Brazilian embroidery (technique): master class, patterns

The needlewomen are constantly mastering new methods of work. For example, Brazilian voluminous embroidery - what an amazing beauty this is! And the hands of craftswomen who love to do needlework are themselves asking to start creating beauty.

Brazilian embroidery - beautiful and stylish

The canvases, on which, like alive, luxurious flowers open or outlandish butterflies reveal their amazing wings, are simply fascinating. And all because this needlework is Brazilian embroidery!

Brazilian embroidery

The work performed in this technique is very different from everyone else. Firstly, this embroidery is voluminous. Brazilian embroidery is very naturalistic conveys real images. These are mainly flowers, butterflies or bright birds, the underwater world.

Brazilian embroidery, the technique of which combines embroidery and weaving, does not allow full copying of works. Each product is exclusive.

How to use Brazilian embroidery?

With its help, you can decorate clothes in an unusual way. She looks great both on children's dresses and on the robes of adult ladies.

Often, Brazilian embroidery decorates the home interior. In this technique, you can perfectly embroider a sofa cushion and bedspread, curtains, tablecloths and napkins for vases.

And some artists even manage to make paintings on the walls. Real works of art come out of their hands!

Brazilian embroidery technique

Prerequisites for performing Brazilian embroidery

A very important role is played by the materials that the masters use in their work. Threads are necessarily taken by those made of rayon. In addition, they must be twisted counterclockwise.

It is believed that it is the quality of the threads used in embroidery that is the most basic in the work. And so many craftswomen note the fact that it is almost impossible to find Brazilian silk in Russia. Therefore, it is impossible to create real Brazilian embroidery. However, the majority still believes that the main thing is the way to work on a masterpiece. And the material can be selected with minimal difference from the one laid down. That is, real Brazilian silk can be completely replaced with analogues that are produced in Russia.

Some embroiderers even use thin yarn for work, sometimes thick thread designed for sewing. And it happens that even ribbons are often used for embroidery. This can be considered another feature of Brazilian embroidery.

Given that the embroidery loops are sewn in large stitches with knots wound around them, they can easily break through the base fabric. Therefore, you need to take a fairly dense matter.

Needles for embroidery need quite long. After all, it is on them that the craftswoman winds knots and loops. The minimum length of the needle is about 5 centimeters.

Patterns for Brazilian embroidery

The embroiderer, no matter how high-class master of her craft she may be, will not be able to work “on a clean slate”. Be sure to first develop a sketch of future embroidery. Then a circuit is created on it.

brazilian embroidery patterns

Then the craftswoman transfers the drawing to the fabric. And now she begins to do the work. A few hours of painstaking work, and on the hoop of the needlewoman appears luxurious Brazilian embroidery.

Schemes for her can be drawn independently, if the craftswoman has the talent of the artist. But it’s easier to take ready-made options.

voluminous brazilian embroidery

Brazilian embroidery - a combination of many techniques

This trend in needlework is interesting in that it has absorbed the Romanian breedes, rococo and tatting. This is done in order to make embroidery voluminous, convex. The needle makes a stitch, exposing the tip of the fabric, on which the thread is wound in different ways. It is very important to make turns in the direction opposite to the ratio of the twisted thread itself. Otherwise, the thread will spin. This means that the loop will not turn out as it should be.

Most often, Brazilian embroidery uses stalked, fringed, tambour and various typesetting seams, double-sided smooth surface, French knot, eyelets with an attachment, coaching or loose thread, as well as some other specific techniques. It is from the combination of all of them that Brazilian embroidery is born.

Master class of embroidery "Flower"

  1. The contour of the pattern from the circuit is applied to the fabric.
  2. A stitch in turquoise thread is laid in a circle with a stalk-like seam.
  3. Eight hearts-loops for petals should be performed using rococo technique with a soft pink thread. To do this, pierce the fabric from the inside with a needle. The thread is displayed on the front side of the product. Then make a wide stitch “back with a needle”, introducing it to the other end of the loop fastening, and leading to the point of initial puncture. The eye of the needle should linger before piercing the fabric, the tip should go up to the place where the thread comes out. At this end, you need to start wrapping the needle. When a sufficient number of turns is made, the needle is carefully pulled through the spiral, holding it with your fingers to prevent unwinding. Then the needle tip is introduced into the exit point of the thread and brought to the wrong side of the work.
    Brazilian embroidery master class
  4. After the base for the petals is ready, you need to lay the thread under the lines of the base of the petals closer to the center to further raise the flower at the core.
  5. The petals themselves perform a red thread. They are formed by a typesetting seam. Otherwise, it is also called weaving with a needle. This stitch starts the same way as the stitches in the rococo technique - with the “back with needle” stitch. Only the thread is now not just wound in a spiral at the end of the needle, but the finished loop is transferred, after making it on the index finger. To do this, first throw a thread on its back side. Then the finger is bent, pulling the thread and wrapping it around the finger. A loop is made around the finger, as the craftswoman first brings it under the thread that is now in operation, and then under the one that comes out of the fabric. Now again you need to tighten the thread, put the loop with your finger to the tip of the needle, then put a loop on it, tighten it and move it closer to the point where the needle leaves the web. In the same way, the remaining loops are typed, there should be 11 in total. While holding the loops on the needle by hand, gently thread the thread through them with the needle.
  6. In the same way, the remaining flower petals are performed.

Using and combining the techniques described here, you can create many beautiful Brazilian-style embroideries.


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