Which tablet is better: Apple or Samsung

In today's world, the market for portable devices is very widespread. Various brands, including eminent and not very manufacturers, a variety of design solutions, and most importantly - completely different internal contents of the devices. Naturally, such leaders appear on such a market, forcing to ask the question "Which tablet is better - Apple or Samsung?"

which tablet is better apple or samsung
The products of these manufacturers are thought out and made "for people", but designed to perform different tasks, and therefore focused on different target audiences. Now devices of these brands exist on three different operating systems that cover a certain range of tasks. Windows, Android, and iOs are three completely different platforms that confuse the question of which tablet - Apple or Samsung - and why.

Differences in software solutions make this choice much more difficult, since not all functions that are on one platform will also be present on another. Compare Samsung and Apple tablets with the installed components is easy enough. On paper and according to specifications, devices based on Android and Windows have much more efficient processors and integrated video cards. But the features of the work of these platforms level all these advantages, lowering them on a par with current products based on iOs. In terms of performance, you can’t say which tablet is better - Apple or Samsung, since both brands are approximately on par.

apple or samsung tablet
The operating system on which the devices are manufactured allows you to perform a specific range of tasks. So, there is a common belief that iOs is a system created for a consumer society. Indeed, most of the programs distributed on the basis of this platform allow you to use only previously created content. Despite the fact that Android has a lot more different applications for creativity and work, the system still remains purely entertaining due to the lack of high performance. Windows devices are knocked out of this series, they not only have gorgeous performance, but they can also run all computer programs. Looking at the systems used, which tablet is better - Apple or Samsung, we can say with confidence that the one who needs a device for entertainment will feel great with products based on iOs, and if you take the device for work, then the Windows platform looks much more profitable .

compare samsung and apple tablets
In conclusion, you should compare the devices by their price categories, since for many this item is a decisive factor that can scare off, or, conversely, attract to itself. First of all, pay attention to products based on Android. The price of such devices can vary from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles. Tablets based on iOs have a fixed, predictable price, ranging from seventeen thousand for an outdated model and up to twenty seven for a new one. Devices based on Windows, as well as Android, have an unpredictable price, which varies depending on the manufacturer and averages from twenty to thirty thousand rubles. It is impossible to compare which tablet is better - Apple or Samsung - by this characteristic, but you can approximately determine whether a device of a certain manufacturer is available for finance or not.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12872/

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