Braslav Lakes is a national park. "Braslav Lakes": recreation centers, sanatorium, fishing. Photos and reviews

Braslav Lakes is a national park that deserves special attention. It seems that there is everything that can please not only local residents who are accustomed to the beauties of their native land, but also guests from both near and far abroad. Holidays on Braslav Lakes are an opportunity to immerse yourself in a stunning world filled with unique nature and amazing animals. In addition, travelers are usually happy to get acquainted with the historical past of this region.

This article aims to familiarize readers with such an object as the Braslav Lakes Park in as much detail as possible. Having been here once, travelers tend to return again and again.

Features of Braslav lakes

Braslav Lakes National Park

In general, the Braslav lakeside in Belarus refers to a very large lake region with a magnificent relief and landscapes that the ancient glacier left behind. Here are about 300 different in area, shape, transparency, depth, diversity of flora and fauna of lakes and reservoirs. The region for its extraordinary beauty is called the “blue necklace”. The depth of the largest lakes reaches more than 40 m, and the largest in area occupy about 36 km 2 .

Braslav Lakes National Park, a photo of which can be seen in almost all country guides, was formed thanks to complex ice processes that created a complex shape of water bodies and a rugged coastline, a huge number of bays, bays, islands, stones and boulders.

By the way, not everyone knows that some islands even have their own lakes, and in the Middle Ages it was built on them castle fortifications, fishermen’s huts and wooden monasteries, even today conquering travelers with their unique designs, testifying to the undeniable skill and talent local architects of that time.

“Braslav Lakes” is a national park, famous for the feature of the relief, which consists in the unusual shape of hills, ridges and rounded ridges.

History of occurrence

rest on Braslav lakes

Since the XIX century, this area began to be used for recreational purposes. Aristocrats here built their estates for a summer vacation, later servants, summer residents and students began to come to these places.

In the 30s of the twentieth century, the tourist infrastructure in Braslav worked at full capacity. Here recreation facilities, three yacht clubs, children's camps, sports grounds were arranged, holidays, exhibitions and sailing regattas were constantly held.

Unfortunately, during the war everything was destroyed. Tourist sites began to recover only in the 50s. In 1995, a National Park was formed on the lakes. And since then the reconstruction of this territory began. Until now, various types of work are ongoing here aimed at maintaining the park.

How to get there

Braslav lakes photo

Braslav lakes, photos of which cannot but fascinate even the most sophisticated tourists, are located in the Vitebsk region. This means that from the capital of the state, the city of Minsk, to the lakes, it is necessary to overcome a distance of about 250 km.

How to get there depends on the vacationers themselves. On the whole, we note that you can get to the lakes by any type of transport (own car, bus, taxi). Regular flights are carried out from Polotsk, Vitebsk and Minsk to Bratslav.

However, travelers should remember one thing: if they go to the Braslav Lakes, the recreation centers must be picked up and booked in advance, because there are only five of them. During the season, rooms or houses may not be available.

In addition, the park has many tourist camps with ennobled toilets, wooden gazebos, safe ramps to the water, stone bonfires and fenced waste bins.

Rest on the Braslav lakes. Where to stay?

Braslav Lakes National Park photo

As already mentioned above, in this territory today there are five recreation centers of various levels of comfort and about 30 paid tourist camps for independent recreation.

In addition, experienced travelers offer another very interesting option. Agree, on vacation, each of us wants to not only relax, but also seeks to discover something new. So, stopping at the base of forestry, you can look at wild animals in aviaries and take part in regular hunting tours. Also, for a fee, there is the opportunity to go fishing, go on interesting water trips and curious ecological tours.

The recreation center called "Drivyaty" is located on the lake of the same name. Today it consists of 2 buildings with rooms of different comforts, a modern tourist and health center, a playground and a steam bath. At the base there is the opportunity to play billiards, have fun on the summer dance floor, go on an excursion, swim in the spacious pool, relax in the jacuzzi and so on.

On the shore of Lake Zolovo there is also a recreation center. It consists of 3 cottages, a steam bath, free parking, a mini-beach and gazebos, and you can rent boats, barbecue, jump ropes, checkers and so on. As a rule, those who are interested in fishing on the Braslav Lakes come here.

Climate and landscape

park Braslav lakes

The average temperature in January reaches +6 ... + 7 ° , in July - +17 ... + 18 ° . The minimum in winter can reach -40 ° , and the maximum in summer up to +36 ° . The most abundant precipitation occurs in July and August. This should be taken into account when going on vacation at this time of the year. It might be worth taking warm clothes, rubber boots, rain coverings and umbrellas.

It is known that the relief on the territory of the lakes was formed by the Poozersky glacier and is very diverse. 42% of the area is forested. In addition, there are approximately 200 lakes, which occupy another 10% of the territory.

Flora and fauna of the region

Braslav lakes recreation centers

Braslav Lakes is a national park in which the ponds themselves contributed to the creation of a large variety of flora and fauna.

The main wealth of this area is the aquatic ecological, incredibly diverse and unique system. The flora of this region is represented by more than 800 species of plants, including rare ones, listed in the Red Book of the World.

Braslav lakes, reviews of which, as a rule, are the most enthusiastic, are rich in their living creatures. About 40 species of fish are found here.

It should also be noted that 35% of the birds of Belarus nest in this territory. Among them we can distinguish a mute swan, which several years ago almost completely disappeared as a species. Now, fortunately, its population has been restored.

In addition, wild boars, brown bears, lynxes, elks, badgers, roe deer, flying squirrels and so on are found in large numbers in the district.

Also in the lakes live relict vertebrates, which, of course, indicates the purity of the water.

In the southern part of the park are forests that cover an area of ​​about 31,000 ha. Spruce forests are especially widespread here.

Walk on Castle Hill

Whatever type of vacation you choose in the territory of the Braslav Lakes park (sanatorium, camp site or tent city), you must definitely visit local sights.

Why not go to conquer the local heights? Castle Hill is a historical monument, an ancient fortification located in the center of Braslav. Castle Hill is a high hill with steep slopes and a flat mountain that rises above the modest houses located at the base. The Castle Hill site is surrounded by shafts on all sides, some of them are 7 meters high. On the commemorative sign affixed here, it is indicated that the mountain is the place of foundation of Braslav.

In the ancient city were found materials telling about the ancient history of the city. Legends say that underground passages were excavated in Castle Hill, which, in the event of a siege of the fortress, led besieged citizens to Lake Drivyaty. More legends tell of treasure chests, golden knightly armor and the mysterious shadow of the princess inside the dungeon.

Features of local fishing

Braslav Lakes is a national park that attracts all, without exception, lovers of quiet hunting.

The local water system occupies 114 km 2 . The largest lakes by area are Drivyaty, Strusto, Snudy, Troops, Nespish and Nedrovo. In 1995, this group of lakes was officially made the core of the national park.

To go fishing on the Braslav Lakes legally, you must either buy a ticket to a local sanatorium, or otherwise you will have to fish on free lakes.

It should be remembered: in order to catch a good catch, skill is necessary. But for those who are not very successful in this business, paid fishing at the ponds in Mekyan is recommended. There are many carp of different weights and ages. The ticket price includes permission to catch 5 kg of fish.

Along the ecological trail

braslav lakes reviews

A four and a half kilometer long ecological trail stretches along the ridge of the Braslav Lakes.

During the creation of the national park, the ecological trail has undergone enormous transformations aimed at its arrangement. Today, along the entire path, places have been built for vacationers, points of view, walking paths and information stands about the historical heritage and natural wealth of the territory. Such an improved ecological trail allows visitors to the Braslav Lakes to discover this land from a new perspective.

Unique place

It is simply impossible to visit the Braslav lakes, photos of which are found in all travel guides of Belarus without exception, and not to visit this settlement. In fact, lately the most interesting place for tourists has been precisely the village of Slobodka with its surroundings and the ridge.

It is distinguished by a wonderful church and magnificent lace lakes. On a unique small ridge with perfectly preserved glacial relief, among rare plant species, ancient towns and villages of the Middle Ages rise.

What else to see next door

In addition to the lakes of the same name, the Castle Hill, built in the 9th-15th centuries, the Church of the Virgin Mary and the church built in 1897 also belong to the sights of Braslav . Also at the beginning of the twentieth century the building of the convent was erected.

In addition, you should definitely visit Mount Lighthouse with a height of 174 m, which is the best observation point of the surroundings and lakes.

Not far from Braslav you can see island castles in the villages, Klyashtor Island on Lake Nespish, the town of Maskovici, barrows and so on.


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