Which phone tracking software is better?

A mobile phone is now a device that contains a lot of important information of its owner. It stores photos and video files, sms messages and personal correspondence from various instant messengers. All this data is very important to the owner of the phone, and it is unlikely he would like to part with it. But what can be done if the device is still lost?

Many applications have already been developed for this case. They are able to indicate the location of the phone, as well as perform many other useful functions. And here is a list that includes the best mobile phone tracking software.

Lockout Security & Antivirus (Android / IOS)

For many years Lockout has been developing tools to protect mobile devices from malware and theft. The company's specialists are constantly refining existing approaches to make them more effective.

phone tracking program
This phone tracking program is an entire system that protects your device. After the simplest registration, the user will have access to several functions. You can, for example, track the location of a device, start a loud notification, remotely restore and delete data, and also block the device from a distance. All of these actions are performed on Lockout.com. Moreover, even if the phone is disconnected or the program is deleted, its location will be sent at the time of the last activity.

As an antivirus, this application, like many other programs for tracking the location of the phone, searches for and removes viruses, blocks malicious sites and prohibits the downloading of unknown files. In general, apparently the right thing.

Talklog (Android)

The next useful application will be Talklog, a spyware program that, after connecting to the service, offers the user a number of special features.

You should start by saying that Talklog saves all information about incoming and outgoing calls in your account. The same goes for sms and mms messages. They can be read and listened to even if they were deleted immediately.

program to track the phone by number
The application allows you to record telephone conversations, and all records are stored on the server. The audio monitoring function records all sounds that surround the device, regardless of whether it is currently being used or not.

Talklog application is also a program for tracking the phone by subscriber number, GPS-module or data received from Wi-fi points. Thus, the user may be able to access the speed of the device, its location in height, as well as the coordinates on the map.

There are a couple more useful features. The first allows you to view the history of the browser, and the second - to record the moment the device is turned on and off and the time it goes into safe mode.

Android Lost Free

Noteworthy is this completely free phone tracking software. To work with it, registration is also required, after which google-key devices are sent to the server. It offers a lot of features, but consider the most interesting of them.

Firstly, the program can turn on the screen and the sound of the siren at the highest volume. And it will scream, even if the phone is in silent mode. You can also set the vibration on time.

mobile phone tracking software
Secondly, the application sends the coordinates of the device, binding them to Google Maps. If the GPS module does not work or is turned off, the coordinates will be calculated through the mobile operator. And this means that Android Lost Free is a program to track the phone by number. Although even a turned off GPS sensor can be turned on by going to a special section on the site.

In addition, the program allows you to view up to 50 recent messages. She can even hide herself in the list of installed applications, and this is a strong advantage. You can lock the device by setting a PIN code, delete data from a memory card, reset smartphone settings and much more.

FlexiSPY (Android / IOS)

And this is another phone tracking program, which is designed not only to monitor mobile devices, but also conduct wiretapping and video surveillance.

After installation, it immediately starts intercepting messages, analyzing the operation of applications, and determining the location. All this is sent to your account for further research.

android phone tracking program
The program has a number of remote functions, such as turning on the microphone, starting the camera, sending messages, etc. You can even listen to telephone conversations that are intercepted in real time.

FlexiSPY phone tracking software can intercept the chat of almost any messenger (Viber, Skype, Whatsapp, etc.). Allows you to access the history of calls and SMS messages, bookmarks, calendar, notes and address book. True, it is paid, at least for Apple devices.

Where's my droid?

And finally, another program for tracking the phone ("Android"). In case of loss of the device, it allows you to send an SMS message to it, which will lead to the inclusion of the signal. Another message can get the coordinates along which the device is located.

phone location tracking software
By the way, you can also manage a lost smartphone through the web-interface. Thus, you can expand the functionality of the application. For example, to avoid unauthorized changes, a password lock is provided. And when you change the SIM card, the user will definitely receive a notification.

This phone tracking program can provide even more features if you install the Pro version. Then you can take photos with the camera, lock the phone, delete any applications and data so that they do not fall into the hands of attackers.


Which of these programs is better is hard to say. There are many opinions on this subject. But this is not important. The important thing is that any application, even a little bit, can increase the chances of finding a phone if it is stolen or lost.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G11382/

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