What is systemic thinking? Characteristics and main features

Systemic thinking is one of the new modern terms used by many managers, psychologists, personal growth trainers and other coaches. Its level illustrates the speed and quality of decision-making, therefore, this indicator is studied during employment, as an important characteristic of a future employee.

What is systemic thinking and what is its task

The traditional logical approach to perceiving reality and studying any phenomenon is based on the fact that the observed system is divided into components. They are studied with the subsequent collection in one piece. Performing these actions, a person intentionally simplifies the system, while missing a large number of combinations of factors that affect each other.

The structure of the whole world can be described as a system. It is whole, there are no separate fragments in it that are not connected in any way with other components.

The concept of "system" can be equated to education that exists and functions due to the multivariate interaction of a large number of its parts. The peculiarity of the system is that it is more influenced not by the composition of the parts, but by the ways and methods of their interaction with each other. The nature of this mutual influence is non-linear, mostly hidden and non-obvious, and sometimes even paradoxical. Systemic thinking is aimed at finding or developing such a model of the universe, within the framework of which it will be possible to set landmarks in the world with high accuracy.

The properties of systems thinking

It is advisable to begin the development of systemic thinking from childhood. Thus, it will become the main way of perceiving reality. People with systemic thinking acquire the following abilities:

  • They see integrity, fullness with multiple bonds.
  • They understand the need for distortion of the reality model, due to which there is a simplification of perception and the opportunity to switch between models.
  • They are able to recognize the feedback effect . Its essence is in the influence that one link of the system has on all the others. Fluctuations are inevitable and available for consideration, but the result is rarely immediate, more often it is delayed in time. Therefore, it is difficult to see.
  • Ready for the need to constantly change their beliefs.

problem solving systems thinking

  • They are able to see different levels of reality. Regardless of the degree of increase, they are able to switch between coordinate systems, and also pay attention to the system as a whole, and to the components.
  • They can independently generate mental models of the world to create their causal relationships.

The importance of systems thinking in assessing staff competence

Testing, interviews and assessment of the main qualities of applicants for various positions are carried out in order to make the right impression about the professional abilities of the applicant, as well as about his personality as a whole. The scientific approach to creating a team helps to achieve a more coordinated work of the enterprise, a full return on employees and their satisfaction from work. In addition, it minimizes the occurrence of conflicts and misunderstandings.

development of systemic thinking

Systemic thinking is an important ability of a good employee, therefore, assessing its level, HR managers study the following qualities of applicants:

  • The ability to effectively analyze a large amount of information.
  • The ability to identify patterns in various situations, as well as to form a holistic picture of what is happening.
  • The ability to assess the risks and opportunities associated with the process of making this or that decision.

Differentiation of levels of proficiency in systemic thinking

Depending on how developed the systematic approach is, the systemic thinking of the test person, one of several levels can be assigned to it.

1. Zero, it is called the level of incompetence:

  • Such people are not inclined to analyze anything, they act intuitively.
  • They are not able to single out the main thing, assess the risk or consequences, and also disregard the most important circumstances of the situation.
  • They tend to make rash decisions.

book systems thinking

2. The first (initial):

  • They are able to see various factors that influence the situation, structure information data using significant (not contradicting each other) criteria, and draw logical conclusions.
  • They can form a systematic view of the situation and trace cause-effect relationships only in that area in which they are well oriented.

3. Second (based on the first level):

  • They are able to differentiate data and separate the main from the secondary, as well as analyze quite large amounts of information, including phenomena of a complex and multifactorial nature.
  • They can see causal relationships, identify the main patterns during the analysis of almost any situation (including those that go beyond their professional competence).
  • They see barriers that impede the achievement of goals, and can circumvent or overcome them.
  • Their thinking is variable, that is, they are able to develop more than one standard solution to the problem.

Joseph O Connor the art of systems thinking

4. Third (based on the second level):

  • They can effectively complete the missing links in the system, including in the absence of the necessary data, draw the right conclusions based on partial or conflicting information.
  • They are capable of producing new concepts that allow us to find solutions for very complex practical problems.

Systemic thinking ability can be developed

First of all, you should find out for yourself the essence and scope of this skill. Indeed, systemic thinking is a quality that is useful not only in the workplace, but also in any life circumstances. Even if we are talking about such a trivial matter as a conflict at a family dinner, it may be necessary to look at the situation from the side, analyze its premises and assess the possible consequences.

Literature, audio files and videos are becoming sources of unique information that helps to study systemic thinking. Books (electronic, from paper or in audio recordings) allow you to fully plunge into the world of the author's experiences. It is important to go through all the steps along the way to mastering full-fledged systemic thinking.

systemic thinking is

Among the worthy authors in this area are Joseph O'Connor (The Art of Systems Thinking). His book was a revelation for many. Telling about elementary and, it would seem, well-known, completely familiar things, this writer was able to indicate the main barriers to thinking systemically, as well as ways to eliminate them. In addition to the fact that the β€œArt of Systems Thinking” by O'Connor was written on the basis of serious developments, his language is extremely accessible and understandable. Using the recommendations in this book, you can independently form and develop the necessary skills.

Connor teaches systemic thinking on numerous examples in which each reader can consider himself, his friends and various life situations.

Of the Russian-language writers, academician V. Tolkachev is involved in the development of systems thinking. True, his book The Luxury of Systems Thinking is much more complicated than that written by Connor. It is intended for students or interns of psychological faculties and develops ideas raised by Z. Freud. Continuing the theory of Freud, as well as the achievements of his followers, it was Tolkachev who introduced the separation of personalities into eight psychotypes. He calls systemic thinking systemic-vector.

What can be done today

Even if there is no time to read and listen to books, you can apply the simplest methods for the gradual development of systemic thinking. First of all, it is worthwhile to deal with the definition of your mental models. This is the name of everything that a person believes in and what he is firmly convinced of. These models serve as the basis for decision-making and a kind of "glass", because of which a person looks at the world. Often they allow him to see only what he wants. The main mental models include:

  • The process of deleting information that does not fit into the framework of the existing model.
  • The ability to construct, that is, mentally complete the missing parts. This technique allows a person to avoid the resulting misunderstanding.
  • Distortion towards understating or exaggerating system components.
  • Representation of the experience that has taken place once, as typical.

Knowing which mental models influence one's own behavior allows one to expand them to take into account the characteristics of the system and more factors.

The importance of monitoring successful systems

Based on the fact that systemic thinking is the ability to delve into the functioning of a system, it is pointless to try to study individual parts to develop a skill. The main property of systems is the appearance of properties that are characteristic of systems, but lacking in its components. The study of the system is available in the process of observing it. To develop systemic thinking, it is worth observing the effective and successful objects. It is necessary to study the principles of their work, the nature of the links between the parts, the consequences of various actions taken. This technique leads to an understanding of the work of successful systems and the application of this knowledge in life.

systems approach systems thinking

Breaking stereotypes

The revision and correction of an established attitude to reality is extremely important for human freedom of action. Stereotypes are developed based on past experience, and are pretty good for developing a simple, typical solution, but completely irrelevant if a completely new problem has arisen. Systems thinking solutions are based on the development of fresh concepts, which is why it is so useful to train your inventiveness and innovative approach to the situation.

Expanding the circle of interests

With the expansion of the interests, views and horizons of a person, his thinking acquires variability. A wide range of interests automatically leads to an unconscious expansion of mental maps. This, in turn, helps to develop systemic thinking.

Artificially creating uncertainty

If you intentionally create various situations of uncertainty and find new ways to solve them, you can get very good results in training systemic thinking. In real life, there are no situations that can be called certain with certainty. A lot of factors can influence at the most unexpected moment.

the art of systems thinking

Creative solutions

In fact, this is the most effective and efficient way, training creative abilities and developing systemic thinking. It is used at the recruitment stage at Microsoft. Candidates for the position are required to solve several tasks of creative content.

Given all of the above circumstances, it can be argued that the art of systemic thinking is an achievable goal. As with any workout, it will take time, willpower, perseverance and perseverance. However, the result is worth it, as it leads to a deeper perception of the processes occurring in nature, society and in the human body itself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12976/

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