How to get the “Promised payment” on MTS: terms of service and connection methods

Mobile TeleSystems operator has developed many useful communication services. One of them is the Promised Payment. What is the essence of this service? Thanks to it, you can top up your phone at any time of the day for a certain period. Upon its expiration, the amount previously taken by the subscriber is debited from the balance. How to get the “Promised payment” on MTS? Are there any additional nuances to keep in mind?

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Basic conditions

Almost all the company's customers can use the service in question. There are only a few exceptions:

  • the service is not provided in cases when more than 2 months have not passed since the moment of purchasing a SIM-card in a communication salon;
  • Connection is not possible if there are debts on other MTS SIM-cards;
  • You can’t connect the second payment if the debit date of the first has not yet arrived;
  • you don’t have to think about how to get the “Promised Payment” on MTS if the negative balance on your phone exceeds the amount of minus 30 rubles; activation of the service in such cases is not possible.

When connecting “Trust payment”, the subscriber independently chooses the amount (taking into account the maximum possible) and the term. The first parameter can range from 50 to 800 rubles. Regarding the maximum possible amount, it is worth noting that at low costs, subscribers are offered up to 50 rubles. If a person spends up to 300 rubles a month, then he has the right to use a payment of up to 200 rubles credited from the company’s funds.

Service cost

It is very important to know not only how to get the “Promised Payment” on MTS (Internet or number), but also what is the price for using it. Subscribers who deposit up to 30 rubles to their account use the service for free. This means that after the payment has expired, the amount that was taken is debited from the account.

how to get the promised payment on pay

For payments in excess of 30 rubles, Mobile TeleSystems has set a service fee. It can be 7, 10, 25 or 50 rubles. The fee is determined depending on the size of the payment credited from the funds of the company. The higher its amount, the greater the commission.

Service activation using the command

To quickly replenish the account, MTS created a special key combination. How to get the “Promised payment” on MTS using the team? This question is of interest to many subscribers. To connect the payment, you need to dial “asterisk” 111 “asterisk” 123 “trellis” and press the call button to complete the entry. Request will be sent. The balance is notified to the subscriber in an SMS message. In some cases, after sending the request, a window appears informing that the payment has not been established. This means that the subscriber’s request cannot be satisfied for some reason (for example, a negative balance exceeding the allowable amount).

Service connection using MTS service

For some people who decide to connect the Promised Payment to MTS, the combination to activate the service is unknown. For customers who do not know or do not remember the team, the company has provided an easy way out. You can replenish the balance by the desired amount at the expense of the company through the MTS service. In order to use it, you need to type a short and quickly catchy command - “asterisk” 111 “lattice”.

promised payment on pay number

After sending a short request, a menu appears on the phone screen. Navigation on it is carried out using numbers. To activate the payment, you need to go to the "Account" section, and then select the item offering to use additional features with a zero balance.

Connection of the service using your personal account and application

This is the most convenient way for owners of USB modems to quickly connect the "Promised Payment" to MTS. You do not need to dial a number. To activate the service, you need to go to the official website of the company, enter your personal account, select the section "Service Management" and the item "Connect new services". A page will open with a few text links in small print at the top. Necessary of them is the “Personal Account Menu”. If you click on it, a page opens, from which the connection of the "Promised Payment" begins.

Connecting services through the application is an easy way for smartphone owners. The Promised Payment is activated in a few clicks. The application has a wallet icon. If you click on it, a page will open on which you can connect.

how to get the promised payment on mts internet

Thus, answers were found to the question of how to get the “Promised Payment” on MTS. There are several ways. Each subscriber can choose for himself the most acceptable and remember it. It is worth noting that the “Promised Payment” is a convenient and necessary service. In some situations, it becomes a lifesaver, because if you can’t top up your phone account, you can borrow money from the operator.


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