Soil of the steppes and their properties. What is the soil in the steppe?

Steppe soil from the point of view of economic use is the most favorable platform. It is these zones that form the bulk of the productive land fund, although, of course, not every steppe can please the farmer with nutritious black soil. This is also confirmed by the soils of the steppes of Russia, which are also represented by arid regions and medium humus northern territories. Nevertheless, in the southern part of the country there are many fertile treeless zones, which are distinguished by a wealth of nutrients.

steppe zone soil

The main characteristics of the steppe soil

All types of steppe soils are characterized by the absence of forests and a low level of groundwater. These factors largely determined the balance of the conditions under which this cover is formed. One of the main indicators that help to qualify the type of steppe soil is the humus content. For example, chernozems of forest-steppe zones have a higher thickness of humus horizons than ordinary chestnut and chernozem coverings. To determine which soil in the steppe will be most favorable for agricultural activities, it is important to consider the content of other nutrients. For example, old arable areas require additional replenishment of manure and mineral fertilizers. Experienced farmers also recommend the use of phosphate, and in some places - nitrogen and potassium supplements.

steppe soil

Soil formation conditions in the steppes

The development of steppe soil zones usually occurs under the influence of a warm, dry or temperate climate. For example, in Russia, the formation of the southern steppe cover occurs at an average annual temperature of 0 ... + 10 ° C. As for precipitation, their average annual amount varies from 300 to 500 mm. The most abundant precipitation occurs in the Ciscaucasia region, and to the northern part this level changes markedly. The maximum fall occurs in the first half of the summer - often rainfall during this period is stormy, although the steppe soils cannot be called excessively moist. The greatest moisture reserves are observed in springtime, which is facilitated by the process of snow melting. But this is characteristic of the northern regions, and the southern steppes are characterized by a shortage of water. For this reason, in some areas an unclean type of water regime is formed.

what soil is in the steppe

Parent rocks

In Russia, soil formation in terms of rocks and sediments occurs in different ways depending on the region. For example, loesses are quite common in the Black Sea Lowland, and heavy loesslike loams are observed in the steppes of the Stavropol Plateau . The predominance of sandy loam is typical for the Volga platform - in this region, steppe soils are formed under the influence of eluvium rocks and yellow Quaternary loam. On the territory of the Caspian zone, saline loams and various deposits of marine origin are found.

Since the absence of forests provides access to winds, weathering products are also found - in particular, the Kulunda Plain is rich in particles of bedrock. The general features of the listed rocks that form the steppe soils include the high content of readily soluble salts, carbonate and gypsum elements.

steppe soil

Vegetation cover

The steppe relief as such has a small effect on the development of flora. In this regard, one should rely on the type of soil and external conditions. For example, in arid regions, the vegetation cover is complex in nature. These are sparse, stunted plants that can make up about 70% of the entire flora. Dark chestnut soils are ideal for the development of forbs and cereals. This once again confirms that in determining which soil in the steppe is better suited for growing a particular crop, several factors should be taken into account. In this case, the main criterion for assessing fertility is the type of soil cover. In the central regions, chestnut soils and light chestnut soils prevail - respectively, in these zones ephemeroids and ephemers can be grown. In particular, gardeners can plant irises and tulips here. Black wormwood, camphorosmos, and biyurguns are often found on solonetzic soils, and moistened land coverings become a favorable site for grassland plant groups.

Terrain properties

Usually dominates the flat topography as the main for all steppe zones. These are spaces that have practically no prominent hills, hollows and ravines. Along with this, the steppes are not flooded with hollow waters and are not swamped, which also allows maintaining a uniform surface structure over large areas. However, the dissection of the relief is still characterized by the Central Russian steppe zone. The soil in this region can be covered with dense ravine-beam networks, which causes serious difficulties in the development of virgin lands. Small saucer-shaped depressions may also occur, but this is more likely an exception to the rule.

dry steppe soil

Dry steppe soil characteristics

Soils of this type are distinguished by the most pronounced shortcomings of the steppe soil. Low rainfall, windiness and drought - these and other factors have predetermined the problems associated with the operation of this cover. The basis of the vegetation is the meadow-steppe group, under which the process of sod soil formation passes. In summer, ephemera and meadow plants die off, as a result of which the soil of the dry steppes is covered with grass felt with signs of decomposition. On the one hand, this process is useful for the formation of humic acids, but on the other hand, under the influence of sunlight, dehydration and coagulation of beneficial elements occurs. Under drought conditions with a small soaking depth, the processes of leaching of sodium, magnesium and calcium salts are also observed, as a result of which a soil horizon is formed .

Properties of chernozem soil of the steppes

The development of chernozem soils occurs against the background of the abundant manifestation of mixed-steppe vegetation. Therefore, the main feature of such a cover is the richness of organic substances. In the profile section of chernozems, a dark-colored saturated layer of humus can be distinguished, which is also emphasized by a characteristic lumpy or granular structure. The chernozem soils of the steppe may contain ash and nitrogen in large volumes, which is the main difference between this cover. These components are supplied annually in the process of decomposition of plant litter. Hydrothermal conditions, which provoke reactions in complex humus compounds of the same humic acid, also favor this phenomenon.

soil of the steppes of Russia

A few words in conclusion

The conditions for the formation of steppe zones are largely contradictory and at least diverse in their effect on the soil cover. It is due to the convergence of opposite factors that the steppe soils are saturated with nutrients. Thus, drought contributes to the rapid decomposition of vegetation, resulting in the formation of humus. Further, under the abundant precipitation, the production of humic acids is also stimulated, which subsequently serve as the basis for the development of the fertile black soil layer.


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