How to find out the owner’s phone number, where can I find the necessary data?

In life, a situation may arise when you need to know the owner of a mobile phone number. The reasons may be different. Perhaps someone constantly calls you and is silent, or SMS from an unknown number comes. Anyway, you can try to solve the problem in several ways.

how to find out by phone number of the owner

Anonymous call

If you are being harassed by calls from an unknown number, you can try to find out who is calling simply by calling back, for example, from another number. If nothing could be clarified, then more sophisticated methods will have to be applied.

Method 1

So, how do I know the owner’s phone number? Here you can not do without the Internet. To get started, try using the search. Just dial in the line of any search engine the number you are interested in. There is a possibility that a person has bought, sold or placed ads. If so, then the search engine will immediately return results.

Method 2

owner by mobile number
You can try to search the network for the database of subscribers of mobile operators. But just keep in mind that you may not receive an answer to your question about how to find out by the owner’s phone number. The fact is that almost all the databases that can be found on the network are outdated or incomplete. Therefore, you can hope for some result if the number belongs to the subscriber for more than one year. Do not look for subscriber data on operator sites. Each mobile operator protects the personal data of its subscriber, since such an operation is strictly confidential.

Method 3

So, you still haven't found out who the owner is? By mobile phone number, you can try to find a person directly in the office of a mobile operator. Just be prepared for the fact that you have to arrange a small performance. No telecom operator will open data about your subscriber just like that. Yes, and not just does not open. The only thing you can put pressure on is the pity of the consultant sitting in the office. But this may not work. After all, providing you with such information, the consultant manager simply violates the law.

find out the owner of a mobile phone number

Method 4

And yet, how to find out by the phone number of the owner? If the above methods are not useful, try to consider this option. Perhaps you have friends or relatives who work in the police. Cellular operators are usually required to provide information about subscribers at the request of internal authorities. Therefore, you can try to talk with them, try to explain the situation. And maybe someone will help you. Another thing is that, perhaps, nobody will simply agree to such a thing.

Method 5

Remember your friends. Perhaps there is a person among them who works in the field of mobile services. Perhaps someone acts as a dealer and sells SIM cards. People who have at least some relation to the services provided by the cellular company may very well help you in how to find out by the phone number of the owner.

Useful Tips

When you travel the Internet for information, be vigilant. On some sites you may be promised to open the information you need, however, for this they will offer to either register on the site via SMS, or confirm your phone number, also via SMS. Do not succumb to provocations. The cost of sending SMS to such numbers is usually much more expensive than the cents indicated there.

how to find out by phone number of the owner

You can also get to sites that promise to provide any information about any person for a fee. As a rule, initially a certain amount is required to be paid. Do not believe it. And do not be tempted by promises to provide you with SMS-correspondence of the subscriber, calls. Such information is not provided even in detective agencies, since these actions fall under the article of the law, the violation of which provides for imprisonment of up to 5 years.

So do not fall for the tricks of scammers and their promises. A bright sign saying that their employees almost work in the FSB and everyone knows everything about everyone, as a rule, is complete nonsense. The result is always the same: the loss of a certain amount of money and no information.

Some more craftsmen offer to download recently updated database of mobile operators, and any. Also complete nonsense. Indeed, in order to download the file, you will probably be asked to confirm that you are a real person through your phone number, that is, again you will have to send SMS to the short number “completely free”.

And one more small reservation. Even if you figured out how to find out by the phone number of the owner, there is always some chance that the number is issued to a completely different person. Maybe the true owner of the number (according to the documents) does not even know that this number is registered to him, and sometimes it happens.


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