Joan of Arc: a short biography, a story of life and achievements

The famous historical figure Jeanne dARC, whose biography (short history) begins in the distant 15th century, is considered a symbol of freedom and masculinity. The girl was born in the village of Domremy in about 1412 in the family of Jacques d'Arc and his wife Isabella. In addition to Jeanne, there were other children in the peasant family. Of all her brothers and sisters, the young heroine made friends with her older sister Ekaterina, who later married and soon died at a young age.

The d'Arc house stood in the center of the village, very close to the local church. For some time, Jeanne's father held an elected post of dean of the community and, accordingly, the population of the village of Domremi appreciated and respected him. Many peasants listened to Jacques d'Arcue as a sensible and wise man.

Joan of Arc: a short biography for students

What kind of child was Jeanne? The girl from early childhood used to feel like a member of the family of a respected person and sought to match the status of her father. Young Zhanna helped her mother with the housework, learned to cook, and listened with enthusiasm to the stories of her parents about the beautiful maiden who would save their village. Throughout her life in Domremi, Jeanne saw the glow of numerous fires, the cries of fellow villagers and firmly believed that the Orleans Virgin, whose arrival had been predicted many centuries before, would liberate their native lands. According to legend, this revelation belonged to the wizard Merlin, a popular character in many legends and knightly tales. In all the predictions and legends of past centuries, Jeanne dARC sacredly believed. A brief biography for children includes key facts about the girl’s biography. And these historical events are very reminiscent of the legends associated with the Orleans Virgin.

Joan of Arc: biography, summary

It is generally accepted that the year of birth of the young heroine is precisely the year 1412, however, the date of January 6, 1409 is indicated in the document on ranking the saints. She preferred to call herself "Jeanne Virgin" rather than Joan of Arc. In the early years, the young heroine in the family was often called Jeanette.

At the age of 13, Jeanne heard in her head the voice of the archangel Michael, who told her to listen to his story and accept her fate. According to the revelation of Michael, it was Jeanne who was the Virgin of Orleans, and only she could release the besieged Orleans, thus expelling all opponents.

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When the girl was 17 years old, she without hesitation went to the captain of the city. At that time, he was recognized as Vokuler Bodricuru, who ridiculed the girl’s story that she supposedly should defend her native lands. However, Jeanne did not give up and the second time she was accepted into her ranks. The captain ordered several soldiers to be allocated to her, after the girl had predicted the defeat of the French near Orleans. Jeanne preferred to wear specifically men's military clothing, arguing that she feels freer and stronger in her. Together with Jeanne, her two best knights went to war - Jean de Metz and Bertrand de Poulange.


The truly great heroine and martyr Joan of Arc, a biography whose brief history of military affairs begins with the siege of Orleans, was an unknown peasant. According to historical data, in March 1429, the young heroine arrived at the dauphin, announcing that her fate was determined by higher forces and predicted her victory. Therefore, she asked the army in order to lift the siege from Orleans. The girl was struck by all with an extraordinary knowledge of military affairs and the intricacies of riding. Dauphin Karl hesitated for a long time, but after several days of deliberation he agreed to allocate an army to Jeanne in exchange for a promise that she had to confirm with higher powers his legitimacy and the corresponding right to the throne. A fairly large part of the population doubted that Karl was the rightful heir, that she was not afraid to speak openly.

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Further, after the order of the king, special armor and equipment for a warrior such as Joan of Arc began to be made. The biography, a brief history of the girl is that throughout her life she defended her people, her lands and did everything that was in her power for this. She conquered many historians with her courage, courage and extraordinary faith in her victory.

Offensive on Orleans

The next point during the hostilities was Blois, where Jeanne was already waiting for her army. The good news that their rebellion is led by a girl sent by higher powers instilled confidence and courage in the soldiers. Due to prolonged attacks for 4 days, the young heroine lifts the siege of Orleans. Many military leaders of that time considered the mission to free Orleans from the British almost impossible.

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Hostilities ceased until the spring of 1430. However, the royal courtiers disliked the young heroine and tried in every possible way to set the public against her. After a long time, they still succeeded. Thanks to the actions of insidious courtiers, Joan of Arc was accused of betrayal, as a result of which she was captured by the British, where she was imprisoned in the tower of Rouen.


The trial of the heroine was launched in the last days of February 1431. According to documents, Jeanne d'Arc was tried by the local church, accusing him of heresy and false testimony of higher powers. However, all the time the girl was held in custody, she was kept under guard by the British, as a prisoner of war. The bishop of England, Cauchon, did not conceal his interest in the heroine, as did the government itself. The government of England fully paid all the costs and expenses associated with the Orleans Virgin. Joan of Arc, a biography whose brief life depended on the decision of the British, fought to the last and believed in higher powers.

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Interrogation and Captivity

A brief biography of Joan of Arc for grade 6 includes materials relating to her imprisonment in the tower of Rouen and some interrogations. For all the time spent in captivity, the girl was mocked, beaten and humiliated in every possible way, thus showing her attitude to her "false" prophecy. Most of the population of England considered her a false witness and traitor to their homeland.

The Execution of Joan of Arc

However, despite numerous tortures and threats, Joan of Arc did not break and did not admit her guilt. The sentence - the death penalty - without admitting guilt on the part of the accused, made the girl a martyr in the eyes of her people. Since the young heroine was illiterate, the judges decided to resort to deception, slipping her signature documents allegedly about her release and return to her homeland. In fact, there was evidence of a complete renunciation of their predictions and a guilty plea. Thus, the girl herself signed the verdict.

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On May 30, 1431, the girl was burnt alive in the Old Market Square in Rouen. According to historical data, her ashes were scattered over the Seine. Joan of Arc, a biography whose brief history was so early to end, is a symbol of courage for many of us.


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