M. S. Gorbachev: the date of death has not yet arrived

Gorbachev date of death

As a rule, famous personalities are subject to increased attention, and quite often they become heroes of the next gossip and scandals. M.S. Gorbachev, whose date of death is of interest to many, is no exception. Information about the death of the first and last president of the Soviet Union repeatedly appears on the Internet. But as they say, you won’t wait: Mikhail Sergeyevich is alive and well, which is what all the paparazzi want.

The biography of the great politician

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich, whose death date is not yet known, was born in the Stavropol Territory (the village of Privolnoe) on March 2, 1931. His parents were ordinary peasants - hardworking, not rich. This is probably why the future politician worked with his father as a combine harvester in his school years, and after he entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Law. In 1953, he married Raisa Titarenko, who went down in history as the first lady of the USSR.

Gorbachev M.S., whose death date has not yet arrived, became a member of the CPSU party. Career developed very well, he held senior positions in the regional committee of the Komsomol of Stavropol. I learned in absentia as an economist-agronomist, which later came in handy. Since 1978, he has been in Moscow as Secretary of the Central Committee and is engaged in the agricultural sector.

Gorbachev M.S. date of death

Supreme authority and government features

M. S. Gorbachev, whose date of death is only an invention of dishonest journalists, did not expect to receive the highest power in the country. But his chances were very good, especially after the series of deaths of many party leaders in the eighties. Relying on the support of young Komsomol activists, already during the reign of Chernenko, Mikhail Sergeyevich begins the struggle for power, which he came to in 1985.

Gorbachev’s rule was very peculiar. It was marked by serious political reforms, the main task of which was to end stagnation. But most of these changes were poorly thought out, and therefore were not accepted by society. Prohibition was completely criticized and led to the very opposite effect: instead of combating drunkenness, he spread the practice of moonshining throughout the Union and the appearance of fake vodka.

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich date of death

The collapse of the great evil empire and the Nobel Peace Prize

Gorbachev, whose death date regularly appears in the media, carried out a massive restructuring in the country. Censorship weakened, but the standard of living of ordinary citizens worsened, the Cold War ended (for which the politician received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990). But the deep crisis ended with the August 1991 coup and the collapse of the indestructible union. His supporters seized the opportunity and divided the USSR into fifteen independent states.

Moving away from an important post, Gorbachev, whose death date, we hope, will not come soon, continues his social activities. He is now one of the most popular Russian politicians with authority in the West. And although the assessment of his activities as head of a superpower is rather ambiguous, it can be safely stated that Mikhail Sergeyevich is an outstanding person.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13089/

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