"Faction of the Red Army": description, history and interesting facts

The "Red Army Faction" is one of the most famous left groups of the second half of the 20th century. Her activities still periodically cause controversy in German and world society. The group operated on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and became famous for its daring deeds committed in the name of revolution and the struggle against the capitalist system.

red army faction
The ideas and images of the RAF (such an abbreviation is often found in Russian-language sources, since the organization was called Rote Armee Fraktion in German) often inspire the young left today.

Creation Background

The "Red Army Faction" officially appeared in 1968. However, the organization of the group occurred much earlier. After the end of World War II, Germany was divided. The western part was occupied by American and British troops. The capitalist Federal Republic of Germany was created on this territory. The government was heavily dependent on the United States. In the 1960s, a new generation grew up that did not remember Nazi times. They interpreted in their own way the events of the first half of the 20th century, and because of this, a gap was formed between young people and older people. Among the intelligentsia, leftist ideas began to gain popularity. Gradually, hatred of the government and the United States of America began to grow, which had a significant impact on the life and politics of Germany.

American imperialism

After the US invasion of Vietnam, discontent only intensified. A wave of anti-American protests swept across Europe. Mostly these were student demonstrations. Informal organizations appear on the territory of Germany that become stiff opposition to the current regime. Due to pressure and repression, all these organizations do not get into parliament. In the first half of the 60s, student groups hold various rallies and protests, all are peaceful. Future members of the RAF are actively involved in political activities.

Red Army faction and red brigades
But all attempts to create an organized structure are unsuccessful. The opposition breaks up into small isolated associations, which are mainly engaged in ideological disputes.


The "Red Army Faction" was not a serious political force or a huge structure. Its active participants were familiar with each other and were very secretive. For the entire existence of the association, there were no more than one hundred people from the main asset in it. However, the RAF worked closely with other radical left-wing and communist organizations in Germany and beyond. The "Red Army Faction" and the "Red Brigades" often staged joint direct-action actions and helped each other.

At the source of the RAF was Andreas Baader.

red army faction history
He was born into a family of historians and raised by his grandmother. Immediately after graduation, he took up active social activities. He tried to open a shelter for homeless children, participated in various actions and demonstrations. After meeting with Gudrun Enslin begins to fight against the bourgeoisie and the government of Germany. Ulrike Meinhof can also be called a leader. Her story is very similar to the biographies of other prominent members of the RAF. Ulrika was left without parents early. Brought up by relatives. At the university she studied philosophy and sociology. Then she worked in various publications. During her studies, she met the Spanish radical left. She wrote several well-known works on political science and philosophy. Together with Baader and Enslin Ulrika participated in the arson of the supermarket, which became the starting point. It was from the ashes of supermarkets in Frankfurt that the "Red Army Faction" appeared.


By 1968, the RAF participants had already created a kind of association. Along with other left-wing people, they participated in demonstrations. At the same time, discussions began about the possibility of using violence against their opponents. So, from young dreamers young people turned into confident terrorists, ready for anything. A turning point in the ideology of the "Red Army Faction" can be considered a demonstration in 1967. On June 2, the shah of Iran, Mohammed Pahlavi, arrived in Germany. Then thousands of people came out to protest against the Muslim dictator. The furious crowd began clashes with the police, as a result of which one of the police shot at a student of Benno Onesorg. Then the young revolutionaries realized that the system would not allow them to spread their ideas so easily.


A year later, several members of the RAF set fire to large supermarkets in the city of Frankfurt.

fraction of the red army
According to arsonists, this action was supposed to remind European society that there are other countries in which people suffer because of the wars unleashed by the imperialists. The fire symbolized napalm, which American troops dropped on the Vietnamese settlements, burning them to the ground. All participants in the arson were detained a few days later. They were sentenced to three years in prison. However, this decision caused discontent in West German society. Protests forced the government to release all members of the RAF on bail.

Direct Shares

Nine days after the arson, a member of an ultra-right group assassinates socialist student Rudi Duchke. After this attempt, the leaders of the RAF decide to proceed with more radical actions. They are not in court and are hiding from the authorities. However, in the 1970s, Baader was arrested. Ulrike Meinhof decides to implement a daring plan to free his ally. Being a well-known journalist, she literally knocks out permission for an interview with Andreas. He is being delivered to the Institute of Sociology. Ulrika took a weapon with her with the help of which she wounded the guards and fled with Baader.

Immediately in the summer, she sends the manifesto of the RAF to one of the German magazines. The members themselves consider the escape of Andreas the beginning of their activities. The faction explains the meaning of the word “red army” as a reference to the Russian revolutionary army of 1918. The revolutionaries take the experience of the Latin rebels and their urban guerilla as the basis of the methods of struggle.

Guerrilla warfare

In the first years after Baader’s escape, RAF members began preparations for guerrilla warfare. They attacked collection vehicles and robbed banks. Also in Berlin swept a wave of theft of classified documents. The group has created a very impressive underground network.

about organizing a faction of the red army
Many supporters of the German "Red Army" appeared, the faction continued to distribute propaganda materials. The government thoroughly took up the radicals, declaring them on the federal wanted list.

In 1972, the first major terrorist attack occurred. Left-wing fighters staged a series of explosions throughout Germany. The objects of the attack were the institutions of diplomatic and other missions of the United States of America. As a result of the actions of the RAF, 4 people were killed, several dozen were injured.

Capture Leaders

In the summer of 1972, all prominent members of the RAF were arrested. About the organization "Faction of the Red Army" then the entire world press wrote. Well-known lawyers undertook to protect the arrested. Leftists around the world held protests. The famous French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre personally came to Germany and met with prisoner Baader. The image of the martyrs recruited new supporters in the so-called "second generation of the RAF." They carried out a series of killings and hostage taking in order to secure the release of terrorists from the German government.

meaning of the word red army faction

One of the most famous cases is the capture of an Lufthansa aircraft by members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Nevertheless, all RAF leaders were sentenced to life imprisonment. And in 1976-1977, they all died in the Stammheim prison under suspicious circumstances. According to the authorities, the cause of death was collective suicide. However, this version was not credible, especially considering the severity of the terrorists and the complexity of suicide in solitary confinement.


After the death of Baader, Meinhof and others, the RAF gained many followers. For more than twenty years, they have committed bold attacks on senior officials and large corporations.

red army faction
In 1998, the "Red Army Faction" ceased to exist. Self-dissolution was declared by members of the so-called "fourth generation." As a reason, they indicated the futility of further struggle and the pressure of the repressive machinery of the state.

Nevertheless, among the left intelligentsia to this day there are many supporters of the RAF. The Red Army Faction is still alive in the hearts of young revolutionaries. The history of this group formed the basis of many films and songs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12763/

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