Compulsory health insurance policy - the right to free medical care

Among the mandatory documents that are issued to a person from the moment of his birth, a special place is occupied by the policy of obligatory medical insurance. It gives the right to every citizen of the Russian Federation to receive free medical care when necessary. The MHI policy is issued to working citizens by an employer who signs a contract for the transfer of funds to an insurer. Those individuals who for one reason or another do not work have the right to receive a health insurance policy by the insurance organization itself.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is valid without restriction throughout the Russian Federation for the period for which the contract is concluded. If the owner of the MHI policy seeks medical help in another locality, and not where he lives, this does not change the essence of the matter. You need to know that the Russian Federation also has relevant agreements with other foreign countries on the right of Russians to receive free medical care during their stay on their territory. They are obliged to accept him and render him medical assistance, of course, provided that he also presents a document proving his identity. The lost policy is restored. Upon dismissal or a change of place of residence, the policy is handed over and the contract for its receipt is already drawn up already on the new method of stay.

Obtaining a medical insurance policy is a simple matter and is possible both for Russian citizens themselves and for foreigners. It is only necessary to observe some formalities and wait until the document is ready for issuance by the TFMS - the territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance.

In order to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to contact a medical institution, usually a clinic, at the place of residence. To do this, you must present a passport certifying the fact of actual residence in this territory. Children under 14 receive a compulsory medical insurance policy on the basis of a birth certificate and confirmation of registration by one of the parents or guardians. If a person lives in this territory temporarily, then a certificate of temporary registration will be required . A citizen of another country must have a residence permit.

Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy is possible by filling out a special contract, which exists, as mentioned above, in two versions: for employees and for non-workers. A document is issued by the territorial health insurance funds. Dates must be minimal and not exceed 5 days from the date of application. If, when contacting the clinic, the patient cannot show a medical policy for one reason or another, then medical assistance is provided upon confirmation by the insurer of the fact of insurance.

The policy of compulsory health insurance is attached to a particular clinic at the place of registration of the citizen. At the same time, the compulsory medical insurance policy and passport are presented. Pregnant women are attached to antenatal clinics or to the maternity hospital. In addition to the above documents, in this case, you must also have a medical document indicating the presence of pregnancy. Children are attached to the institution of children's consultation in the presence of a birth certificate and a passport of one of the parents, which has a stamp on a valid registration. The registry of a medical institution affixes a stamp on the compulsory medical insurance policy, with the date of actual attachment.

When moving to a new place of residence, the compulsory health insurance policy is unfastened and the procedure for affixing a stamp is repeated.


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