DIY USB Oscilloscope: diagram, reviews

USB oscilloscopes are designed to track an electrical signal in a circuit. Used models in various fields. If we consider single-channel modifications, they are often used to test equipment. They are not suitable for tracking gigahertz frequencies.

Two-channel devices are used to monitor electromagnetic waves. Modern models are issued with a photographic tape. Three-channel devices are suitable for gigahertz research. To learn more about oscilloscopes, you need to consider the standard model circuit .

usb oscilloscope reviews

Simple oscilloscope circuit

A typical USB oscilloscope (diagram shown below) includes an electromagnetic tube as well as a modulator. The expander is most often used transition type. Capacitors in devices are used without transistors. If we consider modifications with modulators, then they have a pentode. A rectifier is used to lower the threshold voltage. Filters in devices are installed with dinistors. The sensitivity of the oscilloscope largely depends on the type of transceiver.

usb oscilloscope for computer

Single channel model

A single-channel USB oscilloscope is pretty easy to do. In this case, the cathode ray tube is installed together with the wave modulator. Many experts say that the throughput of an element is required to be no more than 10 microns. It is also important to use a tetrode to lower the sensitivity of the device. The extender for the oscilloscope is selected output type. The threshold voltage parameter of the element must be 20 V.

The maximum frequency of this type of expander does not exceed 130 Hz. You will have to use a soldering iron to install the filters. Model stabilizers are rarely used. To solve problems with high resistance on the lining, you can use a converter. The standard circuit of a single-channel oscilloscope is not complete without a rectifier.

Dual Channel Device Diagram

Using a dipole modulator, you can make a two-channel USB oscilloscope with your own hands. The device circuit includes a cathode ray tube and an amplifier. If we consider the standard modification, then the rectifier is not required. The main advantage of the model is the high accuracy of measurements.

In order to connect a triode, a transceiver is installed. The dual-channel USB oscilloscope circuitry also includes converters. They are selected at 20 or 25 V. If we consider the first option, then capacitors are allowed to use an open type. In order to install a 25 V converter, a high-quality operational filter is required. At the end of the operation, the controller is mounted. Output contacts with a USB port are connected via a transceiver.

Reviews of three-channel modifications

Three-channel USB oscilloscope reviews from experts condemns the good. First of all, it is important to note that such devices are highly accurate readings. Their sensors are used with different conductivity. The cathode ray tube is usually installed with an amplifier. For many versions, capacitors are used without filters. In order to solve problems with power surges, a conventional rectifier is used.

According to experts, the oscilloscope’s negative resistance should not exceed 30 ohms. Also, before switching on the modification, the threshold voltage parameter is checked. For a simple model, it must be no more than 35 V. In order to install a triode on the model, the contactor is soldered. Many devices use it without a regulator.

dual channel usb oscilloscope circuit

5V device assembly

With a contact expander, you can make a simple USB-oscilloscope with your own hands. The circuit of the device includes a cathode ray tube and a modulator. Filters are used to solve network congestion problems. Controllers are most often wired type. A thyristor is required for normal operation of the capacitors. To install it you will have to use a soldering iron.

If you believe the reviews of experts, then cassette counterparts in this case is better not to use. It is also important to note that tetrodes are not allowed to be inserted into a USB oscilloscope. This is primarily due to a sharp increase in negative resistance. Also, models with these elements consume a lot of electricity. Modifications based on broadband rectifiers are rare. At the end of the work, it is important to fix the output contacts. The USB port for connection is most often installed through a modulator.

usb oscilloscope

10 V Oscilloscopes

The 10 V oscilloscope circuitry includes two wired capacitors. To assemble the model, it is primarily important to do the installation of a cathode ray tube. For normal operation of the sensor, a transition modulator is used. It is installed in a USB oscilloscope through a winding. Some modifications have a thyristor. If you believe the reviews of specialists, then these models do not differ in high accuracy of readings. In this case, it is more advisable to select high-quality comparators.

The current conductivity of the elements must be at least 6.2 microns. The threshold sensitivity parameter of 10 W oscilloscopes fluctuates around 30 Ohms. On average, the operating frequency is not more than 130 Hz. If you believe the reviews of experts, then pass filters can not be used. First of all, they give a large load on the capacitors. It is also important to note that they are not able to fully cope with electromagnetic waves.

usb oscilloscope circuit

How to make a model on 15 V?

Making a USB oscilloscope for a 15 V computer is pretty simple. To assemble the model, a conventional cathode ray tube is used. However, it is important to note that it is more appropriate to select a modulator with an adapter. On the market, devices are presented at 10 and 15 microns. If we consider the first option, then the capacitors are used with a thyristor.

The maximum resistance of oscilloscopes is 25 m. If we consider modifications with an adapter of 15 microns, then only open type capacitors are allowed. To combat electromagnetic interference, plates are used. Converters in devices of this type will use low frequency. In order to improve the accuracy of measurement readings, rectifiers are used.

do-it-yourself usb oscilloscope circuit

Using PPR1 Series Resistors

Oscilloscopes with the indicated resistors are in great demand. These modifications belong to single-channel devices. Oscilloscopes are most suitable for testing electrical equipment. It is also important to note that they are highly sensitive. To make the model yourself, you need a cathode ray tube.

In this case, the modulator is applied pulse type. If you believe the feedback from consumers, it is more advisable to select contactors with a lining. However, a rectifier is placed before their installation. In order to correctly display the readings, a kenotron is used. To date, the specified device is available operational and wave type.

If we consider the first option, then to assemble the oscilloscope, you need a controller. Modifications with wave kenotrons are very rare. The resistance parameter of the equipment does not exceed 33 ohms. The signal conductivity index for models fluctuates around 4.5 microns. It is also important to note that a USB port is allowed to be connected through a modulator.

do-it-yourself dual-channel usb oscilloscope circuit

Reviews of models with resistors PPR3

Oscilloscopes with the indicated resistors are characterized by increased sensitivity. In this case, modulators are used only with low conductivity. As a rule, their output voltage parameter does not exceed 15 V. On average, the signal reducibility is 6 microns. Extenders for devices are selected pulse type. In order to assemble the USB oscilloscope yourself, you need a cathode ray tube. After fixing it, a modulator is placed.

The expander must be fixed near the comparator. To solve problems with low frequency, tetrodes are used. Directly resistors are installed without a lining. At the end of the work, a USB port is soldered to connect the equipment to the network. With sudden power surges, you need to install a stabilizer. The specified device is able to operate without an amplifier. To minimize heat loss, a comparator is used.


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