Travel: list of cities in England

England is a country that millions of people dream of visiting. But where to go if you have such a chance? After all, England is full of interesting cities and, of course, I definitely want to visit them. This article presents a list of cities in England, which will briefly tell the most interesting about the settlements of a foggy country.

List of cities in England

Cities of England: A to D

  • Abingdon is the oldest city in England, conveniently located on the Thames. The small town is located south of Oxford and is the center of the county called the White Horse Valley. Given its considerable age, the town has preserved many ancient buildings, and its main attraction is considered to be the local history museum and one of the oldest monasteries in England.
  • Bath is a fairly large city located on the Avon River. Bath is very popular with travelers, as it is the birthplace of "Batian buns", and also there are hot springs. They drink water from Batsky sources and use them for bathing. It is believed that water is healing and helps fight many diseases.
  • Bedford. The list of cities in England (tourist) is always supplemented by Bedford - the city is small and not very interesting in terms of tourism. But many historians and architecture lovers strive to get here, because real medieval churches have been preserved here.
  • Bradford-upon-Avon is a picturesque city located a short distance from the Western Railway, which gives it a certain charm. The Avon River flows here, which divides the city into two parts: northern and southern. Two beautiful bridges are thrown across the river.
  • Birmingham is one of the largest cities in England.
  • Bristol is a famous and very popular city, which is also located on the Avon River. On the territory of this city there are numerous theaters, museums, restaurants and bars. Art galleries and the Bristol Industrial Museum are especially attractive for travelers. In addition, Bristol is considered the birthplace of trip hop, and several years ago it was recognized as the most musical city in England. The main attraction of Bristol is the Bristol Cathedral, created in the Gothic style.
  • Worcester is a small and not very popular city among travelers. But at the same time it’s quite picturesque, and Worcester Cathedral is located on its territory.
  • Derby. The list of cities in England for tourism necessarily includes the famous Derby, which is in great demand among those who want to see foggy Albion with their own eyes . The cathedral and numerous museums are what attract tourists to this city.

From to M

  • Eastbourne is an English beach resort, highly sought after by travelers.
  • Cambridge. The list of cities in England always replenishes this ancient city. The place is ideal for walking, and museums do not get tired to delight tourists.
  • London is the largest city in the UK, the capital of England and, of course, the most popular among those named. Expensive and fashionable boutiques, the best restaurants and bars, museums, theaters and libraries of England are located here in London. People often come here for sales that take place before Christmas and in the summer.
  • Liverpool is consistently on the list under the title "Most Popular Cities of England." This settlement never leaves the list of tourist cities - it attracts all sports tourists, since two famous English football teams are based here.
  • Manchester is known for the same thing as Liverpool - the football team. In addition, tourists are attracted to the famous Manchester Castle, various museums and art galleries.

Cities of England List

Cities of England: from O to C

  • Oxford is known worldwide for being the oldest university in Oxford. The cities of England are famous for many historical pearls. The list of attractions in Oxford is almost endless: here are museums, galleries, monuments, and unique architectural buildings.
  • Reading is an ideal city for walking. Always bright, dramatically different from other cities in England, Reading will surprise any tourist. Seeming inconspicuous and ordinary, it is nevertheless of great interest to tourists as a city for leisurely promenades and contemplation.
  • Slough is a seemingly unremarkable city, but its economy is developed at a high level, and the world's leading companies are concentrated here. For example, the first Mars chocolate bar was launched in the city of Slough.

List of cities in England alphabetically

At the end of the list

  • Chester is a beautiful and popular city in England in the west of Cheshire. The most popular attraction is Chester Cathedral.
  • Sheffield - one of the largest cities in England, is very favorable for visiting tourists. There are nature reserves, such as a reservoir, where unique plants grow, as well as various architectural structures that are of great historical value. Boutiques, restaurants and bars - Sheffield is not deprived of these social entertainments either.

The largest cities in England

Major cities in England, a list of which consists of several names, are very popular among tourists. Among them: London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and Leeds. Of course, the undisputed leader is London. It is there that all the main attractions of England are concentrated, and the main stream of tourists is here.

Major Cities of England List

List of cities in England alphabetically will help you choose the city that you want to visit.


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