Refund of mistakenly transferred funds, sample claim

Now that financial activity occupies a large place in everyone’s life, it’s hard to imagine a person who at least once in his life did not perform any banking operation (paying fines and taxes, transferring funds to friends and various organizations). Unfortunately, each of us can transfer money to the wrong recipient. This incident may occur due to inattention or due to a technical error. As practice shows, few people know what needs to be done in order to make a return of erroneously transferred funds. A sample claim for a refund will be given below.

refund of mistakenly transferred funds

What you need to do when making an erroneous translation

If you find that the transfer was deposited to the wrong recipient's account, you should urgently contact the bank with a request to cancel the operation. There is a fairly high probability that the bank will meet you in case the transaction has not yet been conducted. But remember that the bank has the right to refuse to cancel the transaction.

If you receive a waiver from the bank, do not be discouraged. In this case, it is necessary to draw up an official letter in which you should write a request to make a return of erroneously transferred funds. A sample of such a letter has not been established. The letter can be addressed to both the bank that conducted the operation and the entity that received the money that was mistakenly transferred to its bank account. It is advisable to address the letter to the entity that mistakenly received the money, because after the transaction, the bank does not have the right to manage the money of the recipient. You can deliver the letter in person, send it by mail or send it via courier service. If you sent a letter to a banking institution, then the bank will try to resolve the situation on its own. How to make a return of mistakenly transferred funds? The letter, a sample of which is given below, will help in this matter.

refund of mistakenly transferred funds letter sample

Voluntary return

Upon receipt of your letter, the entity receiving the erroneous transfer may voluntarily return the payment to your account. If he refuses to return the money, it is necessary to file a claim with the arbitration court in order to return the erroneously transferred funds. A sample claim is presented below.

refund of mistakenly transferred funds, sample

Collection of funds through legislation

If all of the above methods did not help to recover the incorrectly transferred funds, you must file an application with the arbitration court. Certain evidence should be attached to this statement. These include originals and copies of documents confirming an error in a transaction. You can also attach a letter that was previously sent to the bank. How to file a lawsuit for the return of erroneously transferred funds? A sample statement is provided below and compiled in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

refund of mistakenly transferred funds letter sample

Recipient Responsibility

According to the court, the recipient who did not make a refund immediately after the discovery or completely abandons the procedure will be forced to return the money with a certain percentage, which is determined by the court during the proceedings.

If the error occurred due to technical problems or a bank error, it will be easier to return the money. After submitting an error statement on your part, the bank is obliged to check the facts and return the entire amount to your account.


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