Borjomi (city), Georgia: description, attractions, resorts and reviews

Who has not tried Borjomi healing mineral water? The name speaks for itself. And it is pronounced with a slight hiss, just like a bottle is uncorked. But few people know that there is also a Borjomi city. It is natural to assume that it is located at the sources of the famous drink. But in fact, water got its name from the name of the city. Of course, the discovery of healing springs turned Borjomi into a famous balneological resort.

But, having been here, you will be convinced that even without mineral water this city is very interesting. How to get there, where to stay, what to treat and what to see - read in this article. It should be said that Borjomi became a resort in the nineteenth century. Since that time, many buildings have survived. But not only historical and cultural attractions are rich in Borjomi. Near the city are the natural beauties of the Caucasus, which you just need to see. It is worth visiting the ancient Christian churches, which are so rich in Georgian land.

Borjomi city

Where is it located and how to get there

The city of Borjomi is located in the southern part of the country, one hundred and fifty-two kilometers from Tbilisi. This is a very beautiful region surrounded by the majestic Caucasian mountains. The city center, by the way, is raised above sea level by eight hundred and twenty meters. Therefore, it is not stuffy here even in the summer months.

A river in the city of Borjomi, Kura, has broken a deep gorge in its upper reaches. Surrounding peaks sometimes reach three thousand meters above sea level. The mountains are covered with virgin deciduous and coniferous forests, which in combination with crystal air and mineral water gives a powerful healing effect. Borjomi is the terminal station of the narrow gauge railway leading from Bakuriani, a larger city. In general, private transport is very developed in Georgia - minibuses. They move along any route, even to the most remote villages. And even to the resort of Borjomi and even more so. The city is located in the province of Samtskhe-Javakheti.

Borjomi city georgia


When should you come to Borjomi? The city belongs to the low-mountain resorts. In winter it is not very cold. The average January temperature is –3 Β° C. Due to the location of the city on the slopes of a deep gorge, summers are not too hot here. The average July temperature is only +18 degrees, which is very small for Georgia. So you can come to Borjomi for treatment or to see its sights all year round. But still the most blessed time is considered to be May. Vacationers in the last month of spring get as a bonus not only a long daylight and excellent weather, but also the flowering period of various trees and shrubs. Prices for accommodation in Borjomi are not too dependent on the season. In any case, this hospitable region is ready to accept vacationers at any time of the year.

River in the city of Borjomi

Resort History

Archaeologists during excavations in Borjomi discovered a large number of stone baths. This makes it possible to assume that the local water was used for medicinal purposes in ancient times. True, they did not drink it because of the strange taste, but consumed it externally. Then the sources were forgotten. And only in the nineteenth century, by a fluke, they were rediscovered.

In 1816, the Kherson Grenadier Regiment was stationed here. Military doctors became interested in water with a strange smell and taste. And when General Golovin cured his daughter with the help of this mineral water in 1841, the entire Russian nobility surged into Borjomi. The city quickly turned into a chic resort. In 1862, Mikhail Romanov, the king’s brother, also visited Borjomi. He liked it so much that he ordered architects to build a summer residence. The Grand Duke took Borjomi under his patronage. The city park was defeated with his money. The city has become a European-style resort, similar to Vichy and Carlsbad. The prince sponsored the construction of the railway. By the way, the author of one of the bridges was none other than Gustave Eiffel.

Borjomi city sanatoriums

Water properties

General Golovin was not only a loving father, but also a very enterprising person. He named the two sources discovered by his name and his daughter, and also built the first factory, where Borjomi healing water was bottled in crystal bottles. The city began to receive eminent guests who came here for baths. Water was highly valued by the highest party officials of the Soviet Union.

Now Borjomi not only drink and take baths, but also inhale vapors, are treated with inhalations. As for its chemical composition, water is sodium bicarbonate, naturally mineralized. It is prescribed for people with metabolic disorders and diseases of the digestive tract. Baths are indicated for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous and genitourinary systems. Inhalations have a good therapeutic effect on the respiratory organs.

Borjomi city reviews

Where to get well in Borjomi

The city, whose sanatoriums are known far beyond the borders of Georgia, will gladly receive Russian guests. All health centers are concentrated in the central park area, where two famous springs hit. Of these, by the way, anyone can get water and absolutely free. In addition to sanatoriums, comprehensive treatment with diagnostics and a variety of procedures can be done in dispensaries and recreational complexes. Together with Borjomi water, sulfuric mineral baths are used. The most famous sanatoriums are Borjomi Palace 4 and Rixos Borjomi 5. Prices in them range from six to ten and a half thousand rubles per day. The price includes not only treatment and diet food, but also the use of swimming pools and other developed leisure infrastructure.

Borjomi city attractions

Where to stay in Borjomi

Many tourists who arrived for treatment in a balneological resort do not stay in sanatoriums, but in hotels. Prices in them range from eighty-five to four hundred Georgian lari. The cost of living in a resort hotel includes three meals a day according to the "buffet" system, use of the pool.

Some hotels also practice medical procedures. Mini-hotels and the private sector will cost much less. Room can be rented for fifty lari per day. But food is not included in the services. There are hostels in the city of Borjomi. Examples include Bob Marley Hostel and Borjomi (the latter being near the train station). The conditions in these hotels are Spartan, but the prices are the most reasonable.

Hostels in Borjomi

Borjomi (city): attractions

The local museum of local lore will not only introduce you to the customs of the highlanders. Its exposition will tell about the history of the resort and about which celebrities have visited here. Must see, which the city of Borjomi (Georgia) is rightfully proud of, there are three: this is the summer residence of the Grand Duke Romanov, the house of Mirza-Riz Khan and the fortress of Gogia. The royal palace is located at the southern tip of the city, in the Likani region. A hydroelectric power station is adjacent to the residence - the first in the territory of the Russian Empire.

The house of the Persian consul was built in the late nineteenth century in a mixed style. It impresses with oriental luxury finishes. The ruins of the Gogia citadel are located on the other side of the Kura River, opposite the park. This is a good observation deck, here you can take stunning photos of Borjomi.

Attractions in the country

There are more than two hundred ancient monuments in the Kura Gorge, which should also be visited. And for such excursions, you can use Borjomi (city) as a starting point. Reviews recommend visiting the fortress of Gonio. This is an antique border post. From here the Romans defended the empire from the kolkhs.

The border guards lived well: the remains of the term and amphitheater were preserved. Another attraction of the Borjomi Gorge is Vardzia. This monastery was hollowed out in caves during the time of Queen Tamara. But a thirteenth-century earthquake destroyed the temple, which is why it lost its defense significance. But preserved stone carvings, amazingly beautiful frescoes. It is advised to leave for Vardzia early in the morning - because from Borjomi this attraction is located a hundred kilometers away.


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