Insurance companies "Casco": rating and reviews

It is recommended to insure expensive movable property . The goal is to obtain guarantees of replenishment of financial investments in its acquisition. Car insurance against theft and damage is called the Casco insurance policy. There are two types of transactions - full and partial. The risks that the car owner wants to protect themselves from are taken into account. Casco insurance companies (rating below) insure the car according to the following principle: reimbursement takes place with deduction of depreciation depreciation, paid and unpaid contributions of the insured.

Insured events

Cases for the payment of material compensation for insurance "Casco" recognize:

  • Damage to a car during a traffic accident.
  • Ignition of a car. Payment is made if there are official documents from firefighters.
  • Car explosion due to fuel detonation.
  • Damage to the vehicle due to various natural phenomena.
  • Damage to the vehicle with third-party items.
  • Illegal actions of third parties in relation to the machine.

Cases that do not fall into the category of Casco insurance claims

The category of insurance events for the payment of indemnity under the Casco policy does not include:

  • Operation of a faulty vehicle.
  • Violations of fire safety rules during operation of the machine.
  • Failure to comply with the rules for the transport of dangerous goods.
  • The operation of the vehicle by a person who is not authorized to do so.
  • Driving in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication.
  • The consequences of terrorist acts, military operations, social unrest, orders of authorities, nuclear energy.

How to choose an insurance company for the Casco policy?

Car insurance is a serious matter. Approach the choice of a company that will provide a financial pillow in case of damage or theft, you need with all responsibility.

Casco insurance companies rating
The main criterion for assessing the profitability of policy proposals is rating indicators. Casco insurance companies, whose rating we present below, are evaluated primarily by independent experts that take into account objective parameters. The assessment is also carried out by professionals "from the people" who express a subjective opinion. Below we will consider the reliability rating of Casco insurance companies. It was made up by experts of the Expert RA agency in the top 5 category.

Insurance company "Rosgosstrakh"

The list, including Casco insurance companies, whose rating allows them to be in the top 5, is opened by Rosgosstrakh. Established in 1992 and the successor of Gosstrakh, the company has retained the experience and traditions accumulated from the day it was founded. The main activity of the company is working with individuals.

Casco insurance company rating
The rating of the Casco insurance company is supported by statistics. There are 3 thousand representative offices in the Russian Federation. The full-time staff includes more than 97,000, of which 60,000 are insurance agents. The customer base is more than twenty five million people.

What can attract people with insurance under the Casco policy at Rosgosstrakh? Firstly, a high rating indicator for reliability. Secondly, compensation is offered within three thousand rubles if it is necessary to call a tow truck. If you believe the reviews, customers are attracted by the absence of the need to provide certificates from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the traffic police when an insured event occurs. In case of minor damage, a referral for car repair is issued for 3 days.

Rosgosstrakh offers Casco for novice drivers, experienced drivers. In addition, there is an anti-crisis policy (cases that are not covered by OSAGO are insured). Insurance can be issued now, and payment of the policy by installments for up to 6 months.

SOGAZ Insurance Group

We further consider the insurance company "Casco". The rating of the SOGAZ group is quite high. It has been operating since 1993. During its existence, the group has firmly won the highest level of “A ++” according to the version of Expert RA agency.

rating of insurance companies casco moscow

The most important fact testifying in favor of the company is the use in the practice of insurance of registration of accidents according to Europrotocol without involving police officers.

Insurance company Ingostrakh

In this rating, the bronze goes to, according to experts, the company created in 1947 - Ingostrakh. An extensive network consists of 83 branches and more than 200 offices in the country. The rating of insurance companies “Casco” (Moscow is taken into account first of all) evaluates an individual approach to a client, the economic benefits of insurance and many other criteria.

Casco spb insurance companies rating
In terms of Casco insurance, the company has developed several policies that are designed to solve any problems that arise with car breakdowns on the road. In addition, the organization is actively introducing IT technologies that allow it to monitor the driving of a client’s car online. Reviews show that this service is popular. The company also offers car parts insurance.

Insurance company RESO-Garantia

The Casco insurance company rating allows RESO-Garantia to firmly establish itself in fourth place in the top 5 ranking. 1991 is considered the year of foundation of the company. Now more than 800 branches with 19 thousand employees work. The rating of insurance companies “Casco” (SPB) also takes into account the client base of the company, which is represented by more than 8 million legal entities and individuals.

Casco insurance companies national rating
If you believe the reviews, the policies offered by RESO-Garantiya provide almost complete financial coverage for losses incurred by customers in the event of an insured event. For example, the service "RESOauto GAP" allows you to cover the difference in the cost of the car and reimbursement of insurance payments under the standard CASCO policy. And the RESOAuto HELP-Comfort package provides for comprehensive assistance on the road: an emergency call for doctors, an emergency commissioner, urgent evacuation and car repair.

A lot of good reviews can be heard about the VIP service program, which provides a personal manager for service. This package allows round-the-clock dialing to the dispatch service, provides step-by-step instructions for insured events, and allows you to get a repair direction remotely from the insurance company. In case of minor damage to the car, damages are made without the help of the traffic police.

Insurance company Alfa Insurance

The fifth leading position in the expert rating of Casco insurance companies belongs to Alfa Insurance. It was founded in 1992 as an open joint-stock company under the name “East European Insurance Agency” (V.E. St.A.), which in 2000 joined the Alfa Group consortium and received a new name. The company is represented by 270 regional branches. Clients are about 25 million individuals and more than 400 thousand legal entities.

rating reviews of insurance companies Casco
A feature of the company is attention to detail, which is important when buying a policy for a car. Several types of Casco are offered. The reviews show that the AlfaCASCO 50x50 package will allow the client to save half the cost of the traditional policy in the event that no incidents occur for the period of insurance with the car. Also, upon the occurrence of such a situation, it is possible to supplement 25% of the cost of the policy and receive a full insurance payment.

The company's attention to customers is also evident in the development of AlfaBusiness policy. In its framework, with minor damage to the car, repairs are carried out without the need to provide certificates from the traffic police. At the same time, the policy “Alpha. All Inclusive ”offers insurance, in which a reimbursement of up to 50% of the sum insured occurs without providing any certificates. And "CASCO in the top ten", developed by the company, compensates for losses from theft or troubled accident, in which the perpetrator does not have a policy.


An expert rating of insurance companies was reviewed . These are the best organizations in the industry, according to experts. The national rating of Casco insurance companies is subjective. Although in many respects customer reviews coincide with the opinions of qualified experts.

Casco insurance companies reliability rating
Before you purchase a policy, you should definitely study the independent rating. Feedback from Casco insurance companies is not always true. Before you make a deal, you should weigh the pros and cons.


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