What are requisitions and how to deal with them?

When giving a child to school, parents assume the need for financial investments for various needs: in the fund of the parent committee, for class repairs, charity, etc. However, it is better to be aware of the legal component of school financing issues, as well as understand what requisitions are.

Opinion of the law

What are requisitions and why is this so often said? Let us turn to the explanatory dictionary for clarification. The word "requisitions" is interpreted as an excessive and even excessive collection, a tax on something. Perhaps, in the case of school allocations, this is exaggerated, but when parents have to once again donate money, for example, for repairs, this word comes to mind.

what are fees

By law, no school can force parents to pay for:

1. Security (this item is the responsibility of the school, which is prescribed in the Federal Law).

2. Repair of the school (the school administration does not have the right to collect money for it, because the repair is at the expense of budgetary funds).

3. Textbooks. What are fees under the guise of raising money for additional textbooks? This refers to the purchase of additional materials to study a particular subject. You can’t force them to donate money to them.

4. Classes (basic program - free).

5. Wardrobe (salary payment for the cloakroom worker).

Information on the above items is confirmed in the Federal Law on Education.

Is it always bad?

Knowing what requisitions are, you should not succumb to the provocations of the school administration and "give" money to those in power. Exactions in schools are an unpleasant phenomenon, but they are.

requisitions in schools

However, there are situations when it is better to pay, for example, to buy textbooks (if the teacher is trying to give your children more knowledge), or to replace the blown bulbs, because while the school allocates money, a lot of time will pass, why spoil the children's eyesight?

Of course, each situation must be considered individually and in each case decide what is better and more correct.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12961/

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