Fairytale Montenegro. Ulcinj: reviews, climate, attractions

The southernmost region of Montenegro, where the beach season lasts a record 7 months for the country, is the city of Ulcinj. Montenegro has long attracted Russian tourists with visa-free entry, beautiful nature and, importantly, low prices. Indeed, you can relax there much cheaper than in other European countries.

Montenegro ulcinj reviews

The nature of Ulcinj is unusually good. Lush vegetation covers most of its area. He himself is located on several hills. Like all of Montenegro, Ulcinj, reviews of the sights of which are not indifferent, has a rich history. Hence the abundance of cultural monuments and historical values. The history of the city began more than 25 centuries ago. Then people first settled here. The city was a pirate port, then for a long time it was famous as a center of slave trade. For some time Venice ruled over him, and after the Ottoman Empire. Each of these periods left its mark on Ulcinj architecture. The length of the beaches of the city is 30 kilometers. Like the rest of Montenegro, Ulcinj (tourist reviews confirm this) has a clean coastline that connects to the warm waters of the Adriatic Sea.

The city itself is divided into 2 parts: Old and New Ulcinj. The main attractions are concentrated in the Old part, which, in turn, is divided into the Upper and Lower Towns. There were traces of the long rule of the Ottoman Empire - the Eastern Bazaar and the local museum, which was once a Turkish mosque.

City Ulcinj Montenegro
The most unusual sight of the city is Ada Boyana. This is an island that was once formed from a sunken ship right in the middle of the river. The flow here brought a large amount of sand, and the ship turned into a piece of land.

Beautiful beaches are what attract Montenegro. Ulcinj, reviews of which are filled with admiration, is known for two such beaches: Bolshoi and Maly.

Montenegro Ulcinj reviews
The first is among the largest in the whole country, it stretches for 12 kilometers. A Small, or as it is called by the locals Korzo, is a small bay in the city center. It is precisely here that the whole night life is concentrated. Bars and restaurants, clubs, entertainment venues - there is everything you need to relax a large company.

Climate Ulcinj

The most favorable time to relax here is summer. The average air temperature is +27 degrees, the sea warms up to +26 ° C. In summer, there is practically no rain. True, you can spend a good vacation and sunbathe in the sun here in April, and the beach season ends in the last days of autumn. Kiwi, peaches, apricots, olives, figs, almonds and many other fruit plants grow in this climate zone . In general, the flora of the city is very diverse.

Montenegro ulcinj reviews

The favorable location of the city made it popular with tourists. It attracts people, perhaps even more than the rest of Montenegro. Ulcinj (reviews about it are sometimes contradictory, but mostly positive) - this is not only a beach holiday, but also a cultural holiday. Excursions to historically significant places of the city will not leave anyone indifferent. When all this can be combined with discos, clubs, the beach, admiring the beauties of nature, there is nothing more valuable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12856/

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