Marquesas Islands. Islands in the Pacific

“Life is beautiful also because you can travel a lot!” - said the Russian traveler and naturalist Nikolai Przhevalsky. If you agree with this statement, this article is for you. We will talk about everything that arouses interest in the Marquesas Islands. We will give tips on where it is better to relax, how to do it better and what you should look at.

Life on the volcano

Look at the globe. You will see that the Marquesas Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean, in its very center. To Mexico (the nearest mainland) - 4800 km. Tahiti is 1371 km away. This place is one of the most inaccessible on the planet. The population according to the 2007 census is approximately 8632 people.

marquise islands

The archipelago is also famous for its volcanic origin. Geologists believe that all islands (except Motu-One) were formed from magma. Yes, and now under them is a real hot spot.

The islands can be divided into northern and southern. Their total area is 1049 square kilometers. Looking at the Marquesas Islands on a world map, you realize that this is the largest entity.

The largest island (northern group) is Nuku Hiva: it is the second largest in French Polynesia . And the south exist under the leadership of another giant - Khiva-Oa.

All year almost rainy

Marquesas islands are in the tropical zone. However, they are surprisingly affected by drought. People and vegetation rains here are extremely rare. And in some places it’s really bad. It is no coincidence that the island of Wa Hook is little populated. It’s impossible to live on Eyao.

All Marquesas islands are tall, besides Motu-Onet. He is low. The sandy shores are low. Since this accumulation of magma does not have any natural protection on the shores, the southern equatorial current mercilessly whips them and undermines the rocks. So many caves were formed here.

Inhabited and uninhabited places

The address that the Marquesas Islands have on the world map is the Pacific Ocean. However, you cannot understand from a piece of paper which of them are inhabited and which are not. To do this, go here. And it will become clear that some of them are suitable for human habitation, others are completely uninhabited. If you want to understand the feelings of Robinson Crusoe, please come to one of the last.

marquise islands on a world map

Marquesas Islands do not miss travelers without travelers. Tours here are organized from different continents. Most tourists are eager for Nuku Hiva and Hiva Oa. The west coast of the first island with steep banks. It was cut by bays. In the east, real elements rage. The northern part and to a lesser extent the southern are sparse in deep bays.

More than enough entertainment

For thrill-seekers, treks to mysterious caves are held. And to where stone temples and statues still stand intact.

In general, there are many entertainments. This, of course, is a jeep safari, horseback riding, hiking in the mountains, picnics (on beaches and in the mountains). Add here fishing, motorboat riding. How do you like a cruise on the azure and boundless expanse of the Pacific Ocean? You can still be curious about the archaeological site and stalls of artisans.

By the way, wood carving is a folk craft. You can buy original figurines, other souvenirs.

where are the marquise islands

Glass bottom boats

There are many great hotels on the inhabited islands. You can live on the water - in a bungalow. Or in a regular hotel on the beach.

The beaches are calm if they are located near the lagoon. And those outside these reservoirs are dangerous with sharp corals. And the waves here are strong all the time. But the view is simply wonderful.

Tourists like to look at the Marquesas Islands from the side of the boat, visit the marine park, be on picnics and fish with a spear. It is breathtaking when the group goes to the reefs. After all, this is an excursion with immersion in water. Other activities include diving and windsurfing, bicycle and canoeing.

But the farm where black pearls are grown has no shortage of curiosities at all.

where are the marquise islands

The Marquesas Islands are ideal for divers. There are many diverse fish, different inhabitants of the sea. There is something to see under water.

And just unique race. This is when passengers on a boat (with a glass bottom) rush along the canal between the lagoon and the ocean ...

And there are always a lot of travelers in the bird sanctuary.

The Marquesas Islands are all in coral reefs. They are close - in some 30-50 meters - from the edge of the coast. And the lagoon is a protector from the rampant sea element.

marquise islands tours

The Marquesas Islands are fabulously beautiful. They have many luxury hotels with a selection of everything you need. World stars prefer to come here. And still, the Marquesas Islands remain a quiet, calm, wonderful place for relaxation.

Among the many entertainment - feeding sharks and stingrays, picnics on tiny islands. You can order a parachute flight, something else is extremely rare. The Marquesas Islands will appeal to everyone.

marquise islands on a world map

Nuku Hiva Island

What are you looking for - heaven on earth? So, here you are. Nuku-Khiva (translated as “a majestic island”) covers an area of ​​387 square kilometers. It is two old volcanoes nested into each other. In the center of Nuku Hiva is the vast plateau of Toovia. The north coast is very rugged. Luxurious bays (Hatiheu, Taipivai, Haatuua and Taiohae) are great for snorkelling. Impressive cliffs plunge 200-300 meters into the Pacific Ocean.

Tayohae, the capital of the island, is an incredibly picturesque village and is located on the shores of a beautiful bay. Notre Dame Cathedral with carved bas-reliefs has a relaxed atmosphere. Attractions on the island deserve Muake Hill (864 m), which offers stunning views, a statue of the Virgin Mary on top of one of the peaks that rise above Hatiheu Bay, as well as the Catholic Church in Anaho and the delightful beach almost near its walls. But the main thing worth seeing on the island is the majestic Hakaui Valley, which is located 15 km from the capital, in the south-west. Here is a small and deep bay, into which several waterfalls are thrown at once. And the highest of them is Ahuiya Falls, which has a height of more than 350 m.

marquise islands in the pacific ocean

Now you know where the Marquesas Islands are. It remains only to verify the authenticity of our words in practice.


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