Borodino bridge: Moscow and Kamyshin

On this topic, you can make a riddle for a thematic quiz: “One bridge is located in the capital of our Motherland, Moscow. The other is in the watermelon capital of Russia, Kamyshin, Volgograd Region. But they bear the same name. Which one? ” Borodinsky! And even though the first is a bright metropolitan little thing, and the second is a modest Lower Volga provincial, the namesakes have a lot in common. For example, both adorn the center of the cities in which they are built. Well, let’s go through, rush through each, look for similarities and differences. Moscow Borodino Bridge (photo below) is amazing in its grandeur. Kamyshinsky "brother" is easier. But both objects can be called extremely important.

Borodino bridge

Borodino bridge in Moscow

The iron bridge over the Moscow River was built in 1912, in the year of the centenary of the victory of the Russian people over the French in the Patriotic War of 1812. Recall that in the decisive battle near the village of Borodino (125 km west of the capital) Napoleon I Bonaparte suffered a crushing defeat. By the way, in France, the historical battle is called: "the battle of the Moscow River."

The oldest and most beautiful Borodino bridge in Moscow connects such streets as Smolenskaya and Dorogomilovskaya. From the overpass to the Kremlin, only two kilometers. Not far away is the ever-lively Kiev railway station. Therefore, it is not necessary to “miss” the steel three-span handsome beam (up to 1999 - arch) construction. The traffic flow does not freeze for a minute.

Supports, colonnades (and at the same time coastal structures) “clad” in granite, obelisks and porticoes that have survived to this day, built according to the project of architect R. Klein, give the building a special flavor. It is worth saying that over the long period of its existence, the Borodino Bridge has experienced many changes.

Borodino bridge

Getting better and stronger

In 1788, instead of the current stocky handsome man, a wooden flooring swayed on the waves - a “living bridge” called Dorogomilovsky. It is difficult for a modern person to imagine how Russian and French troops marched on such a flexible and dangerous crossing in September 1812, but this is a historical fact.

In 1865 there was an urgent need for the construction of the capital bridge - the ferry suffered from floods. Under this city allocated funds in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. When Tsar Alexander II approved the project of industrial engineer A. Struve (they say that in real life it was I. Rerberg), he called the object Borodinsky (in memory of the 25th anniversary of the Russian victory near Borodin).

Construction began on May 2, 1867, completed it a year later with a tail - May 15, 1868. The Borodino bridge was made of iron, stood on stone piles (bulls). The length was 138.8 m, the width was 14.9 m. In 1912, in connection with the construction of the Kiev (then Bryansk) station, the transport situation changed.

The bridge of 250 meters long, with two footpaths (each width - 3, 5 m), solved the problem of increased "motor activity". Later, the road over water experienced two more restorations: in 1952 and in 1999-2011.

Borodino bridge in Kamyshin

In Kamyshin, it all started from the street. Due to the fact that many citizens, including the famous personality Lieutenant General K. Kazachkovsky, were participants in the war with Napoleon, in 1912, in honor of the centenary of the Borodino battle of the Patriotic War of 1812, it was decided to rename the main street Bazarnaya to Borodino ( now proletarian).

The continuation of the street - a wooden crossing over the Kamyshinka River - was popularly called the Borodino Bridge. They started talking about the construction of a new reinforced concrete, first category, in Kamyshin in the middle of the 30s of the XX century. But there was not enough money to implement the idea, and soon the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 broke out, postponing the peace plans of Soviet citizens for later.

Kamyshin Borodino bridge

Soon after the Great Victory (1945), the city began to quickly turn into an industrial one. In the mid-1950s, it became clear that it was no longer possible to postpone the construction of a modern reinforced concrete bridge.

Design documentation was developed by architects from Moscow (Giprokommundortrans). The construction was carried out by the organization "Bridge Train No. 404" (head S. A. Kamrukov), which already had rich experience in building bridges.

Movement open!

It was assumed that the reinforced concrete structure on concrete supports with a pile base would be installed on the site of the existing wooden Borodino bridge (in fact, the object was slightly displaced). The new Borodino bridge was characterized by the following parameters: length - 250 meters, height - 40 meters, width - 10 meters.

At that time, in the Stalingrad region (since 1961 - Volgograd), intensive preparations were underway for the launch of the Volga hydroelectric station. Large-scale works were carried out in Kamyshin to strengthen the banks of the Kamyshinka River, to deepen its channel (after all, filling the bowl of the Volgograd reservoir, on the banks of which the city has been standing for more than half a century, entailed an increase in water level). At the same time, preparations were underway for the construction of a bridge across this last major tributary of the Volga.

Workers for the construction of the Kamyshin bridge were recruited in Astrakhan. They started concreting foundations under the mast supports in the fall of 1957. In the spring of 1958, the dam was sprinkled, and the construction of supports was continued. In June 1959, bridge builders laid the first cubic meter of concrete in spans. They worked hard, competed with teams. On October 15, the first test of the bridge took place.

Kamyshinsky Borodinsky received a passport

Soon the suspension road was dismantled, circles were shipped along the railway (wooden forms supporting the formwork during the construction of reinforced concrete arches), the foreman was dismantled. Most of the workers of Bridge Train No. 404 returned to Astrakhan.

In March 1960, another organization completed its work - Volgodonstroy, a participant in the construction of the Borodino bridge in Kamyshin. The remaining bridge builders and newly hired workers completed the installation of fixtures. In the summer of 1960, a new reinforced concrete bridge over the Kamyshinka River was fully commissioned (it is believed that the state acceptance took place in 1961).

Borodino bridge in Moscow

On the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812 , commemorative plaques were installed on the Borodino bridge, at the right and left end, on the initiative of the public and local historians of the city, informing that the bridge is called Borodinsky.

Thus, the Kamyshin landmark received an official “passport”. At a time when there are “as many people as cars” on earth, the provincial Kamyshin, Borodino Bridge, at rush hour, are faced with traffic jams (who would have thought!).

The “old man” copes with the task with difficulty. It has long been understood: one more crossing is needed. Is she destined to appear in conditions when small and medium-sized cities of Russia are going through a difficult period, time will tell. Today, the Borodino Bridge continues to carry out its difficult service alone. Kamyshans are proud of a modest-looking, but strong building from the turbulent Soviet past.


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