The era of pacifism: definition and essence

In the 20s of the last century, diplomats of leading world powers managed to resolve complex political contradictions peacefully. This time in history is celebrated as a stage of prosperity. A number of signed agreements could provide temporary stability to international relations, bypassing armed conflicts. The rise of industry, the growth of production and consumption, the development of new industries and means of communication have a positive effect on the way people think. The period of relatively peaceful coexistence was further defined as the "era of pacifism."

Peace way

The word "pacifism" is of Latin origin and literally means "making peace." Speaking about this phenomenon, first of all, they mean resisting all cruelty, immorality, physical violence and condemning military operations to achieve power. Such a view does not justify the war under any pretext. His main idea is that you can come to an agreement on any issues peacefully - through negotiations. That is why the 20s were called the era of pacifism - these were the years of negotiations.

It is curious that at the same time, as opposed to pacifism, fascism and Nazism, based on aggression and terror, are gaining strength in Italy and Germany.

era of pacifism

The roots of pacifism

Without a small digression into history, it will be impossible to explain the meaning of the expression “era of pacifism”. If earlier the phenomenon we were considering made itself felt in small outbursts, then in the 20th century it was possible to observe how the idea of ​​peaceful existence captured whole states.

Pacifism as an ideology has lived for a long time and takes its roots in the religion of different nations. Even in antiquity, philosophers voiced the ideas of humanity, peace and good. Julius Caesar penetrates them, erecting a temple in honor of the cult of mercy. In Christianity, this idea also took a leading position.

However, this phenomenon was alien to the barbarian peoples who inhabited Europe and used to live in war. They regarded the world as a short respite in order to gain strength and to be able to continue to fight further for domination, resources and influence. With the spread of Christianity, the picture has changed little, only now the war was perceived as sacred, as a way to restore justice and peace.

This was probably guided by Germany as the main instigator of the First World War of 1914, calling it defensive. Although this issue is very controversial, it would be unfair to refer only to the Germans. Each of the participating countries pursued its own interests, be it France or Russia.

Postwar world order

The era of pacifism of the 20th century was a natural consequence of established interstate relations after the tragic war of 1914-1918, which entailed great losses. On the one hand, social upheavals, weakened financial systems, and ruined state economies required appropriate conditions for stabilization. On the other hand, the balance of power and interests of the great powers changed, and the constantly emerging contradictions between them required a settlement. All this led to the question of creating a new system of relations that could prevent a war or at least reduce risks. And the main role in this process was assigned to the Big Three - France, Great Britain and the USA.

The result of two international conferences of 1919-1922 was the Versailles-Washington system, which provided for the equality of all its participants. Of course, in reality this was not so.

era of pacifism briefly

Alignment of forces

The time has come when, it seemed, the wars in the world were over. Everywhere there were slogans calling for peace, for disarmament.

The defeated countries, mainly Germany, as well as the deprived participants of the Versailles-Washington conferences (Japan and Italy) did not have sufficient forces to directly object and oppose the established order. To realize their goals, they were forced to use peaceful methods. The era of pacifism gave them time to restore and strengthen the economy and military power, so that later they could confidently "cast their vote."

The Soviet Union, engaged in socialist transformations in the country, also needed favorable external conditions. In no case did he need conflicts with the capitalist powers, so he adhered to the principle of peaceful coexistence.

In short, the era of pacifism was a time of calm before a big storm.

The League of nations

During the Versailles-Washington meetings of 1919-1920. The League of Nations international organization was founded. Its main activity was to ensure security and peaceful resolution of conflicts. It can be said that with the formation of this organization the beginning of the era of pacifism was laid. 44 countries signed its charter; the Soviet Union was not invited.

The importance of the League of that era can hardly be overestimated: it coped well with the tasks set, opposing aggression and maintaining peace in every way. On her account a large number of resolved international conflicts. But as history further showed, not all issues were within her power.

explain the expression of the era of pacifism

German problem

Despite all efforts, the stabilization that arose in the 20 years was very unstable. The measures taken could not calm down the deep contradictions that had successfully begun to hide under the veil of the era of pacifism.

The stumbling block for the leading world powers was the attitude to the German question. The United States and England from the very beginning advocated a "strong Germany" as a counterweight to France and Soviet Russia. They pursued an active policy of financing and supporting the German economy, made concessions in some wishes.

France, however, insisted on the observance of the Treaty of Versailles and opposed all concessions to the German revanchists. She understood that the strengthening of Germany in the international arena poses a threat to security and the loss of France’s significant position in Europe. But under pressure from the Anglo-Saxon states, she was forced to restrain her ardor and strengthen the rear with the allied states by signing cooperation agreements.

Thus, the German question affected the interests of leading states and created a certain tension.

pacifism era 20th century

Formula Herrio

France, changing its position from offensive to defensive, chose a new direction in interstate relations - open diplomacy. She came up with a number of projects for ensuring international security, the developers of which were two prominent French politicians - E. Heriot and A. Briand.

Herrio's formula was expressed in three terms: arbitration, security, and disarmament. It implied the idea of ​​renouncing hostilities as a way to resolve interstate problems.

League members enthusiastically accepted the proposal - the Geneva Protocol of 1924 was signed. But he could not enter into force because of the contradictions of the leading powers, which "stumbled" on the definitions of "offensive" and "defensive" war.

The term “era of pacifism” coined by historians for this period, as you understand, is very conditional. Along with loud slogans about peace, serious passions boiled over the division of territories and influence.

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British program

England comes forward with its peacekeeping project in Europe, still based on the principle of a balance of power. She proclaims her openness to negotiations and peaceful diplomacy.

A variant of the European system was introduced by British Foreign Secretary Austin Chamberlain. He conditionally divided the states into three camps - the winners, the defeated and the Soviet Union, arguing that an agreement and compromise are possible between the former, while the USSR is a destructive factor.

Chamberlain's uniqueness of the plan was that it simultaneously solved all the main tasks: reassuring France regarding its borders; the introduction of Germany into the Versailles system as a full member; preventing rapprochement between Russia and Germany.

as you understand the term era of pacifism

Locarno Conference

At an international conference in 1925, held in the Swiss city of Locarno, the British program became the main topic of discussion. During the meeting, documents regulating relations between countries were considered and adopted. The most important document signed - the Rhine Pact - was approved by Belgium, France, Germany and the UK. It served as a guarantee of the inviolability of their borders, with the exception of the latter, acting as an arbiter in these complex negotiations. In the fall of 1926, Germany became a member of the League of Nations and received the right to vote on its Council.

The Locarno Accords helped preserve peace in an era of pacifism, but this world was so controversial that it was more characterized as a temporary truce.

why 20 years were called the era of pacifism

Briand Pact - Kellogg

Wanting to restore US participation in solving European problems, French Foreign Minister A. Brian calls on the American people. He suggests signing a Franco-American treaty banning war as an instrument of foreign policy. His idea was approved. F. Kellogg, Secretary of State of the United States, in response calls for a multilateral treaty by connecting European governments. Germany was the first to respond, fully supporting the project. The United Kingdom makes a number of comments, as a result of which the document has been finalized and clarified.

On August 27, 1928, as a result of lengthy diplomatic negotiations, the Pact for the renunciation of war between 15 states was signed. Its universality was that not only recognized, but also dependent, and semi-colonial countries could join it. The figure of 63 countries at the end of the same year explains this well.

What were the foundations of the era of pacifism

The expression of the ideas of pacifism in the 20 years acquired a bright color. The depletion of resources and fatigue from the war contributed to the growth of anti-war sentiment, which political leaders could not ignore. Some countries were weakened and fragmented to go to conflicts, others strengthened their positions. At this stage, nobody needed a war. All this contributed to relative stabilization in Europe, later called the era of pacifism.

The established world order, despite the positive aspects, had significant gaps. Too many states have been put in a humiliating position before the leading powers. The issues of territorial borders and nationalism could not be resolved due to many contradictions and conflicts.

Thus, the era of pacifism did not last as long as its supporters wanted. The collapse of the New York Financial Exchange in 1929 marked the beginning of a global economic crisis, political confrontation, increasing global tension and the threat of a new war.


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