The Lion Gate in Mycenae: description, history

When planning a trip to Greece, be sure to take a few days to travel to Mykonos. No wonder this ancient city is called the cradle of Hellas. It is thoroughly imbued with the spirit of ancient heroes, making feats in the name of the gods of Olympus, and unprecedented luxury, which all the kingdoms of the world could envy.

The Lion Gate in Mycenae

Mycenae Myths

The birth of Mycenae is rooted deep in history. Archaeologists believe that the city was formed in the sixteenth century BC. Located in the west of the Peloponnese peninsula, it became the most influential city in ancient Greece and marked the beginning of an entire era called the Mycenaean era.

Greek legends say that the city was founded by the great hero Perseus, son of Zeus, using the help of giants and cyclops. Indeed, the city itself, the palace and the fortress walls were built of huge stone blocks, perfectly fitted to each other without the use of mortar. Some blocks weigh about a hundred tons, and the walls themselves rise in height by thirteen meters. A similar method of building walls was called "cyclopean masonry." Most structures in Mycenae are built using this technique. It is difficult to imagine how these blocks moved during construction.

Founders of Mycenae

Historians believe that the founders of the city can be considered the ancient Achaeans, whose main activity was military campaigns in neighboring states. Homer in his famous poems glorified Mycenae and its warlike founders. Strategically, Mycenae was very conveniently located - the city, surrounded by well-fortified walls, was located on a hilltop. The plain stretching around deprived the enemies of the opportunity to quietly get to the city. Gradually, he got stronger and flourished.

Mycenaean Story: Prosperity

The Mycenaeans carefully guarded the approaches to their city, and by the thirteenth century BC they had spread their influence over the entire peninsula. The townspeople were actively engaged in trade and developed their city. Mycenaean culture replaced the Minoan civilization, which was almost destroyed after the eruption of Santorini volcano. The Mycenaeans settled the island of Crete, archaeologists found evidence of their culture in the ruins of the Minos Palace. Several centuries of Mycenaean rule left a huge imprint on the entire history of ancient Greece.

According to myths, Agamemnon, King Mycenae from this city went on a long campaign to Troy. The fall of Troy was a gift to the great king from the gods for the fulfilled promise to sacrifice his own daughter Iphigenia. A few days after the enchanting return to Mycenae, the king was killed by his own wife Klitemestra, distraught after the death of her daughter. Until now, in Greece, her name means "murderer."

Ancient Greece Attractions

During its heyday, the Mycenaeans erected many cities and decorated their city with magnificent structures, such as the royal palace, for example. The distinction between rich and poor citizens was very significant. The Mycenaeans strictly divided society into classes, giving the privileges of merchants and military leaders.

Fall of mycenae

Several centuries of the power of Mycenaean civilization ended after the invasion of the Peloponnese in one thousand two hundred years BC the warlike tribes of the Dorians. They destroyed most of the major cities of the peninsula, including Mycenae. Under their onslaught, Troy fell, who did not have enough time to recover from the triumphant victory of Agamemnon. The inhabitants of Mycenae still tried to revive the city, but gradually left Peleponnese in Asia and the islands. For many centuries, Mycenae was forgotten.

Discovery of Mycenae: excavations of Heinrich Schliemann

Mykens owe their new birth to the famous Heinrich Schliemann. A persistent archaeologist, carried away by the search for the legendary Troy, unexpectedly stumbled upon one of the burial grounds in the vicinity of Mycenae, which stunned the archaeologist with unprecedented wealth. Jewelry, parts of military armor, figurines and household items - all this was made of gold. From several burial grounds, Schliemann managed to raise more than thirty kilograms of precious metal products. Of particular value to archaeologists is the found golden death mask. Initially, scientists attributed it to the period of the legendary king Agamemnon, but after a long study dated it to the sixteenth century BC. The treasures found on the territory of the city were the most significant archaeological find of the late nineteenth century. Mycenae personifies everything that Ancient Greece gave the world . The sights of this magnificent and mysterious city amaze the tourist’s imagination with the power of the palace walls, unique royal tombs and the barbaric luxury of the artifacts found.

Sightseeing tour

Attractions Mycenae

Excavations in Mycenae continued for many years, revealing to the world new treasures of this amazing city. Each discovery proved that Mycenae had such a powerful influence on the Peloponnese that ancient Greece had never experienced before. The sights of Mycenae are now a huge complex with the ruins of the royal palace, burial grounds and fortress walls. You can wander around this archaeological site for hours. A special place among archaeological finds is occupied by the Lion Gate and mine tombs in Mycenae. Scientists have not been able to agree on their origin to this day. An excursion tour to Mykonos can be bought directly in Athens. Two hours spent en route, a very small fee for a spectacular sight that will appear before the eyes of a tourist.

The Lion Gate in Mycenae: Description

To enter the well-fortified city fortress, it was necessary to pass the Lion's Gate. They themselves are composed of four monolithic blocks, each of which weighs about twenty tons. Archaeologists believe that these blocks are carved from amygdalite rock. Blocks are carefully processed and adjusted to each other. After many years of study, archaeologists have discovered that the blocks were processed with a tool similar to a circular saw. Jagged stones are still clearly visible. This is one of the first puzzles provided to scientists and historians by the Lion Gate in Mycenae. The type of construction of the gate is identical with the fortress wall - monolithic masonry. According to scientists, the bas-relief of lions was installed above the gate much later than the construction of the fortress wall. The date of its foundation dates back to about the thirteenth century BC. Lions are a very common heraldic symbol of Europe. Many royal dynasties were proud of their depiction on their coat of arms.

Mycenae Greece

The bas-relief is made of three blocks and depicts two powerful animals standing on their hind legs, leaning on a column. The blocks are carved from whole limestone. Unfortunately, the heads of the animals did not survive, but archaeologists claim that they were cast in gold and turned on incoming people. According to some assumptions, the lions were a symbol of one of the ruling dynasties of Mycenae. According to another version, this monumental bas-relief was dedicated to the patroness of the entire animal kingdom - the goddess Potnia. Many historians see the similarity of bas-relief with ancient Celtic motifs. In their culture, lions occupied a special place, but until today, scientists have not figured out the meaning of the majestic image.

Myths about the origin of the Lion Gate

The Lion Gate in Mycenae is a unique structure, the likes of which have not been erected over the entire heyday of Mycenaean culture. The manner of construction and carefully crafted bas-relief depicting a column in the Cretan style made scientists recall the most ancient Hellenic myths.

Myths say that the Hellenes were descendants of the powerful gods of the Atlanteans, who came to the land of Ancient Greece from their lost land. Indeed, many stone structures that archaeologists attribute to the period of the Cretan-Minoan civilization and the Mycenaean that came to replace it, leave many questions. How could huge blocks of stone be mined and delivered to the construction site? Why do some of them have traces of processing tools similar to modern ones? Why is the bas-relief of the gate so closely intertwined with images in other cultures? No answers were found to any of the questions.

Agamemnon King Mycenae

Riddle of the Lion's Gate

If we consider that the Lion Gate in Mycenae was built as a defensive structure, then another mystery of this mysterious place appears before scientists - all the treasures that Schliemann found at one time were in burial grounds located practically under the base of the gate. In the same place, the famous archaeologist managed to find the tomb of Agamemnon himself, filled to the top with gold and silver artifacts. Neither earlier nor later did the Greeks make such burials.

Archaeologists believe that the entrance to the citadel through the Lion Gate was not accessible to everyone. This is evidenced by the road leading to the gate - along it are the famous mine tombs, which became sacred for the Mykene. A stranger could not be admitted to the cult site. This revealed fact underlines the special significance of the Lion Gate as a religious building in the heyday of Mycenaean culture.

Why did the Mykene people make such burials? And why did they place their treasures at the entrance to the city? The scientific world has not yet put forward a worthy hypothesis. The Lion Gate in Mycenae carefully guards the secrets of its creators

Royal palace

Tourists buying an excursion tour to Mykonos can see other historical monuments of this once richest city. Directly from the Lion's Gate, the road led to the royal palace. The ruins of this building even now delight tourists. In the center of the building was a huge rectangular hall with a hearth - a megaron. The hearth was carefully decorated and decorated with ornate drawings; massive columns stood at the four corners of the hearth, supporting the arch. The walls of the main hall were decorated with drawings in the Cretan style. Homer called this room "shining" in his poems. It should be noted that the Minoans were excellent engineers and architects. The entire structure was built at different levels, interconnected by a string of corridors and halls. Under the palace was the communications and water supply system of the city. Many buildings within Mycenae were built in two or three floors, which indicates not only the financial viability of the townspeople, but also the art of the builders.

Lion Gate in Mycenae type of construction

In the palace itself, an ancient sanctuary was supposedly located. Archaeologists have found several sculptures of goddesses and a child. To whom the Mykene worshiped, scientists know absolutely nothing. Just as their funeral rites are not known or understood by historians.

Shaft tombs

Mine tombs are no less unique place than the Lion Gate in Mycenae. Two burial circles, turned into a sanctuary in a later period, were the resting place of noble Mykene. Scientists still can not explain why the townspeople buried their loved ones sitting in narrow shaft-like burial grounds. This phenomenon is in no way connected with all previously known rites of the Hellenes. Each cemetery was filled with decorations and household items. It should be noted that all items were made of precious metals. Occasionally came across bronze items. After Schliemann found the mine tombs, the Mycenae began to be called "gold-bearing."

Cycloplastic masonry

The monumental Lion's Gate, magnificent gold jewelry and household utensils, myths, legends and riddles - all this was given to the world by the "golden-haired" Mycenae. Greece is capable of captivating any tourist who will definitely want to touch her history, penetrated by millennia, once again.


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