What was the name of Russia under St. Sergius. Sergius of Radonezh in the history of Russia

In 2014, the entire Christian world celebrated the seventh anniversary of the appearance on earth of the great righteous Sergius of Radonezh. In this article we will try to introduce you to the life of the great Russian hegumen, we will tell you what was called Russia under St. Sergius. Let us explain why the significance of his activities in the history of our Fatherland is so great.

what was the name of russia under saint sergius

Birth of St. Sergius

On the sixteenth of May (according to the new style) in 1314, the future abbot of the Russian Earth was born. Forty days after the birth, the baby was called Bartholomew, which means "Son of joy." This name was rare at that time among the boyars. It was worn by one of the twelve apostles of Christ.

The estate of his parents was located in the village of Varnitsa, not far from Rostov the Great. From childhood, Bartholomew was marked by special grace. Every year, Mary and Cyril became convinced of the God-chosen son.

Radonezh - the second homeland of Sergius

In 1328, the family moved to Radonezh, where Bartholomew began to show interest in monastic life and for the first time thought about how to leave for the monastery. This idea belonged to his brother Stephen, who had gone to the monks. Bartholomew's father was dissatisfied with this decision and did his best to dissuade his middle son from such a move.

Sergius did not upset his father and stayed with his parents to help them with the housework. In 1337, Sergius's parents died, and he, having given his part of the inheritance to his younger brother, began to lead the life of a hermit in a dense forest together with his elder Stefan.

the name of russia at sergius of radonezh

What was the name of Russia under St. Sergius? Our Fatherland in those days was called Russia, where from time immemorial hermitism was considered the highest degree of monastic perfection. The brothers built a cell and began to live a secluded life. Stefan could not stand the test and left the cell. Sergius was left completely alone. Soon the rumor spread about the hermit as a holy man (the righteous). Monks and ordinary believers began to go to him.

Around Sergius formed a small community of twelve people. They built a wooden church in the name of the Holy Trinity. From the Monk Sergius the cult of the Trinity began. It was a community that revived the spirit of unanimity and brotherly love. They preached the principle of life "Do not do what you do not want to be done to you." For that time it was new and unusual. In monasteries hatred, squabbles, greed flourished.

Believers began to go to Sergius to see the existence of an โ€œearthly miracleโ€. Soon they began to say that a righteous man, the messenger of God, lives next to them. Under St. Sergius, Russia was called Rus. And at that time it was believed that the invasion of the Mongol-Tatar tribes was a punishment for her sins. Only the revival of God's mercy can help her be saved. The Sergius community is an indicator of a truly righteous lifestyle.

Russia at St. Sergius

Miracles of the Holy Righteous

Christians are sure that only thanks to great faith in the Lord and constant sincere prayers, Sergius of Radonezh received the gift of healing the people who prayed for his help. He could heal blindness with one touch of his hand, he healed the possessed and the weak, the dumb and the lame.

Once in one of the monasteries, where the Rev. was at that time, the water ran out. He began to pray intensely to the Almighty, found a place, consecrated it with a cross, and a miracle happened - in this place he scored a fontanel, which today is called Sergiev.

One late night, the Great Righteous prayed and read about the life of the Virgin. A strong gust of wind blew out the lamp. Sergius was so kindled by his spirit that the book shone with heavenly light.

Like many saints, the Rev. was endowed with the gift of providence. It was thanks to this gift that his blessing of the famous Prince Dmitry Donskoy to the battle with the Tatars turned out to be so effective. This victory was the beginning of the maturity and strengthening of Muscovite Russia, as Russia was called under St. Sergius. And the Great Righteous became her inspirer.

under saint sergia russia was called

Sergius of Radonezh in the history of Russia

For his long and righteous life, Sergius founded twenty monasteries, and not only in Moscow. Russia under St. Sergius with the help of monasteries begins to explore new lands. He has many students, with age, his authority becomes unshakable.

Rev. Sergius played a large role in the victory of the militia on the Kulikovo field. Dmitry Donskoy did not have enough warriors to confront the Golden Horde. It was necessary to collect a militia. It was required to explain to the people that this was a holy war. Dmitry came to Sergius and asked for blessings for the feat of arms. The reverend blessed the warrior, and in addition, on his advice, two monks entered the Russian army.

The significance of the activities of Sergius

He never took part in hostilities, did not fight with anyone. But by the historical significance of his work, Sergius was higher than the generals of that time. Anyone interested in history knows that in the thirteenth to fourteenth centuries there was a different name for Russia. Under Sergius of Radonezh, the Slavic people were united by the proud and capacious name Rus (Moscow).

The great righteous man was a true church diplomat, the greatest Christian, the creator of new monasteries, a teacher who raised a lot of students and followers who brought his thoughts and ideas to life.

Sergius of Radonezh in the history of Russia

Sergius Memorial Day

Sergius of Radonezh died on September 25, 1392 at the age of seventy-eight. This day is considered by Christians as the day of memory of St. Sergius. At this time, people were going to the monastery he founded - the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - in an endless stream. They pray, bow to the relics of St. Sergius. From ancient times on this day, princes and tsars of Russia came to his relics and walked to the monastery.

After death, Sergius is counted among the great saints. Having lived a long and righteous life, he was able to unite the Russian princes, persuade them to submit to the prince of Moscow and together oppose the Tatars.

The soul of the Russian church

Many believers believe that even today in the Holy Trinity Lavra, founded by the Monk, the soul of the Church of Russia lives, as it was called Russia under St. Sergius. Russian abbot is revered by our people and Christians of the whole world, like no other. Therefore, being in the Trinity Lavra is always grace. Sergius of Radonezh is our commander in visible and invisible battles. For seven centuries, Russian people have been talking about the Great Righteous, that with him we are not afraid of any trouble.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12818/

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