Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Dubrovnik, Croatia

Every year, millions of tourists come to Croatia who want to see this beautiful vibrant country, enjoy beautiful views, clean beaches and receive treatment at mineral springs. One of the most popular cities is Dubrovnik, an ancient city surrounded by giant walls that once protected from attacks.

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Dubrovnik)

The city of Dubrovnik belongs to the Renaissance and is considered one of the most beautiful cities on a par with Venice and Amsterdam, located on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. Historic streets, museums and fountains, bell towers and hundreds of other attractions are the main distinguishing features of many cities in Europe.

One of the main attractions that all tourists are advised to see is the cathedral, which was built in 1713, located in front of the square Poljana M. Držića.

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Dubrovnik

The cathedral was designed and built on the site of former attractions, the oldest of which dates back to the 6th century. And the next building in the form of a church was erected in the 12th century and stood until the middle of the 17th. However, in 1667 an earthquake occurred, and the Romanesque church was completely destroyed.

Cathedral of the Virgin Mary: Description

At the end of one of the streets is the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary . Dubrovnik is a city famous for its beautiful churches, temples and palaces, which can be viewed for a long time not only inside but also outside .

The Cathedral of Virgin Mary belongs to the Italian Baroque style and, of course, was designed by an Italian architect. The main feature of the cathedral is that it has three domes and is visible from afar. Near the main altar there is a painting dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the hands of the artist Titian. In addition, the cathedral has several more paintings created by the followers of Raphael.

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

People visit this place also because it has a treasury in which, before the earthquake, a collection of art by European masters was stored. Part of the collection was lost during the earthquake, but even today there is something to see: dishes, crosses, jewelry - all this is stored in the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Dubrovnik is a city of history with its unique buildings that are simply impossible to count to the end.

Interestingly, the construction was started immediately after the earthquake in order to restore the city, but it lasted more than 30 years, during which many changes were made to the original plan. But the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was still completed and is a popular place for tourists.

Ascension Cathedral: interesting facts

Today, the old part of the city is stone buildings, and they also include the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Dubrovnik is a city that has been visually divided into old and new parts. Stone buildings that cannot be counted have been polished over the centuries as much as possible.

Until 1981, it was believed that the modern cathedral was the second in a row, built after the building of the 12th century. But when archaeological work was carried out, the remains of a previous building dating back to the 6th century were discovered.

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Dubrovnik

During the shelling by the Serbs in 1991, the cathedral was damaged, but so far has been completely restored.

Everyone who comes to Croatia is advised to visit the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary . Dubrovnik is a place where you can relax both culturally and physically. It has a good climate, sea air and a rich cultural program.

Dubrovnik has a rich and long history that can be seen on the streets of the city. It is worth noting in advance for yourself which places you most want to visit and see, because if you look at each object and go inside the buildings, it will take a lot of time, which most tourists do not have much, especially those who travel through the wonderful country of Croatia.


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