Art Center in the Perine Rows: address. Exhibition Halls of St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg - the truly cultural capital of our country - exhibitions are always held at which unique works of art are presented. The city itself is world famous for its architectural heritage. In addition, the great role of the northern capital in the history of our country. It was here that in the past many famous figures were born. Yes, and in modern Petersburg there are enough famous people, whose creations today people admire no less. Many of these works of art are exhibited so that everyone can enjoy them.

Art Center in the Perine Rows

Exhibition Halls (St. Petersburg)

There are many art galleries in the city, in which the works of famous contemporary artists are exhibited. And it is not only about painting. This can be works of art, works exhibited by young sculptors, installations, etc. Everyone will be able to find in St. Petersburg exactly the exhibition that harmonizes with his worldview and mood.

Themed exhibitions are regularly held in the city, where you can see objects of the most diverse spheres of life. It can be cars of various brands, attracting not only spectators, but also collectors of exclusive models, chocolate exhibitions and much more.

Today in St. Petersburg there is more than one gallery. The main ones are the Manege, the Lenexpo complex, Eurasia, and the Art Center in the Periny Rows. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit St. Petersburg every year, many of which, in addition to the Hermitage, are required to visit contemporary art exhibitions. Not the last place in the list of the most popular galleries is occupied by the Art Center in the Perine Rows.

Metro Gostiny Dvor


This new format of high art exhibition space is located in the very center of the northern capital. Not far from it there are two metro stations: Gostiny Dvor, Nevsky Prospekt. The exact address of the Art Center: Dumskaya Street, Building 4. You can walk to the gallery on foot from the Gostiny Dvor metro station, turning right from the Duma Tower.

Discovery story

The Art Center in the Perinas was opened in 2010. It is located on the ground floor of the shopping center of the same name . The building, which houses the modern center, was located in the "golden trading triangle" of the city. It was built at the end of the eighteenth century by the architect Quarenghi. The origin of such an interesting name for the structure is interesting. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the street on which the malls were located was called Surovskaya. This line began to be called Perinnaya since 1880 - almost 100 years after the building itself was built. The fact is that at that time in some shops they sold bird feathers.

art center spb

New format

Since 2010, a completely new space has appeared on the artistic map of the northern capital, designed for connoisseurs of modern pictorial art. The art center in the Perinas is unique among similar galleries in the city. It reflects all the trends of both modern and classical painting.

In one space exhibited the work of more than three hundred professional artists related to the widest range of creative directions. Here everyone has the opportunity to purchase paintings by many already well-known masters working in both classical and avant-garde styles. Here you can also choose baguettes for every taste.

The gallery attaches great importance to the design of expositions, and all information that may be interesting is carefully selected and checked. The atmosphere of unity with the beautiful is complemented by quiet, good music, which the artist represented preferred or which ideally suits, according to the organizers, both the theme and the mood of the particular exposition. There are always professional art critics always present in the gallery hall, ready to answer any questions from visitors or help understand the idea of ​​the author of the work.

art center in the front row address


The popular Art Center (St. Petersburg) located in the Perin Rows is the very first museum project that began to offer visitors daily temporary exhibitions of works by world-class masters. Here they adhere to the thesis that “attending exhibitions is fashionable today”, and therefore, following it, they try to create interesting and gaining popularity expositions.

Gallery displays are primarily educational in nature. Their main goal is not only the desire to attract culturally educated people, but also the desire to give them aesthetic pleasure. A trip to the shows in the Art Center on the Perinnyaya Ryad ceases to become a rare event, I always want to come here, because it is not only pleasant, but also useful.


Last year, the Art Center in the Perine Rows (Dumskaya Street, 4) held an exhibition of Japanese graphics on the theme "Pictures from an Elusive World." It originates from the Edo era. On the canvases one could see scenes from the life of citizens, portraits of geishas and artists of the Kabuki theater, images of birds and flowers. The showroom at the time of the exhibition seemed to be turned into a Japanese house, decorated with ancient engravings, which still retain the warmth of the hands of their authors. The atmosphere of the land of the rising sun was complemented by collection bonsai trees, as well as a decorative pond with koi and a rock garden.

Art Center in the Perine Rows St. Petersburg

An exhibition dedicated to the history of the Titanic was also held at the art center. She opened the veil of secrecy of the death of this largest and most luxurious liner of the twentieth century. The exposition had more than 80 photographs, among which were both historical shots and photographs that were taken during underwater research.

In November last year, the Art Center in the Perinny rows invited to the show "Vanguard - XX Century." The art of this direction is considered a real maze of artistic styles. The exposition, presented in the Perin rows, was a good opportunity for visitors to enhance their knowledge of the history of art of the twentieth century. The exhibition traced the development of art throughout the past century. The geography of this project was very wide: starting from Russia, France, the USA and right up to Greenland and Vietnam. Visitors saw the works of not only such recognized authors as Salvador Dali and R. Magritte, Marc Chagall, Juan Miro, but also the works of not so well-known artists who, however, make it possible to trace the formation of this art direction throughout the planet. The exhibition featured more than 50 lithographs, as well as information stands that reveal the features of all the main directions of avant-garde.

Art Center in the Periny Rows Duma street 4

Interesting events

In January, the Art Center in the Perinny Ryad invites to an exhibition, which is a unique combination of the “nude” photographic genre with specially created authorial aromas that “play” with the image. At a joint project with the Guild of Perfumers, you can feel the synthesis of perfumery and photo art.


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