Faleristics - collecting badges. Hobby Features

Some people collect different things and objects for the sake of scientific interest, others for profit or for some other reasons. In this article we will talk about such a variety of similar activities as collecting badges.

Collecting as a hobby: the causes of the phenomenon

So why are so many people so fond of collecting various gizmos (often completely unnecessary and priceless), turning them into huge collections?

Collecting is primarily a hobby. And any hobby, as you know, is a way to "get away" from routine, gray everyday life or uninteresting work. Man, spending his free time searching for this or that rare thing, first of all rests and is distracted from his everyday worries. Indeed, in this matter, he can become a real king, an expert. And thus realize his hidden potential, which he cannot fully reveal at work.

Psychologists claim that the main reason for the pursuit of this activity is purely psychological. At the heart of any collecting is a thirst for the accumulation of something. Any person always wants to own something essential.

badge collecting

One way or another, but for any collector, the collection process itself is more important. Finding a new subject for your collection and its thorough study bring great pleasure.

Collecting and its main types

Each collector "goes crazy" in his own way, depending on personal preferences and his status. Someone hunts for beer caps, and someone collects canvases by certain artists, each of which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Collections are private, museum, state and the like.

The word itself comes from the Latin collectio, which means “collecting”, or “collecting”. Collecting is a type of human activity, which consists in collecting certain objects, united by some theme or specific features. And this is not a simple gathering. Any collecting involves a detailed study of artifacts, their description, as well as systematization.

What types of collectibles exist today? There are a lot of them:

  • numismatics (collecting, as well as studying coins from different regions and historical eras);
  • bonistics (collecting paper bills);
  • philately (collecting stamps and postcards);
  • bibliophilism (collecting books, including rare ones);
  • peridromophilia (preservation of transport tickets);
  • memomagnetics (collecting magnets on refrigerators is a very popular hobby today) and others.

Next, we will examine in more detail such a kind as collecting badges. This hobby is called faleristics. She is also often called the "sister of numismatics."

collectibles badges

The badges. Breastplate Collectibles

Faleristics means collecting not only badges, but also orders and various medals. The term itself comes from the Latin word "falera" - a metal breastplate that was awarded for military merit.

The breastplate is a small product (most often made of metal) with a specific pattern and inscriptions. Very often it is an attribute of honor and is awarded to certain persons for specific merits or successes in a particular activity. Collectors are particularly interested in state badges and medals. In addition, individual companies can also produce badges.

icon collecting is called

Collecting badges was especially popular in Soviet times. Then almost one in three was engaged in this.

Varieties of badges

In faleristics, all badges are divided into several types:

  • for the end of an educational institution;
  • breastplates of specific organizations;
  • badges of distinction;
  • anniversary;
  • job badges;
  • military.

Icon Collecting: Prices and Features

Probably, in every family there are badges issued in the Soviet era. As a rule, these are aluminum products that are not of particular interest to collectors and faleristi. Their real value does not exceed 20 rubles apiece.

collecting badges

Collecting badges is a delicate matter. Here you need to clearly understand what the real value of a particular instance is.

The price of icons depends primarily on four factors. It:

  • year of issue;
  • circulation of the series;
  • metal of which the badge is made;
  • condition and appearance.

As a rule, Soviet badges, issued after 1960 and with a brand of prices, are not particularly interesting to collectors. But badges made earlier than this date may potentially interest the dealer. Especially if their circulation is less than one million units.

The price of many small circulation badges that have an interesting history can be several thousand dollars. And for some exclusive copies, collectors are ready to pay out quite substantial amounts - about 10,000 US dollars.

hammer badge collecting

There is one useful resource on the Internet that can be advised to anyone interested in collecting badges - the Hammer. The site molotok.ru has the appearance of an online auction, in which various lots are drawn, ranging from one ruble to several thousand dollars.


Collecting badges is an interesting hobby that brings together more and more people. You can start collecting a collection of simple aluminum badges from the Soviet period and gradually move on to the search for more expensive and rare items. In any of the options, collecting badges is a fascinating and highly informative activity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13020/

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