geographical maps, charts, graphs, and more. In these models, both symbolic language and graphic elements are simultaneously used.

In a similar way, the information model of an enterprise with its organizational structure is designed, which can be represented as a hierarchy of structural units (so-called work centers). Similar work centers in the design of the enterprise model can be, say, individual workshops, sections and other units.

The structure of any enterprise is represented in the model by a tree structure, where there is one main and a large number of nested nodes. Thus, its structural model is fully reflected. Suppose that the basic node in the structure of the enterprise is the “Main Office”, and several directorates are subordinate to it, and several departments are already under them, and only then several departments are directly managed by the main node (office).

Briefly about the main thing

Thus, the original object in some cases is replaced by a set of properties: their names and values. Such a set of properties that contains all the necessary information to represent how the object or process under study functions is called an information model, which can be an object or process in a figurative or symbolic form. Models are figurative, iconic and mixed type.


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