How to disable 3G on iPhone 3G and other types of data transfer

By periodically disabling 3G and mobile data transfer, you can significantly save traffic and, accordingly, payments for using the network. This article gives instructions on how to disable 3G on iPhone 3G, as well as transferring other data.

Since this may seem a bit confusing, let's start by explaining the difference between mobile data, 3G and data roaming.

how to disable 3g on iphone 3g

What is data transfer

Mobile data is best seen as mobile Internet. If you turn them off, you will not be able to browse the web or use any application that is based on continuous access to the Internet. Some email, contacts, and calendar applications will have some offline features , but cannot be fully used unless you have an internet connection.

Turning off mobile data does not mean that you cannot use the Internet on your mobile at all. As long as you have a Wi-Fi connection, you can browse web pages and email as usual.

3G refers to the speed of your mobile Internet connection. If you have such an opportunity, you can disable 3G on iPhone 3G and return to the 2G standard, which is slower and works on GPRS or EDGE.

Turning off the 3G data connection will help to extend the battery life, and at the same time it will allow you to make and receive calls, have access to data using EDGE or GPRS.

how to disable 3g on iphone


Roaming data means using mobile data in another country. The cost of using the Internet abroad is much higher. In this case, the question of how to disable 3G on the iPhone 3G is especially relevant, since it is always better to find a cheaper Wi-Fi access point to check email and browse the web. Moreover, there are practically no problems with such points these days. In addition, you can catch a free signal in cafes and train stations.

How to disable 3G on iPhone?

This guide assumes that the phone is running iOS 6, but these parameters are very similar on older versions of the platform. Depending on your mobile operator, the names of some options may vary.

Step 1.

From the main screen, select “Settings” (if you cannot see the application settings, go right to the Spotlight search screen and look for “Settings”).

Step 2

Select General, and then NMobile Data. On some iPhones, this item may be called Cellular. On older versions, look for "Networks" (this applies to instructions on how to disable 3G on iPhone 3G).

Step 3

Now you can use the slider next to “Enable 3G” to turn it off. However, if you use a mobile operator that only supports 3G, you will not see this option at all, since disconnection will not be possible.

You can also disable Mobile Data in this menu, which means you must use Wi-Fi to access the Internet. In addition, you can immediately choose whether to allow data transfer in roaming.

Step 4

Now go to the menu item that regulates the transfer of mobile data. You will be able to see a set of options showing which restrictions can be applied. Some applications automatically warn you that if you turn off data transfer, you will not be able to use them.

disabling 3g on iphone 3g


The above instructions show how to disable 3G on iPhone 3G, as well as other ways of exchanging information, which can lead to additional costs. As you can see, this is very simple and does not require any special knowledge. By connecting only to Wi-Fi networks in roaming, you will be convinced that you get considerable money savings. In addition, this will significantly extend the battery life of your smartphone, which is also important, especially on the road.


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