Where are the Gagra? In which country?

Sunny and hospitable Abkhazia with its unique culture and ancient history has long attracted vacationers and tourists. Interesting traditions, exceptional climate, holy places - all this is the land of the soul.

Where are the Gagras

Town in Abkhazia

The city of Gagra is known as a resort with wonderful health resorts. But where are the Gagras, in which country, not everyone knows. This is the city in Abkhazia, which is located closest to the Russian Black Sea border. It is 34 kilometers from Adler. The location of the city is noteworthy: from the west the settlement is washed by the Black Sea, and in the east you can see the peaks of the Caucasus Range. Where Gagra are, the Caucasus is closest to the sea line, which creates an exceptional microclimate. The mountains gently refresh the sea air, due to which it is always clean and warm.

Where are the Gagras?

To the south of the territory where Gagra is located, there is a stunning Pitsunda pine-eucalyptus forest, which makes the climate in the city even more healing. After all, the local pines have long been known for their healing properties.

Settlement history

The ancient and mysterious Colchis was at the place where the Gagras are. Even Herodotus mentioned this land inhabited by a tribe of Colchians. The Greeks believed that somewhere in the Caucasus, there is the kingdom of Helios. According to archaeologists and historians, the territory of the city was already actively inhabited in the 2nd century BC. Then on this place was a settlement of Greek merchants called Triglyph. The miraculous microclimate of the city and its advantageous geographical location were the reason that this territory has been a bone of contention between different countries for many centuries. Rome, Greece, Byzantium, Persia, Turkey, Russia ruled here. The name of the city also changed. But, in spite of everything, the Abkhaz were betrayed to their native land. Now Gagra is an integral part of the sovereign republic of Abkhazia.

The formation of the resort

The first who decided to equip a world-class resort in the territory where the Gagras are located was Prince Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg (a member of the Romanov imperial family). His Highness's plans to turn this picturesque corner into a second Nice were practically realized. From the beginning of the 20th century until the collapse of the Soviet Union, the city of Gagra was considered one of the best resorts in the country. The prince began with the construction of a magnificent castle, near which he built a huge Seaside Park. They have survived to the present.

Where are Gagra photos

At the moment, the castle is privately owned, and the park has become a rich arboretum and a great place to relax. The prince did a lot for the establishment of the resort. On his initiative, famous cultural figures came here to rest. Russia and Europe have learned about the place where Gagra is located - the Land of the Soul. From the beginning of the 20th century, an aristocratic society began to gather here, and in 1911, a liner with German tourists moored at the port of Gagra.

Gagra - All-Union Health Resort

With the establishment of Soviet power, the city of Gagra began to develop as one of the leading public health resorts on the Black Sea. Financing of city improvement increased, motels and boarding houses began to open. The pleasant climate and incredibly beautiful places did not leave indifferent the leader of the country. Stalin chose a place for one of his cottages near the city of Gagra on the Cold River (the shortest river in the world, with a length of 400 meters).

In Soviet times, the city was considered a prestigious resort, which every citizen dreamed of visiting. After the collapse of the USSR and conflicts with Georgia, many regions of Abkhazia, including the place where the Gagras are located, fell into decay. The main tourist facilities are in dire need of reconstruction and repair. Excursions to familiarize with the sights of the city are still held, ecological and extreme tourism are actively developing.

Historic Monuments in the City of Gagra

The main highlight of those places where Gagra are located is the stunning nature. Mountains, forests, the sea, stormy rivers - all this has attracted tourists from all over the country for many years. Lovers of wildlife and impressive beauty come here to retire to nature, relax from the hustle and bustle.

Where are Gagra country

Seekers of the remains of the past Gagra will enjoy their excursions to historical places. The fortress of Abaath is a stone building of the 5th century AD, located at the entrance to the city on the Joekwara River. The fortification was erected to protect against unexpected guests. Part of the building has been preserved and is available for visiting. Here is located, having great historical value, the Temple of Abaat or the Church of St. Hypatia of Gagra, where services are still being held.

The Tsandripsha Basilica is another ancient Christian monument. It is located in the village of Tsandripsh-Gagra district, which also has a rich history. This temple of early Byzantine culture (around the 4th century AD) has great historical value. An ancient font, Greek inscriptions, and tombs were discovered here. The fact that a large amount of marble was found in the temple speaks of its important religious significance. After all, only the largest churches were decorated with marble brought from the island of Prokonnes.

Sights of Gagra

The symbol of the resort of Gagra is the Colonnade, located near the Marine Park. This is a beautiful monument of Soviet architecture, an excellent observation deck and a great place for walking.

Where are the Gagras? In which country?

Citizens of the former Soviet Union know the Gagripsh restaurant, which is located on a mountain opposite the Colonnade. This place is considered the main attraction of the city. The restaurant was built during the formation of the resort at the beginning of the XX century. Prince of Oldenburg brought it disassembled, being at an exhibition in France. This place beckons with its wonderful cuisine and rich history, because Gagripsh was visited by prominent artists and politicians.

In the places where the Gagras are located, the photos are amazing. For example, in the Seaside Park. Walking along its shady alleys not only gives aesthetic pleasure, but also has a healing effect on the body.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12836/

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