What is an inverter, and why is it needed in an air conditioner

Before talking about what an inverter air conditioner is, we will find out what an inverter is and what it is intended for. An inverter is a device, system or circuit that converts direct voltage to alternating voltage. Both theoretically and in practice it is proved that alternating current is more efficient than direct current. An inverter is necessary in cases where it is not possible to use alternating current, for example, if the battery is the power supply, which cannot accumulate alternating current, being a source of direct current.

An inverter is also used if it is necessary to use alternating current, but with non-standard characteristics. Using an inverter at the output, it is theoretically possible to obtain a current with any desired parameters, moreover, independent of the input. It is also important that the inverters allow you to adjust the parameters of the output current from zero to the maximum value, to any given frequency and any voltage.

If you expand the definition of what an inverter is, then you should call it a comprehensive uninterruptible power supply. But, strictly speaking, the direct power source is not an inverter, but specially designed rechargeable batteries.

The idea that such an inverter will help to better understand why it is used in air conditioners. Inverter air conditioner is positioned as a split system, respectively, with inverter control. How is such a device different from a conventional air conditioner?

Recall how an air conditioner works without an inverter. As soon as the required temperature is set, the device turns on, and brings this indoor climate indicator to the desired value, and then the temperature sensor stops the compressor. Then it is in standby mode until the room temperature indicator changes to some protective value fixed in the microprocessor (usually 1-2 degrees) and then turns on again. As you know, the more often the equipment turns on and off, the faster it wears out. The fact is that during operation the compressor is lubricated with oil dissolved in freon. When the compressor does not work, oil settles in the crankcase, and when you start the first moment, it runs without any lubrication. Naturally, this significantly reduces its resource.

But back to the question, what is an inverter for an air conditioner and how does it affect its operation. An inverter is an electronic device that continuously regulates the power of a compressor. The inverter compressor does not turn off after the temperature set by the processor has been reached in the room, but continues to operate continuously at low speeds, sufficient to maintain optimal temperature conditions for a long time . If necessary, quickly change the temperature in the room, the compressor increases the speed, and then returns to its previous mode.

Inverter air conditioners are able to accurately withstand the temperature set for the room and do not allow its differences. In rooms equipped with air conditioners of this type, the risk of colds is significantly reduced, since they do not dry out the air and less cool it.

Thanks to the increased capacity of the compressor and heat exchanger, precisely calibrated microprocessor control and other innovative functions, the optimal energy consumption of the air conditioner is ensured. The higher speed and flexibility of such equipment allows you to consume less electricity than other models. As a result, the current inverter not only extends the life of the air conditioner, but also saves up to 40% of electricity.

Another advantage that cannot be underestimated is the almost silent operation of the outdoor unit and noticeably less noise when operating the indoor unit.

The cost of inverter air conditioners is higher than traditional ones, but they are more economical and durable and provide increased comfort conditions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12879/

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