Bank "Left Bank": reviews

There are banking institutions in Russia that have been on the market since 1991 - as soon as the entire credit and financial system as a whole began to emerge. These entities, as a rule, have a stable management model, established contacts, a wide client base, and fairly high-quality products that are in demand on the market.

One of these is Levoberezhny Bank, operating in the Siberian region. It is well known there because it has a wide network - 19 offices, 7 offices for issuing loans, as well as more than 100 ATMs and terminals.

Bank "Left Bank"

In the framework of this article, we will describe what this institution is, at what level the services are provided here, what they can offer the client, and so on.


Let's start with the awards and ratings in which this institution was positively noted. To see the situation more objectively, we take into account only those achievements that were obtained in 2015. So, the Rusipotek analytics center, creating a rating of the most advanced banking institutions involved in issuing mortgages, placed Levoberezhny Bank (Kemerovo) in 33rd place. In a different perspective - in terms of the volume of the loan portfolio - an authoritative publication (RIA Rating) defined the bank described in the article for 120th place. In terms of total assets, the same agency ascribed “Left Bank” to 136th place. Finally, the Moscow Stock Exchange, in the category of “Leading Trading Operators,” ranked the bank at 35th position.

As you can see, this institution has some achievements, which are supported by leadership in the market and a wide client base.

Bank "Left Bank" Novosibirsk


Deposits are a favorite banking tool of people who know how and love to save money. Bank “Levoberezhniy” offers about 10 types of deposits - they all differ in currency, minimum amount for investment, interest rate and other conditions (the ability to replenish, withdraw money, open via the Internet). Each client, depending on what interests him, can choose the best deposit for himself and keep money in this bank. Examples of investment plans: “Investment” (minimum for investment - 10 thousand, a deposit is charged 12% per year, the depositor has the opportunity to issue it through the Internet bank and, in addition, make deposits); “Favorite” (minimum - 50 thousand, from 10.5 to 11.5 percent of profit for the year, additionally 7% is credited to the account “Wallet”). There are also plans for senior citizens, for children, deposits in foreign currency, demand deposits.

Credit Bank “Left Bank”


Since the described institution accepts investments, respectively, Levoberezhniy Bank can issue a loan at several rates, depending on whether the client is a regular user or comes here for the first time. The means of payment through which the client will receive borrowed funds also play a role - is it a credit card, a simple card of the client, or some other form.

In the case of lending, the bank divides customers into categories. So, these are holders of salary cards, pensioners, new clients wishing to get a “credit card”, clients with a positive credit history, employees of companies that are partners of the bank. Accordingly, the conditions for issuing loans for each of these categories are different. Although in different branches the Bank “Left Bank” puts equal percentages. Novosibirsk, Kemerovo or Barnaul - regardless of where the branch of the institution is located.

Bank "Left-bank" Kemerovo

Other products

In addition to lending and depository activities, the bank also carries out a number of other operations. In particular, it is currency exchange, issuing bank cards, opening accounts for saving money, opening a mortgage for the purchase of real estate, providing private services remotely, placing valuables in bank safes and more. All this allows the client to work with the same bank, regardless of the service that he needs.

Customer reviews

The general list of opportunities that the institution provides its clients is, of course, good. But you can understand how a particular bank works only after familiarizing yourself with real customer reviews. And you can do this on specialized resources, for example, on forums of depositors and borrowers. Which we did in order to understand what “Left-bank” bank is.

Bank "Left Bank" Novokuznetsk

Novokuznetsk or Kemerovo, Barnaul, or any other city where the branch of the office we are interested in is located does not matter - recommendations from people from all over the country are collected on the reviews site. And you can learn from them, for example, that in some branches customers are offered to exchange currency 5 rubles cheaper, but without a queue; in others, they delay the payment of interest on a deposit; and somewhere - they threaten after giving a loan. All these negative reviews were left by those who were dissatisfied with the service in “Left Bank”. In fact, there are a lot of such recommendations: somewhere the bank employees are to blame, in some situations the fault lies with the client.

At the same time, there are positive characteristics - the operations that interested the client were carried out successfully, and in the end, the visitor to the department was satisfied.

That is, in fact, it is definitely impossible to say that in this institution you will be served “at the highest level” or “terribly”. Perhaps it all depends on the people the client is facing.

Employee Reviews

Also interesting in order to understand how the bank is arranged will be the reviews of employees. On them you can see the work of any company from the inside. The positive characteristics of employees indicate, for example, a friendly team, an interesting job, a good schedule and a developed corporate ethics in the bank. Although there are negative reviews that speak of rudeness on the part of superiors, not working according to a labor contract, but according to a civil law contract (which means a lesser degree of protection for the interests of the employee), the salary is “in an envelope” (when they officially pay the minimum salary , but in reality the employee receives a completely different amount). Judging by the reviews, all this is also present, so working conditions cannot be called ideal. But there is stability, the possibility of growth and, in the end, experience.


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