Order of the Sword Bearers (Order of the Brothers of the Sword): History

In 1198, dramatic events took place in what is now Latvia. Local tribes rebelled against the expansion of their lands by the Roman-German emperor Otton IV. When the uprising was crushed, in order to prevent similar rebellions in the future, the order of the Swordsmen was created by order of the German Bishop Albrecht.

Swordsmen order

Order conquering the pagans

One of the victims of the rebellious tribes was the local Bishop Berthold. Albrecht von Bucksgeven, appointed by his successor, began by invoking the Livonian knights for a crusade against the rebellious pagans. Hundreds of adventurers who want to get easy military booty, and at the same time absolution, landed in 1200 with their warlike shepherd at the mouth of the Western Dvina, where they soon laid the fortress of Riga.

However, over time, it became apparent that crusaders alone were not enough to control the entire territory, and on the initiative of the same Bishop Albrecht, a new military religious order was founded in 1200, which was called the Sword Bearers. In addition to taking care of the conversion of local pagans to the true faith, the Order also assumed purely military functions. Two years later, its creation was legalized by a special papal bull, which gave the order complete legitimacy and untied its hands in all future enterprises.

Cross and sword

He owes his name to the red swords depicted with the Maltese crosses on the white cloaks of the knights. Initially, when it was created, the then thriving Templar order was taken as a basis. The combination of Christian dogma with military force was equally characteristic of both them and the Swordsmen. The order, founded by Bishop Albrecht, was officially called the “Brothers of the Chivalry of Christ in Livonia”, which also suggests the resemblance to the Templar brothers. However, this external similarity was limited.


Education Livonia

The founding of the Order of the Sword-Bearers was an important step leading to the formation of a new state in the Baltic states - Livonia. It has not been holistic from its very birth. It included two independent economic zones - the Riga Bishopric and the new, just created, Order. The territorial entities of the new state were called Estonia, Livonia, and Courland. These words were derived from the names of the local tribes living there. The supreme authority over the entire territory belonged to the bishop.

Conquest of new lands

From the first days of their stay in Livonia, knights of the Order of the Sword-Bearers raided the territory, control of which was still in the hands of local tribes. Fortresses were built on the conquered lands, which later became the main military and administrative points. But not only with local tribes had to fight the Livonian invaders. Their main and most formidable opponent was the Russian princes, who rightfully considered the Livonian lands as their specific possessions.

Over the years, this struggle has gone with varying success. In historical documents covering the events of those years, there is a lot of evidence of both the victories of the Russian squads and defeats. Often the next military operation ended in the death or capture of one or the other of its participants. In addition, the history of the Order of the Sword-Bearers is full of episodes of their ongoing struggle with the Ests, the people who have settled these lands for a long time. The Livonian Order, which previously existed here, also claimed its rights on the territory, greatly complicated the situation.

Searches for a military ally

Foundation of the Order of the Swordsmen

The situation was difficult. In order to conduct such a large-scale action, significant military forces were needed, and they were clearly not enough for the swordsmen. The order was forced to seek a powerful ally in Europe, united with which, could continue the colonization of new lands. But not only a military advantage could give a similar alliance. The fact is that the Knightly Order of the Swordsmen waged an endless political struggle with Bishop Albrecht, the official ruler of Livonia. The aim of the struggle was to get out of its jurisdiction.

Such a powerful ally could be the Teutonic Order. Founded during the Third Crusade and to the described historical period, which had at its disposal a large army manned by well-armed and trained German knights, it could become the force that would provide the swordsmen with a decisive advantage in all military and political disputes.

Negotiations on the merger of the two orders

After their master Volkvin turned to the Teutons with a similar proposal, for a long time he had no answer from them. Their head, Hochmeister German von Salz, was known as a cautious and prudent person, it was not his rule to make hasty decisions. When, finally, he sent his envoys to the brothers-swordsmen for a detailed acquaintance with all the circumstances of their life and work, they were extremely dissatisfied with what they saw.

Knightly Order of the Swordsmen

In their reports, they pointed to the unacceptable liberty of the entire lifestyle of the Livonian knights and the neglect with which they relate to their own charter. It is possible that this was true, but most likely the main reason for their negative reviews was the desire of the sword-bearers noted by them after unification to preserve their independence and prevent their complete absorption by the Teutons.

The defeat of the swordsmen on the Saul River

It is not known how long negotiations would have continued if it had not been for the misfortune that befell the Order of the Swordsmen in one of the next military operations. They suffered a crushing defeat from the Lithuanian pagans in the battle on the Saul River. Relying on the support of the baptized Latgals and Estonians, they were betrayed by them and suffered heavy losses. Fifty noble Livonian knights remained on the battlefield. The forces of the Order were undermined and only the help of the Teutons could save him.

The decisive role in combining the two orders was played by Pope Gregory IX. He understood that after such an impressive defeat of the sword-bearers of Livonia, he threatened to be again in the power of the pagans.

Foundation of the Order of the Swordsmen

Being a decisive person, he immediately signed a decree according to which in 1237 the Teutonic Order merged with the Order of the Swordsmen. From now on, the independent conquerors of Livonia became only a branch of the Teutonic Order, but they had no choice.

The new owners of Livonia

The Teutonic Order immediately sent a whole army to Livonia, consisting of fifty-four knights, accompanied by a myriad of servants, squires and mercenaries. In a short time, the resistance of the pagans was suppressed, and the process of Christianization of the land continued without incident. However, since then, the sword-brothers have lost all independence. Even their head, the lanmeister, was not elected as before, but was appointed the supreme game master from Prussia.

Further historical development of territories related to Livonia is characterized by extreme political instability. Unlike the swordsmen who were subordinate to the local bishop, their new masters were in full jurisdiction of the Pope, and in accordance with the law of those years they were obliged to transfer to his possession a third of the lands Christianized by them. This provoked a protest from the local episcopate and caused many subsequent conflicts.

Order of the Swordsmen, Livonian Order, Teutonic Order

The Order of the Swordsmen, the Livonian Order, the Teutonic Order and the Russian princes who claimed these lands constantly kept the region in a paramilitary state. The long-standing confrontation between the episcopate and the order authorities, claiming a dominant role in resolving both religious and political issues, led to a constant decrease in the standard of living of the indigenous population and periodically provoked social outbursts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G12999/

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