How to choose a 4-channel DVR? Description, setup, reviews of the best models

The use of modern video surveillance systems allows you to ensure the safety of the car and monitor the situation around the car while driving. The most effective tracking system is a 4-channel DVR. If an accident occurs, then using this device you can restore events by fragments and at the same time show the general picture of the incident to the traffic police inspector. This will allow you to prove your innocence in the event that your guilt really was not.

4 channel dvr

4-channel DVRs in Russia are quite common. Their installation is difficult, but for a long time. In addition, such a system is always used, even when the car is parked.

What is a 4-channel DVR?

Most drivers want to keep abreast of what is happening around the car while it is moving. For them, similar car DVRs with 4 cameras were developed. Each camera has a small viewing angle, but this is enough to capture what is happening around the machine and display it on the display.

4 camera car dvr

The device comes with 4 separate cameras that connect to the main unit. Images are displayed on the screen either from each camera separately, or simultaneously from all cameras simultaneously. For this, the "quadrator" function is provided. If there is no monitor (and such models also exist), then you can watch the video on your phone, laptop, computer, TV. If desired, data can be recorded on a medium and viewed on any electronic device. Modern registrars support memory cards standard SDHC, microSD, USB.


You can highlight the main functions that a four-channel DVR performs:

  1. Fixing the situation on the road with four cameras.
  2. Round-the-clock monitoring of the machine using mobile Internet or Wi-Fi.

In the latter case, the registrar must be connected to a Wi-Fi network or have a SIM card slot for connecting mobile Internet.

Operational Features

video recorders

When choosing a 4-channel DVR, you must consider the type of machine where the device will be operated. Such a solution is appropriate not only for cars, but also for special vehicles: collectors, police cars, ambulances, buses for transporting children, trolleybuses, etc. Operating conditions in a passenger car and public transport will be different: noise level, vibration, temperature differences.

The use of DVRs in trolleybuses and buses is rare. Moreover, such devices are not always limited to four cameras. Some models have additional video and audio inputs, which allows you to connect more cameras to increase the range of the considered sections of the car. For an ordinary car, the most standard model with support for four cameras is suitable. However, it must meet the criteria described below.


Video recorders have a set of functions that can be useful in certain situations. For example, most modern models have GPS modules, G-sensors (also known as shock sensors). All these elements allow you to more accurately determine the location of the accident and the moment of collision. Also, at the time of impact of the car, the recorder โ€œfeelsโ€ a collision and saves a video fragment on which the accident is recorded. The coordinates, speed, date and time with which the driver moved will be fixed on the image itself.

4 x channel dvr

Thanks to the image from all the cameras used, you can accurately imagine what happened taking into account the smallest details. All this will allow you to accurately identify the guilty participant in the accident and remove all suspicions. Many 4-channel DVRs have a Wi-Fi module, thanks to which you can monitor the car, its movement or parking in the parking lot. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to the presence of a wireless data transmission module in the recorder.

Note that modern cameras are quite compact, so they are easily fixed in the car. At the same time, they themselves are almost imperceptible, therefore, do not create any interference to the driver. As for the wires, they hide in the interior trim and do not spoil the interior at all.

Recording format

four channel dvr

All four cameras used are shot at the same time - this applies to all models. However, some DVRs can not boast of high quality shooting. Quality depends on the cameras used, the processor of the device. Some cheap recorders do not know how to shoot HD video. On other models, only one or two cameras record HD video, and more expensive modern devices generally record FullHD video from all four cameras.

This is one of the most important points when choosing, which should be considered first of all. The fact is that at high resolution, there is a greater chance to capture the numbers of the cars that surround the car. This will allow in the event of an accident to identify the number of the violator and the culprit of the incident.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a registrar for video surveillance of a car, the buyer should first of all pay attention to the following parameters when choosing:

  1. The quality of the shooting.
  2. CPU.
  3. Functionality: G-sensor, GPS-module and Wi-Fi.
  4. Battery capacity.
  5. Optical characteristics of cameras.

Processor performance is important because the performance of the camera itself and the quality of video shooting depend on it. Some models shoot video jerky, which indicates a weak CPU. Most modern 4-channel DVRs record video at a speed of 30 FPS (frames per second). However, using a good processor allows you to record video at a speed of 60 frames per second. At this speed, the video will go smoothly, without jerking. Given that the registrar immediately processes 4 threads, its processor should be quite powerful.

As for the camera modules, such criteria as the viewing angle and the ability to record video in HD or FullHD format are important for them. If the viewing angle is equal to 140-160 degrees, then this is normal.

ahd 4 channel dvr

It is also necessary to choose a car DVR for 4 cameras with a large battery capacity. So the device will be able to work for a long time while the car is parked during a lack of power from the vehicle's on-board network.

G-sensor ( shock sensor ) should also be. Thanks to him, the device will save the video that was received shortly before the accident and during the event itself.

Well, the last thing is the appearance of a 4-channel DVR. When buying a new device in the store, you should pay attention to scuffs or bumps on the case, which may indicate a low quality device.


The above selection criteria can be supplemented by another. It's about reviews. There are many sites on the Internet where you can read reviews about the model that you have in mind. Be sure to familiarize yourself with them, because quite often even cool recorders with excellent technical characteristics break down within two to three months of operation. In no case should you buy a 4-channel AHD DVR if users speak badly of it.


Today on the market there are a lot of different DVRs from famous brands and from companies that you have not heard about before. Therefore, the choice is difficult. Use the tips above, and you can definitely buy a reliable and high-quality device.


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