Where can I get a credit card quickly without an income statement?

Credit card today is a universal tool that quickly and easily allows you to solve many financial issues. Every day, non-cash payments are becoming more popular. Many banks decided to do everything possible in order to receive such a privilege could anyone on excellent terms. Let's try to figure out where to get a credit card quickly, how to do it, what documents are required.

where to get a credit card quickly

Why do banks make concessions

A few years ago, in order to get a credit card or a loan, you had to go through a complex process. It included the collection and preparation of documents that confirm income, the search for guarantors and long lines. Now everything is completely different.

When the question arises of where you can get a credit card without inquiries, you just need to go online. Applications are now being submitted online, so you can do this with a cup of hot coffee.

Why has the procedure been simplified? Perhaps this was prompted by growing competition among various financial institutions. In order to attract new customers and retain old banks, they are doing everything possible to ensure that their services are the most profitable and convenient.

Service benefits

where you can quickly get a credit card

It is hard to believe that there were representative offices of banks where you can quickly get a credit card without providing a huge amount of documents. Consider the advantages of this service:

  1. It is not required to collect additional income statements and other documents.
  2. No need to stand in line. An application for a card can be issued online.
  3. Low interest rates.
  4. 24/7 customer service.
  5. The ability to withdraw money anywhere in the world.
  6. The minimum age at which you can use the service is 18 years.

If you are looking for where to quickly get a credit card, then study the offers of several banks and choose the most beneficial for yourself.

but on the other hand

It is known that there are no ideal goods and services. You can find your pitfalls in any field, banks are no exception. It would seem that everything sounds so sweet, everywhere you can find tips on where to get a credit card quickly without inquiries. Moreover, they give her away from the age of 18, no guarantors are needed. Where is the catch?

The risks of the bank are great, because the employees do not know if the client earns enough to repay the loan. The disadvantage of the card issuance service without intermediaries and certificates can be found only one, but significant. The level of trust in the client is low - this means that the bank will not be able to provide a large amount of money. Only small loans for certain needs, if there is an urgent need. In the event that a person repays a loan on time, a credit history begins to emerge from him. Over time, trust grows as well, a person will be able to submit an application on his own so that the possible limit on loans is increased.

If you are looking for a place to quickly issue a credit card, because a large sum of money is urgently needed, this service is not suitable for you.

How to get a credit card

where can I get a credit card without inquiries

It is very easy to get a card to any adult citizen of their country:

  1. You study the offers of banks and choose the one where you can get a credit card on the most favorable terms.
  2. Fill out the application. There are two ways with which this is done - online or at the office of the selected bank.
  3. If the application has been completed online, a consultant will contact the client in the near future to confirm by phone the consent to issue a card and re-verify the data.
  4. After the bank gives a positive answer, you will need to go to the office and pick up your card.
  5. All that remains is to withdraw money for the necessary needs and repay the loan on time in order to maintain a good credit history.

Required documents

To draw up a card, the bank needs customer data, an identification code. Only a passport and another additional identity document are required.

where can I get a credit card

It must be understood that the more information a client provides about himself, the higher the probability of receiving a larger amount of money on a card.

Additional papers

An additional document for issuing a credit card can be of two types:

  • identity card;
  • indicating a certain financial situation.

Possible documents:

  1. A foreign passport, in which there are marks that a person traveled abroad.
  2. Statement of a deposit account or card of another bank.
  3. Documents for the car. It can be insurance, rights, technical passport.
  4. If you want to get a larger credit limit, you can submit a statement of income and a copy of the work book.
  5. Health insurance policy.
  6. Some bank representatives also consider utility bills in the name of the client.

Student credit cards

Where is it better to get a credit card for an 18-year-old student? Consider popular offers.

where to get a credit card quickly without inquiries

  1. Tinkoff The card is issued only by passport, the application is considered on the day of treatment. The interest rate varies from 24.9 to 45.9%. The limit is 300,000 rubles.
  2. Promsvyazbank. A very interesting offer for a debit card. Cash back at 5% is a service designed to purchase a product of a certain category. With active use, card maintenance is free.
  3. MoneyMan. An application for a loan on a card is considered on the day of application, you only need to submit a passport. MoneyMan is a great opportunity to quickly and easily get a loan. Cards of any banks are supported.

Credit cards for persons over 18 do not have a large limit. The maximum amount represented is 150,000 rubles. If there is still a lot of time left until the scholarship or salary, and you are faced with unforeseen expenses, then this amount will be quite enough. In addition, you will earn a good credit history, and then you can take large loans if necessary.

Credit Cards for Seniors

where is it better to get a credit card

If necessary, pensioners can also find several banks where they can quickly issue a credit card without presenting a statement of income, it is quite realistic:

  1. Tinkoff Black Card is available to persons from 18 to 70 years old. The interest rate varies from 25 to 45%. For registration you do not need to visit the bank office. An online application is filled out, after its approval, the courier brings the card to the house.
  2. "Russian standard". The interest rate is 29%. Available for people from 25 to 65 years old. The decision on extradition is made almost instantly. Then the client chooses - he will pick up the card or order the delivery by courier.

The best offers of banks

  1. Tinkoff Platinum. Low interest rate, you can order home delivery by courier. The credit limit is 300,000 rubles. Advantage - accrual of additional annual bonuses. Where they can be used is specified in the representative offices of the bank.
  2. "Sovereign Bank". To obtain a credit card, in addition to a passport, you must submit an additional document. The maximum processing time is 7 days. Low interest rate, good grace period.
  3. "Yar Bank". The application is processed on the day of application. The minimum interest rate is 25%. The grace period is 55 days, only a passport is needed from the documents. The credit limit is large - 1 000 000 rubles.
  4. Alfamiles from Alfabank. The grace period is 2 months, the minimum age threshold is 21 years. Maintenance costs about 2000 rubles a year. The limit is 150,000 rubles. With active use, bonuses are awarded that can be used for air travel.

where to get a credit card quickly

If you urgently need to get a credit card without a certificate of income, apply to several banks. Study all the offers well. Do not forget: if there is a service for accruing bonuses for using a card, this is an additional advantage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G130/

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