AutoExpert DVR-929: specifications and reviews

Modern megalopolises are overloaded with cars, so the driver simply needs a DVR with him. The article will discuss the AutoExpert DVR-929 model and its characteristics.

Gadget culture

The era of digital technology dictates its own rules of existence to modern man. It so happened that cars are produced much faster than roads are built. Therefore, in megacities it becomes crowded at traffic intersections. Traffic jams have become a daily occurrence, but it’s becoming more and more difficult for a driver to prove his innocence in a traffic accident. Therefore, the presence of something like an AutoExpert DVR-929 dashcam will be very helpful.

autoexpert dvr 929 device

The device will successfully record the details of the car accident, which helps to identify the culprit of the accident. The culture of registrars has taken root among Russian motorists. Using a shooting device became as natural as washing your face in the morning, brushing your teeth, and doing exercises. And installing the product in the car is the same normal action as taking a wallet with you for a walk. Even motorcyclists fix a small palm-sized camcorder on their helmets for the same purpose. And not in vain.

Product Features

The AutoExpert DVR-929 model has one camera with a viewing angle of 120 Β°, capable of shooting video in AVI format with a resolution of 1280 Γ— 720. The product screen has a diagonal of 2.5 ", the energy comes from the built-in rechargeable battery with a capacity of 500 mAh. The footage is stored on a 32 gigabyte memory card.

AutoExpert DVR-929 DVR

The AutoExpert DVR-929 recorder is compact and does not take up much space. Its dimensions are 60 Γ— 29 Γ— 98 mm, respectively, in three dimensions.

What is really missing

Objectively speaking, the AutoExpert DVR-929 video recorder with a 120 Β° view is chosen by those who require only shooting from the product. Functions such as determining GPS coordinates, shock sensor, motion detector in front of the lens, and key illumination in the dark are simply absent. Therefore, the corresponding price.


Budget gadget is available to almost any driver. The price ranges from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles, depending on the store. For example, OZON offers a registrar for 2950 rubles, a little more expensive is the case with the goods in the DNS and Yulmart - 3090 rubles. The highest cost is in STK, where the model is offered to the buyer already for 3890 rubles.

Positive reviews

AutoExpert DVR-929 DVR is praised for its attractive appearance and ease of use. Drivers write in the comments that the picture is very clear even in the dark. The numbers are also recognized correctly both when moving towards and in the parking lots.

autoexpert dvr 929 folded

Positive reviews were recorded regarding sound recording. It is noted that the operation is completely and completely stable, all the functions indicated in the instructions for AutoExpert DVR-929 are quite tolerable. However, there are so few of them, because most of the comments are not so lengthy, but we can conclude from them: the owners are satisfied that the device is working. The rest is already secondary. In the end, the price is not high for a device designed for ordinary shooting.

Negative reviews

AutoExpert DVR-929 has its negative side. But this is not surprising for a device with limited functionality and low price. In the comments, note that the recording suddenly stops without any warning (sound or visual), while the mark remains on the display to continue recording.

Drivers who use the product for more than a year indicate that an incomprehensible ripple appears on the video. It is necessary to carry to a service center or change under warranty. And also some users emphasize that recording at night is not so high quality. It is possible that they are simply compared with more advanced and expensive models.

autoexpert dvr 929 with suction cup mount

Malfunctions were observed with the battery, which swelled up and negatively affected the operation of the device as a whole. It is possible that we are talking either about overheating, or the operation of the gadget was carried out for quite a long time. As a result, battery oxidation and increase in size.

A number of drivers note that the power supply interferes with the radio and drowns out the signal. In addition, the built-in sound recorder is too sensitive, as a result of which nothing is heard except video when playing a video. Say what you like, but such is human nature that everyone longs to pour out only negative. Therefore, reviews like β€œdo not buy this” are enough.

Why refuse the device

AutoExpert DVR-929 DVR fully justifies its cost. A small set of properties for little money. In the same comments, drivers often write that they plan to switch to more advanced models if all the same errors are repeated.

It should be noted that registrars usually choose, focusing on the quality of the video, because the main task of the product is to fix the license plate number of the person who provoked the accident. Motorists learned from their mistakes study device reviews, watch video examples, and choose a β€œnew assistant.”

Often purchased models with a G-sensor. This module is very important, because it allows you to record the moment of an accident: the time of increasing pressure on the car is taken into account simultaneously with a decrease in speed. This is the moment of impact. At the same time, video recording starts, the file moves to a protected area on the memory card. A gadget without a shock sensor will not fix the culprit of an accident if the car was parked, since recording will not start automatically.

compact and convenient dvr

Among other things, the choice of product depends on the scope of employment. For example, truckers often purchase DVRs with the function of warning about the deviation of the direction of movement. The device reads the position of the marking line in front of the windshield and warns the driver with a signal that it is approaching to the right or left with an audible signal.

The mechanism works as a protection against falling asleep while driving. In a long-distance trip, the landscape outside the window is monotonous, therefore drowsiness easily occurs. In urban conditions, the option is not so in demand due to false positives: trees and other obstacles interfere. Yes, and the movement is not so monotonous: you often have to turn, reset or increase speed.


In the end, it should be noted that the AutoExpert DVR-929 product is the minimum from which they usually start and from which in most cases they leave. In the end, such options as a radar detector, auto-rotate mode, GPS-navigator, WDR-technology when shooting at night significantly increase the price of the product, but it’s very difficult to ride without them.

autoexpert dvr 929 full set

As they say, avaricious pays twice. In order not to be a clear example of such a saying, it is better to collect a certain amount of money and purchase modern high-tech equipment, which will become a reliable friend and helper. The footage becomes good evidence in the consideration of cases of car accidents and not only.


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