Few know how to properly charge a new phone!

Paying for a brand-new mobile device at the box office of an electronics store, it is unlikely that any of the lucky ones immediately and scrupulously begins to study the "energy" nuances of the purchased device. Most likely, the user will not have enough time (on the way home) in order to fully satisfy his curiosity, in terms of “And then what, how it does it, wow, what a chip, etc.” - the battery is exhausted. It’s clear, because the factory primary “electric gas station”, as a rule, is depleted within a few minutes. It is likely that the seller will somewhat vaguely talk about how to properly charge a new phone. However, the buyer will nevertheless understand something, but this “something” without the rest is “obligatory” and “required” with guarantee will not work. So after reading the article (be sure!) You will have a chance to maintain energy “health” on your phone.

Running through the wires ...

How to charge a new phone

Yes, it’s the correct current, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, in response to what happens to your cellular “favorite” during operation. The fact is that the original charge fails over time, usually it is replaced by a device called, as was the custom, Chinese. Agree, not every power grid in a house or apartment is equipped with the latest stabilization equipment. Power surges in our outlets are more a rule than an exception. In general, the question "How to charge a new phone?" quite popular. Of course, several outdated mobile phones set out the facts also apply.

"Madam" battery

Today, almost all mobile devices are equipped with lithium-ion batteries, some devices have lithium-polymer energy sources. Alkaline technologies were recognized as very harmful: nickel-metal hydride and cadmium batteries have sunk into oblivion, leaving only memories of their lack of effectiveness. However, the solution to the question of how to properly charge a new phone was greatly facilitated.

How to charge a new phone

Today, autonomous power supplies have become much easier, and their productivity has grown significantly. But they still need proper operation, on which, in principle, the longevity of the battery cells depends (meaning the full working capacity of the battery).

How to charge a new phone: practical tips

Batteries, the type of which has the prefix "lithium", do not need "prelaunch" preparation. That is, the new battery does not need to be subjected to cyclic charging / discharging. It is enough when you get home to connect the device to the charger and wait about 8 hours (about the battery needs so much to fill all the capacities with energy). However, it may well be that the phone will charge faster. It is important that the indicator shows 100% of the total battery capacity. Let it not bother you that some “experts” recommend 2-3 times pumping a new lithium battery. Believe me, once is enough.

Proper "nutrition" of your device

How much to charge a new phone?

The answer to the question of how much you need to charge a new phone is purely individual for each individual communication device. It all depends on the capacity of the installed battery, its modification and the features of the components of the cellular unit. By the way, the charger also affects the speed of "filling" of electrical energy. That is, the configuration of the original memory is designed specifically for your model. Do not blindly trust persuasive advertising: "Our charging is universal and suitable for any mobile phone." Believe me - this is a lie!

Active lifestyle, or the manifestation of modernity

How to charge a new phone battery?

Well-known thing, the transience of time - today an incredibly tangible fact. Some people are literally torn between affairs and often forget to “fuel” their electronic friend. And even after the “alkaline stereotype” found its application in 3-time pumping, despite the fact that the battery is lithium, the question “How to charge a new phone?” tormenting the user with doubt ... After all, there is an opinion that it is strictly forbidden to periodically recharge the battery. Dear reader, this statement has nothing in common with the true state of things and cannot have. Lithium batteries do not support the outdated “option” alkaline batteries - memory effect. If you really need to recharge, refuel the phone, be so kind as to connect the memory when necessary.

A few words for edification

How much does it take to charge a new phone?

Opinions on the question "How to charge a new phone?" incredible multitude. However, you need to objectively approach a common understanding of this process. The manufacturability of the lithium-ion battery is in no way comparable to the “training” of alkaline batteries. The only thing to be wary of while using the phone is the systematic deep discharge of the battery. It is also advisable to “refuel” the tanks when the indicator shows a “safety margin” of 20-30%. By the way, the correct answer to the question: “How much does a new phone charge?” expressed by the definition - almost to the end (99%). Otherwise, everything is as usual - aging and wear. Of course, the main accelerator of the "death" of the battery is the factor of heavy use. So you should not use the device at the time of charging.


When covering the question “How to charge a new phone battery?”, The fact that often people are afraid to leave their devices at night gas station was missed. There is no reason for concern, a special controller (battery device) always “knows” when to turn off the power supply. Therefore, charge your phone when it is convenient for you, but still do not forget that 1-2 times a month you should carry out the so-called battery calibration. This will update the battery volume indicator. So a full discharge / charge is still sometimes appropriate. Keep the battery always in good shape!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12982/

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