DIY paper frame. Circuit for everyone

In a situation where you need a beautiful and inexpensive gift, the best solution would be to create a frame of paper with your own hands. Scheme its manufacture is quite simple, and a child can make a beautiful thing with it, however, the result is quite capable of competing with similar factory-made products.

DIY paper frame

What is needed for manufacturing

Before starting work, make sure that the necessary materials and tools are prepared:

  1. Pencil.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Ruler.
  4. Glue.
  5. The cloth.
  6. Vata.
  7. Cardboard.
  8. Decor Elements.

Paper photo frames look attractive, easy to manufacture and do not require a lot of time to create. They give originality to the pictures. Thanks to the beautiful frame, you can affect the perception, because even a simple photo will look much more interesting in a beautiful design.

How to make a frame

The so-called handmade - things created by the master manually - are always a priority over mass production products, since each copy is unique. When you want to make a useful present, but the preferences of a person are unknown, the frame made of paper with your own hands will be relevant. The manufacturing scheme will be as follows:

  1. On thick cardboard, markup is created for the photo. The thickness of the frame should not be too small, preferably at least 3 cm.
  2. Harvesting is done using a ruler and scissors or a sharp (clerical) knife.
  3. A piece must be cut out of the fabric, the sides of which will be 2 cm longer than the length and width of the workpiece. This is a margin for hem.
  4. A window is cut in the center of the fabric blank, the sides of which are 2 cm smaller than on cardboard.
  5. The fabric adheres to the cardboard blank. The edges are gently bent. Only those parts that are bent at the window are glued.
  6. How to make a paper frame beautiful? Give her volume. A cotton padding is made between the cardboard and the fabric on the front side. First, the vertical sides are filled, the hem is glued, then the same thing is done with the horizontal sides.
  7. When the base is ready, you can sew or glue decorative elements on it: buttons, beads, sparkles and much more.

how to make a paper frame

How else can I frame

The most interesting work is obtained when the paper is combined with other materials. You can use a wooden base and apply the decoupage technique (transferring a picture from a paper napkin), you can glue the cardboard base with real shells or tubes from sheets of magazines. DIY frame made of paper, diagram the manufacture of which is quite simple, can be a work of art with creativity and zeal.

Frames can be decorated with lace, cords, ribbons, fragments of Christmas toys - a huge number of various trifles. Too heavy decorative elements such as pebbles or large shells should be avoided.

paper photo frames

A beautiful and inexpensive decoration of the room can be a handmade paper frame made by yourself. The scheme of work is accessible and simple, and due to a variety of decoration options, you can make the element appropriate in any interior.


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