Do I need a passport when exchanging currency in Russia?

Do I need a passport when exchanging currency? A similar question may arise for every citizen. Especially for those who plan to travel outside of Russia. For example, to Poland or the USA. You cannot pay in Russian rubles abroad. And that can be a huge problem. So, you have to look for "exchangers." Not always a similar issue is quickly resolved. Is it necessary to carry out an identification? If so, under what conditions?

Is it possible to change currency without a passport

The legislative framework

Want to answer as accurately as possible? Then the citizen should carefully study the legislative framework. Do I need a passport when exchanging currency in a bank?

This issue is regulated by Federal Law No. 115 of August 7, 2001. At the moment, it has been amended on April 23, 2018. This is the legislative framework on which to rely on the sale or purchase of foreign currency.

Required or not

Do I need a passport when exchanging currency? To give a definite answer to this kind of question will not work. A point is connected with the fact that FZ-115 provides for various life situations. Depending on them, the answer to the previously asked question will change.

What does it mean? According to the law, in foreign exchange operations, once an identifier is needed, but sometime it is not. But what to prepare for? In what cases can I not take my personal identifier with me to a bank or cash exchange office?

When not required

How much is a currency exchange without a passport? It is worth paying attention to the fact that at the moment a person can buy an infinite amount of foreign money, as well as sell it. Itโ€™s just that sometimes a civil passport is required to implement the task.

Russian passport for currency exchange

By law, it is possible to carry out anonymous foreign exchange currency transactions with funds in the amount of not more than fifteen thousand rubles. This means that when buying foreign money for this indicator or when selling it, you do not have to identify your person.

When required

I wonder if you need a passport when exchanging currency? Then the citizen will have to study the existing laws. Otherwise, during attempts to carry out currency transactions, a person will be disappointed. He may simply be denied service. This is quite normal.

Today, a passport or other personal identifier is required if a currency exchange of more than 15,000 rubles is carried out. And it doesnโ€™t matter with what means the operations are carried out. The main thing is that when transferring to Russian rubles, transactions do not exceed the specified threshold. Otherwise, you will have to prepare a passport.

Do I need a passport when exchanging currency on the territory of the Russian Federation

Filling in the questionnaire

Citizens may be surprised. The thing is that when making currency transactions worth more than 15,000 rubles, a person should be asked to fill out a special form. Previously, they were not at all. This innovation is scary for some, but there is nothing to worry about.

The specified information will not be transferred to third parties. Questioning is carried out in order to identify a person, as well as to verify the integrity of a citizen: does he launder money and does not finance terrorist organizations?

In the questionnaire you will have to indicate:

  • F. I. O. of the person applying to the exchanger;
  • Contact details;
  • tax identification number;
  • place of employment;
  • employer address;
  • phone number of the company in which the citizen works;
  • information about the appearance of money from the applicant.

Accordingly, if a person does not have an official place of employment, he will not be able to exchange a large amount of money. In any case, he will have to prove the legality of the appearance of his used funds. This is not always possible to do.

Currency exchange in Russian banks - rules

Is there a way out of the situation? Yes! Simply exchange anonymously. That is, for amounts of less than fifteen thousand Russian rubles. Then you do not have to fill out any questionnaires. And to identify a person too.

Bank Dependence

Do I need a passport when exchanging currency in Russia? The above information indicates that you need to identify a person, but not always. For small currency transactions, neither a passport nor a special profile is required. Some believe that the need to establish an identity when buying or selling currencies depends on the particular bank. This is not entirely true.

A financial company can independently decide whether or not to exchange money if a person cannot present a passport or prove the legitimacy of the appearance of appropriate funds. But no more than that. Departure from the rules specified in the Federal Law is prohibited. This is a gross violation, which must be reported to the authorized bodies as soon as possible.

If you want to exchange a large amount anonymously

Do I need a passport when exchanging currency at Sberbank? Yes, as in any other financial institution. The need for personal identification in foreign exchange transactions is prescribed in the Federal Law No. 115. It is also indicated here that with small settlements you can get service anonymously.

Currency exchange in the Russian Federation

But what if the citizen does not have an official place of work, but at the same time wants to immediately make a currency transaction with a large amount of money? For example, received from an unofficial employer?

In this case, as already mentioned, it is possible to exchange small amounts or contact special exchange points that are not managed by Russian banks. In such circumstances, the previously mentioned restrictions are abolished.

No passport: what to do?

Do I need a passport when exchanging currency in Russian banks? More search for an answer to this will not cause significant trouble. Citizens do not always have to identify themselves in foreign exchange transactions. They cannot demand this during small transactions.

It also happens that for one reason or another a citizen does not have a passport. For example, if it is exchanged or was lost. What to do?

There are many ways to get out of this situation. For instance:

  • use other identification documents;
  • to postpone currency operations until the passport is restored;
  • Use a temporary copy of the document.

How to act? Man must answer for himself this question. The lack of a passport during major currency transactions can cause a lot of problems and questions on the part of a financial organization.

Draw conclusions

Whether a passport is needed when exchanging currency in Russian banks, henceforth the answer to this question will no longer put a person in an awkward position. The main thing is to adhere to the above principles and rules.

How to change currency in the bank

Some people use the services of resellers for anonymous currency transactions. This is not the best solution, but sometimes it helps to quickly solve the problem.

In any case, the presence of a passport during the application to the "exchangers" will not be superfluous. If necessary, a person can simply present it. And if earlier he had already filled out a special form in the selected bank, you can not repeat the corresponding action.


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