Democritus: a brief biography and philosophical activity

In ancient Greece, many philosophical schools arose, the study of which scientists today pay attention to. Already in those distant times (and probably earlier), the most knowledgeable people thought about such categories as the construction of the world, the meaning of human existence, relations with nature, and other issues that are of concern to us now. Needless to say, the final answers to most of the questions posed thousands of years ago have not been found, and it is unlikely that this will ever happen, but the attempt itself is commendable. One of the prominent philosophers of ancient Greece is considered Democritus. A brief biography of this pundit and his basic ideas are offered to readers of this article.

democritus curriculum vitae

What is known about Democritus?

The years of life are supposedly in chronological frames from 460 (birth) to 370 (death). BC, the homeland is the Thracian city of Abdera in the eastern part of modern Greece. In many cases, concerning the biography of famous philosophers, speakers and school representatives, the information is based on facts that cannot be verified today. Democritus is not an exception, a short biography of which is compiled on the basis of scattered information from various sources. It is known, in particular, about his many wanderings, during which he visited many distant lands, including Iran, Babylonia, Egypt, Ethiopia and India. There is no doubt that he has a high intellect, a critical view of modern sciences, a passion for several disciplines, and a general desire not only to know, but also to comprehend the information received. In addition, we can logically conclude that this scientist and thinker came from a noble and wealthy family, otherwise he would not have the opportunity and time for such long trips and thoughts. So who was Democritus? Interesting facts from his biography came to us in retelling, mean and probably distorted, but they also say a lot about this man.

philosophy of democritus

Works and treatises

The original manuscripts have not been preserved, therefore, their scientific content can only be judged by paraphrases and references in which later authors quoted this philosopher. The ideas of Democritus in our time are of great interest due to the fact that the latest achievements of science paradoxically repeat what they argued in Ancient Greece and which most recently caused only an ironic grin. His other thoughts are very reminiscent of modern ideas about the structure of the world. In total, there were, according to Diogenes of Laertes, about seven dozen (some researchers estimate the amount to be fifty). Perhaps some hypotheses belong to Leucippus, whose follower is considered to be Democritus. A brief biography of his teacher, however, is generally unknown to science. The works are devoted to a very wide range of disciplines, including mathematics, ethics, astronomy, physics, philology, medicine, music theory, technology and several other sciences that were considered the most important in Ancient Hellas. In the retelling, three hundred fragments were preserved.

democritus interesting facts

Atomic theory

The atomic theory of Democritus is strikingly reminiscent of modern ideas about the structure of matter, formed in the twentieth century. True, in those distant times, these elementary particles were considered the smallest in the Universe and therefore indivisible (hence the name), but the ability of an ancient scientist who lived almost twenty-five centuries ago to penetrate the structure of a molecule with his mind in the complete absence of a material base makes it surprising this hypothesis is empirical. Atoms are in constant and chaotic motion inside the void, forming vortex clouds and composing material objects. They are different (in shape and size), and this explains the differences in the properties of substances - this is what Democritus believed. Interesting facts, in his opinion, could be observed when exposed to radiation from the atoms.

ideas of democritus


In ancient Greece, the divine theosophical theory was dominant, according to which a specific mythological character was responsible for each area of ​​human activity. The philosophy of Democritus differed from the official state ideology in its almost complete materialism. Moreover, the scientist mercilessly debunked the established notions of deities, pointing to their resemblance to living people and using this argument as evidence of the artificiality of their image. All Olympic celestials, in his opinion, were simply invented by people who were powerless to explain the mysterious nature of the world.

Democritus and the soul

However, there is also a certain philosophical contradiction, which allows us to ask the question: "Was Democritus such an atheist?" His brief biography does not contain information about serious conflicts with the pagan clergy of that time, and besides, he recognized the existence of such a clearly intangible category as the soul. True, her philosopher imagined himself as a bunch of atoms wandering around the body and leaving it at the time of death or before it, when the forces gradually leave an aging or ill person. These smallest particles, in his opinion, wander in the Universe forever, they are immortal and do not disappear anywhere. What is not the law of conservation of matter? And what is not proof of the immortality of the soul?

theory of democritus


Democritus paid much attention to this phenomenon, known to modern medicine as a state of the psyche, manifested in complete fearlessness caused by a strong emotional shock. According to his theory, such a serenity of the spirit is a sign of deep wisdom. It is necessary to strive for it, and it is achieved only by a great deal of self-improvement and comprehension of many of the sacraments of the world. The ataraxic philosophy of Democritus was developed in the achievements of many schools, mainly skeptical, stoic and epicurean. We have reached his aphorisms in which the randomness of events is denied, the usefulness of the ability to be silent (not just speak) is declared, the priority of thinking over knowledge is affirmed, and contentment with what a person possesses is encouraged. It’s hard to disagree with all this.

discovery of democritus

What does a person think?

More recently, modern medical science has put forward another revolutionary theory, according to which the human mind is concentrated not so much in the brain as in the heart. This looks, if not plagiarism, then at least a retelling of the meaning of the discovery of Democritus, which he made two and a half millennia ago. The ancient Greek scientist believed that the thorax and what is enclosed in it is the center of thinking of each of the people.

Who knows what modern scientists will come to? Perhaps they will largely overestimate the postulates of philosophical schools of bygone centuries. After all, everything develops in a spiral ...


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