What to see in Tangalle, Sri Lanka?

Among the major cities throughout South Asia there are several worthy, but little-known vacation spots in Russia, including Tangalla (Sri Lanka). Sights - this is not the strongest side of this region, but the nature here is beautiful. We will tell you what a vacation in Tangalle is, when and why it is better to go here, what you need to be prepared for.

Tangalle beaches (Sri Lanka)

Geographical position

The island of Sri Lanka, or Ceylon, as they usually call it in Europe, has been gaining popularity in recent years as a place for a good beach holiday. But usually tourists go to the west and east coasts, which are well equipped. But the southern part of the island is just beginning to be developed, and tourist activity is gaining momentum here. Tangalli (Sri Lanka) is located just on the south coast of the island. This is the largest city in the region; two more cities adjoin it - Dikwella and Kudawella. About 200 km is separated from the country's capital Colombo Tangalla. You can get here by train, bus, but most conveniently by taxi. The island of Sri Lanka is located in South Asia and is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean and the Laccadive Sea. The coast on which Tangalla is located overlooks the Indian Ocean, and this determines the features of local recreation.

what to see in Tangalle (Sri Lanka)


Tangalla resort (Sri Lanka) is located in the monsoon climate zone, so you need to choose the time for the trip in accordance with the season schedule. From May to October, the rainy season begins on the south coast, they occur almost every day. The dry season lasts from November to April, at which time the number of sunny days prevails, although rainfall is still possible. In Sri Lanka it is always warm, the seasons in the usual sense do not exist here. In the dry season, daytime temperatures are around +30 degrees, ocean waters warm up to 27 degrees.

Features of rest

The resort agglomeration of Tangall (Sri Lanka) is located in the least developed part of the island. The tourist infrastructure here is not very well developed. In 2004, a powerful tsunami demolished a large number of buildings on the shore, and therefore, construction is currently underway there. Local relaxation is a relaxing beach holiday. There are not a large number of entertainment venues, there is no large tourist flow either. But there is untouched nature and deserted beaches. Tangalla is not a fashionable place, but a refuge of hermits. Here, like nowhere else, you can perfectly escape from the bustle of big cities and enjoy loneliness. It is not surprising that this place is often chosen by newlyweds who want to enjoy each other's company away from noise. A feature of local recreation is that the Indian Ocean rolls very strong and high waves ashore, which greatly complicates swimming. Therefore, tourists with children prefer to take baths in hotel pools. Another feature of local recreation is its cheapness. With such quality beaches and living conditions, the prices here are quite affordable.

hotel sri lanka

Tangalla beaches (Sri Lanka)

The main reason that tourists travel to the island of Sri Lanka is the opportunity to sunbathe and swim in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. Near the city of Tangalla (Sri Lanka) are some of the best beaches in the country. These are the purest kilometers of sandy shore, and this, with almost complete absence of people, sometimes you can go for a long time and not meet anyone. The best beaches in the city are Goiambokka and Pallikaduwa, located in a bay surrounded by small cliffs. The place is distinguished by completely virgin nature. "Rekava" - a beach stretching along the lagoon near the border of the reserve "Kalametiyya". The water is so clean that sea turtles come here to leave offspring. Another place for sunbathing is Medaketia, the waves here are quite high, and the coastal slope is rapidly gaining depth. But as a beach, this place is almost impeccable. It is quiet, clean, deserted, there is a necessary minimum of service. In general, the beaches of Tangalla are poorly equipped, the entertainment infrastructure is only developing here, but every year the service is getting better and more diverse.

parks sri lanka

What to see

Arriving on vacation, Russian tourists are never satisfied with lying on the beach, they always need an excursion program. The question of what to see in Tangalle (Sri Lanka) primarily concerns travelers. The city and its surroundings are not rich in cultural, historical and architectural sights. Tangalla itself is interesting as an example of an Asian city: non-parade, noisy, exotic. The districts left over from colonial times are worthy of attention, this is the Dutch building: the fort, the residence of the judge, the hotel. Even tourists with curiosity visit the cave temple of Mulkirigala, there are also some more unusual Buddhist temples. The main thing to see is natural attractions. These include the Udawale National Park, the Yala Safari Park, where you can see many exotic animals, the Bundala Bird Park and the Kalametiyya Bird Sanctuary.

Tangalle turtles

Things to do

There are not so many entertainments on the southern coast of the country, and Tangalla (Sri Lanka) is not an exception in this sense. The reviews of travelers who have been here tell that the business of organizing water trips is well developed, there are opportunities for diving, but difficult conditions require skill from the swimmers. The most interesting pastime is the observation of how turtles sail at night to the Rekava lagoon to lay eggs. And in the event that the turtles did not appear, tourists are returned the money. Sri Lanka is an exotic country, so many vacationers spend time tasting local cuisine. Although there are no special conditions for this, tourists visit the same establishments as the natives. Tasting qualities of dishes do not suffer, just a special service and interiors here you can not expect from catering. But still, the main pastime in Tangalle is walking, along the beaches you can walk a lot. It is completely safe and very interesting, because the nature here is unique.

Bundal Park

Hotel base

Today, many regions near the equator are fighting to attract tourists, including Tangalla (Sri Lanka). Reviews of tourists say that the hotel base of the southern coast of the country pleases with its diversity and novelty. Almost all hotels appeared here after 2004. The variety of accommodations is great, although there is a shortage of luxury hotels, there are only a few on the coast. The main offers are in the segment of 3 and 4 stars. Moreover, many hotels are located far from the beaches, only recently coastal areas began to be built up with infrastructure. But almost all hotels have good pools and offer a variety of services.

Tourists reviews

Talking about holidays in Tangalle (Sri Lanka), travelers do not skimp on enthusiastic comparisons and epithets. Everyone admires the local nature and desert coastline. Tourists note that, if desired, there is always something to do here. You can swim along the coast, fish, watch turtles and whales, ride in small towns scattered along the coast. Of the minuses, travelers call the almost complete lack of entertainment facilities and the difficulty of transferring from Bandaranaike International Airport to Tangalla. A bus runs from there twice a day, which goes to the destination for 4 hours. Other methods of transfer are less convenient and more expensive.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12771/

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