Tunisia: population, capital, climate, leisure, attractions

Tunisia is a popular destination for sea vacations. But what do we know about this country? Going on vacation, we do not always think about what this or that region is like. In our article we want to talk in more detail about such an exotic country as Tunisia.

The geographical position of the country and its structure

What continent is Tunisia located on? The state is located in northern Africa and is among the countries of the Maghreb. So called the medieval historians of the state, located west of Egypt. And now the concept of the Maghreb is actively voiced in politics. It also includes Libya, Algeria, Morocco and other administrative territories. The area of ​​Tunisia is only 164 thousand square meters. Therefore, the camp is considered the smallest state.

For many millennia, it has been a kind of β€œmediator” or a link between African and European countries. Tunisia includes not only mainland lands, but also two more islands - Djerba and Karkana. The country is a presidential republic led by the president of Tunisia. And the legislative power is concentrated in the hands of a unicameral parliament. The current president of Tunisia is Beji Qaed Es-Sebsey. The country has gone through various stages of history and is now an independent state.

Tunisian population

The monetary unit of Tunisia is the dinars. Tourists can exchange foreign currency at banks or exchange offices. There are special exchange points at airports, hotels and ports. They have a fixed rate of the Central Bank of the country.

Ethnic composition of the population

The country has two official languages ​​- French and Arabic. In addition, Italian, German and English are incredibly common. In the south of Tunisia and in the mountainous regions, even Berber dialects are still preserved. The state religion is Islam. It is worth noting that most of the local residents, approximately 95%, are Sunni Muslims, while all the rest profess Christianity and Judaism.

The ethnic composition of the population of Tunisia is very diverse due to the complex historical path. Even outwardly the indigenous people are significantly different from each other. Here you can see both bright people, by appearance similar to Europeans, and dark-skinned. Most of the Tunisian population is Arabs (97%). In addition, Italians, Turks, Jews and French live in the country.

Currently, the population of Tunisia is more than ten million people.

Country history

Historians believe that the country's territory was first developed by man more than a million years ago. The first state formations appeared here quite early. The first Greek villages appeared on the coast in the twelfth century, and then the Phoenician ones. Carthage already in the third century BC reached unprecedented power. The state was considered the strongest in the Mediterranean. Later, having lost warriors with Rome, Carthage became a Roman province. In this status of the earth were up to the fifth century AD. After the fall of the great empire, the lands of Tunisia for a long time passed from the hands of some conquerors to others. Later, in the seventh century, Arabs appeared here who spread Islam throughout the territory.

what continent is Tunisia

Tunisia formed its own state in 800. Having achieved independence, the country has become respected in the Arab world. But in the future, Spain encroached on its territory, as a result of which the state had to leave under the guardianship of Turkey. After some time, such submission began to be purely conditional. But in 1881, Tunisia was captured by the French. All internal resistances were severely suppressed. But the internal struggle with a new force flared up after the end of the First World War. Tunisia managed to become a completely independent state in 1956, ending its colonial past. The country proclaimed itself a republic. Around the same time, Tunisia's modern currency appeared.

Internal geography

The lands of Tunisia are mountain spurs and savannahs. Most of the country is incredibly deserted. Spurs of the Atlas Mountains occupy about a third of the country. The Mediterranean Sea has a significant impact on the climate in Tunisia. It can be quite cool on the coast, and in the south of the country hot weather can prevail at this time. On the territory of the state there is only one large river Majarda, flowing into the Gulf of Tunisia.

Tunisian currency

A favorite place for tourists is the Sahara desert occupies almost half of the country. The capital of the state is the city of Tunisia. Of the large city of Tunisia, it is worth highlighting Sfax, Sousse, Habeas, Ariana, La Mars, Kasserin, Monastir, Houmt Souk, Hammamet, Midoun and others. Some of them are popular and famous resorts. Travelers should know that the time in Tunisia differs from Moscow only two hours.

Climate resort country

On the territory of the country, two climatic zones can be distinguished: desert tropical in the south and subtropical Mediterranean in the north. On the coast, summer heat is far from always noticeable due to the influence of the Mediterranean Sea. In general, the summer in Tunisia is incredibly hot and dry, but winter on the contrary is wet and mild. During the hot southern winds from the Sahara, heat covers the entire territory of the country. At this time, the air temperature rises above +40 degrees. For tourists, the most suitable time to visit local resorts is the period from the end of April to November. In spring and autumn, you can take time on excursions and trips. But summer is the time for a beach-sea vacation. The swimming season here lasts until the beginning of November, and begins in May. Djerba island is a very special place with its microclimate and weather conditions.

What documents are needed for a vacation?

Since 2014, a visa-free regime has been introduced between Russia and Tunisia. This makes it possible for Russians to enter the country with only a passport. It is possible to stay in the state for up to three months - 90 days. No additional documents are required for the trip in the form of confirmation from the hotel or vouchers. At the border, Russians are not too bothered by document checks. The only procedure is to present a migration card, which is issued on the plane, immediately before landing. It must be correctly filled out and presented during passport control. The map is saved until the departure in the opposite direction. In fact, it is a temporary residence permit in the country.

Country Culture

The culture of Tunisia is incredibly interesting and rich. For a long time, it was formed under the influence of various civilizations. Europe had a huge impact. A couple of years ago, UNESCO awarded Tunisia the title of the cultural capital of the Mediterranean. It is worth noting that the country is one of the most attractive African states.

tunisian president

The country's rich cultural heritage, peculiar traditions and customs cause genuine interest among many tourists. In Tunisia, centuries-old traditions can be found literally on every corner. They are forever captured in architectural masterpieces, dances and music. The local population of Tunisia still produces pottery and handicrafts for tourists.

Traditions and customs of the country are reflected in clothes. Locals - women and men - do not wear open clothing. Women are characterized by long dresses that hide the whole body. A feature of local culture is the wearing of a veil that covers the face. Traditional clothing includes wide shirts with embroideries, tunics, wide-cut pants and shoes without a backdrop. Men wear silk fez as a headdress, while women wear long shawls. In addition, the beautiful floor dresses a lot of jewelry.

Local cuisine is somewhat similar to European, but has its own characteristics. Harissa is often used for dishes - spicy seasoning served with olive oil. Tunisian bread is similar in appearance to our loaf, and lavash is also used here. Tunisians never cut bread, it is customary to break it. From meat, the population eats lamb and beef, sometimes camel. However, people like seafood more than meat. The daily diet contains sardines, mackerel, tuna and other marine life. Tunisia produces alcoholic beverages - vodka, wine and beer.

time in tunisia

Indigenous people love to visit the hammam. Men go to the bath in the morning, and women in the afternoon. Tunisia has a lot of art galleries. One of the most famous is the Yahia Gallery and the House of Living Arts.

Tunisia Attractions

Tunisia is an ancient country with a rich history, which has more than three thousand years. The country is rich in historical attractions that are of interest to tourists. Beach vacations here can be combined with trips and excursions. Of course, in one vacation it is impossible to see even the best sights of Tunisia, since there are a lot of them. But there will always be a reason to return here again.

Carthage, perhaps, is known to every tourist. Currently, it is a rather prestigious suburb of the capital. But thousands of years ago, the city was not only rich, but also incredibly powerful. Later, Carthage was completely destroyed and now you can see only the little that remains of it. Ancient ruins attract historians and archaeologists from around the world. And for tourists it is the main place to visit. The ancient ruins are located in completely different places, the main excavation site extends for six kilometers.

Coliseum El Jame

Time in Tunisia flies by unnoticed, because there are so many interesting things to do and everything needs to be seen. One of the most visited places is the Roman amphitheater in the city of El Jem. Outwardly in beauty, it can be compared with a Roman counterpart. The Colosseum is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The building was built in 238 during the heyday of the Roman Empire. The grand arena was built for gladiatorial battles and all kinds of performances. The Coliseum was able to accommodate up to thirty thousand spectators.

Gazi Mustafa Fortress

The fortress is the most serious attraction of the island of Djerba. Its combat history began in the ninth century, it was then that the Arabs erected a fortress to protect themselves from pirates. But a powerful structure did not always save from attacks. The fortress was built of coastal sandstone, it looks incredibly beautiful in the rays of the setting or rising sun. And from its walls you can admire the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.

Bardo Museum

In Tunisia is the country's main museum - Bordeaux. In it you can see the world's largest collection of Roman mosaics, as well as an impressive collection of artifacts. However, the museum boasts not only large funds, but also beautiful interiors.

climate in tunisia

Not so long ago, the building was reconstructed, after which the exhibition area was almost doubled. Serious archaeological excavations in the country began in 1881. Since then they have not stopped. Over the years, many artifacts have been found, among which there are unique finds.


The Sahara Desert is an incredibly popular attraction that almost all visitors to the country want to see. The unusual exotic of the desert is amazing. Familiarity with the Sahara is for the most part limited to a one-hour camel ride. But if you wish, you can go on a longer journey through the desert, stopping at a Sahara campsite.

Synagogue of La Griba

Tunisia has preserved the oldest synagogue of La Griba, which is considered the oldest in the region of North Africa. Translated, its name means "amazing." There is a synagogue in a small village in which from the sixth century BC almost only Jews live. Here are stored the oldest scrolls, which have no price.

Hammamet Fort

If you decide to spend your vacation in the area of ​​the famous resort of Hammamet, then you should definitely see its old fort. Its historical monuments are the basis for numerous excursions. From the walls of the fort offers beautiful views of the city. There is also a small museum, from the exposition of which you can learn about the history of the city.

It is worth noting that no matter in the resort town you relax, each has its own stunning historical monuments worthy of the attention of travelers. And you can go to the most distant sights along with an excursion group. Tunisia is an incredibly interesting and colorful country in which there is something to see.

Tunisian Resorts

The largest cities in the country can be called Tunisia, Gabes, Sfax, Sousse, Ariana and Bizerte. Tunisia is known worldwide as an unrivaled resort. Among the cities of the tourism industry, the most popular are: Mahdia, Sousse, Monastir, Hammamet, Port el Kantaoui, Yasin Hammamet. In each of them, many hotels of any level have been built with their own infrastructure and beaches. Based on reviews of holidays in Tunisia, one can judge the level of local resorts. Most tourists are very pleased with the holidays spent in this country. After all, Tunisia, on the one hand, is an exotic country, and on the other, it has the most tolerant attitude towards vacationers.

tunisia culture

Of course, in public places and shrines it is located in closed clothes, but tourists can walk around in the resort areas and hotels in the usual form. Since the country has long been a French colony, Europeans are well treated here, and local customs are not as strict as in other Arab countries.

Holiday Benefits

According to tourists, a vacation in Tunisia has several advantages:

  1. The country ranks second in the world in the ability to use marine resources to maintain health and beauty. Local thalassocenters offer tonic and therapeutic procedures based on sea mud, salt and algae. Such procedures are popular not only among mere mortals, but also among persons of royal blood.
  2. Rest in the country is designed not only for adults, but also for children. Most of the hotel complexes are family oriented, offering animation and a special menu for young guests. Port el County has a large, modern water park, which is interesting for families. Here you can also see the botanical garden with all kinds of exotic plants. For children at local resorts, beautiful sandy beaches and gently sloping sunsets are very suitable. Yes, and warm water makes it possible to bathe babies without fear.
  3. The most beautiful white sand beaches are considered one of the best in the world. All of them belong to the municipalities, and therefore are open for free access. But at the same time, almost every hotel has its own plot on the coast, where employees maintain order and cleanliness.
  4. Most hotels prefer the all-inclusive concept, which is no less loved by tourists. True, in the local version it is slightly different from the Turkish, but also good.
  5. The tourism industry is developing rapidly. Guests are offered more services at affordable prices.
  6. Tunisia has a very rich culture and a huge historical heritage, so the vacation will never be boring.
  7. Visa-free regime for Russians.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12985/

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