Voronezh architecture: historical and modern buildings

The most common assumption about why the city is called that way is believed to be the result of crossing the words "raven" and "hedgehog." However, some linguists believe that this is derived from the adjective "crow". A study by the authoritative compilers of the toponymic dictionaries Mikheev and Nikonov proves that the name of the city of Voronezh comes from the color of the water in the river.

Location of the city, climate

The city of Voronezh is located on the territory between the Oka-Don plain and the Central Russian Upland. This is a classic Central Russian forest-steppe. The city is located on the right and left banks of the river of the same name. Winter is characterized by variability, there are cooling to 30 degrees below zero. Summer is also unstable, it can be arid or rainy. However, autumn has a wonderful climate, very mild with moderate rains.

The location of the city of Voronezh has uneven terrain throughout. Every year, soil motions that cause microseismic vibrations are recorded. The right bank of Voronezh is a hilly plateau, and the left is in the lowland.

On the territory of the city and in its environs, excavations of archaeologists reveal the monuments of ancient Arbashevskaya and Srubnaya cultures. There is evidence that the area where Voronezh is now located is mentioned in the epic of the ancient Aryans. So, in the north of Voronezh there is a large archaeological complex located near the Lysaya and Parkovaya mountains. On this territory there are more than 30 monuments from past centuries, as well as about 560 barrows.

History of the city

It is believed that Voronezh was founded in 1586. The first defensive structure - the Voronezh fortress, was erected in the spring of 1590. It was a wooden structure, which was located near the modern University Square. Fortress walls reached a height of 6 meters, and watchtowers - 20 meters.

In the period from the 16th to the 17th century, there were no plans for the development of the city; it was built randomly. This is evidenced by the data in the sentinel book in 1615.

The first stone building in Voronezh was built in 1674. It was the church of the Akatov Monastery. The bell tower of the monastery has been preserved, it is the most ancient architectural monument of Voronezh.

The first stone residential building in the city was erected in 1676. However, the city for a long time remained wooden. The architecture of Voronezh began to develop more or less systematically since 1682, when the Voronezh and Borisoglebsk diocese was created. Stone churches began to be built in the city. In 1684, the five-domed Annunciation Cathedral began to be built of stone.

Voronezh, a monument to Peter I

Voronezh - the cradle of the Russian Navy

A significant part of the history of the city is associated with the formation of the Russian Navy. It was here that Peter I began to collect ships intended for military operations with the Ottoman Empire. The tsar formed the Admiralty in Voronezh and began to build the first Russian Navy at Voronezh shipyards.

Voronezh became the center of shipbuilding since 1696. The laying and construction of ships was carried out on the right bank of the Voronezh River, as well as on the island. On it, Peter I built himself a house and a shop. For foreigners involved in the construction of ships, built a German settlement. Several European-style houses were built there, as well as Lutheran churches. In 1700, the Assumption Church by order of Peter I became the Admiralty.

Voronezh, an example of Orthodox architecture

The origins of the architectural development of Voronezh

Active shipbuilding was conducted in the city for 15 years. During this time, the architecture of Voronezh has undergone significant changes. Three districts stood out, namely:

  • Old city.
  • The area where the shipbuilding work was going on.
  • Location of the Akatov Monastery.

The city center was the location of the Voronezh Admiralty Order. An impressive iron clock with bells was installed next to this task, by order of the king. It was one of the first hours of public service in Russia. They also meant an increase in urban status. In May 1748, Voronezh experienced a severe fire. He destroyed almost all the buildings along the banks of the river. This led to the fact that the city center was moved to a new place, currently it is University Square.

In the winter of 1782, Catherine II appointed Vasily Chertkov as governor of the city. Significant changes in the architecture of Voronezh are associated with its activities. By his order, they created a regular development plan for the city, while the streets were supposed to be straight and intersecting. The master plan for the development of Voronezh was approved by the empress in 1774. It was based on the principle of the trident.


Modern Voronezh includes many territories not previously owned by it, namely:

  • standing on the right bank of the settlement Troitskaya, Yamskaya, Chizhovka and others,
  • Left-bank settlements Pridel and Monastery.

Most of the city streets and squares have preserved historical buildings, therefore, are of architectural value.

The plan for the construction of Voronezh houses and other structures was approved by the City Duma in December 2008. This prevented the further destruction of historical sites. So, before the prohibition of demolitions was established, the house of Perelygin on Platov Street was destroyed, as well as the city pedestal for announcements, built more than 100 years ago. The urgent adoption of the plan was preceded by the fall of the dome of the Rotunda building, which is a monument of World War II. However, the architects of Voronezh consider the plan itself to be incomplete, since a sufficient number of buildings under protection are indicated there as ordinary structures.

In the city of Voronezh, and especially in its central part, historical buildings are located, including those of the time of Peter I. They miraculously survived and are currently under the watchful protection of city authorities.

Tulinov House

Roughly in 1813, a two-story brick building was erected in the city according to the sketches of the architect Kondratyev. It is built in the Empire style. On its facades there was a freakish stucco decoration and pilasters. The pediment was supported by four ionic columns. The first owner of the building was the manufacturer Vasily Tulinov. The estate housed stables, glaciers, greenhouses. Emperor Alexander I lived twice in this house, in 1818 and 1820. Nicholas I was here in 1832, when he came to Voronezh for an event dedicated to the discovery of the relics of St. Mitrofan. In 1837, the future emperor Alexander II and the poet Zhukovsky spent several days here. The latter even put in his album several sketches from the balcony of this building. Before the revolution of 1917, the house passed from one owner to another, underwent restructuring, but the facade remained the same.

Voronezh, the Tulinovs house

After the revolution, the Tulinovs' house in Voronezh was nationalized. It housed the Museum of the Revolution. Before the war, the editorial board of the Young Kommunar newspaper was located here. During the war years, the building was actually completely destroyed. Only its frame survived. The Tulinovs house was restored in 1951 and assigned the status of a monument of architecture. A new restoration of the facade was carried out in 2011.

The building of the hotel "Bristol"

In 1910, according to the drawings of the architect Furmanov, the remarkable hotel of Voronezh "Bristol" was built. The city acquired a three-story building, in which there was the first working freight elevator. On the ground floor there was a restaurant and shops. During the construction of the hotel, the author of the project used all the latest developments and new products for the construction of large-story buildings. So for the first time reinforced concrete ribbed slabs were used as floors. Currently, the building is well preserved.

Voronezh, hotel "Bristol"

Hotel Voronezh "Bristol" refers to the monuments of history and architecture of federal significance. Style is modern.

A stone bridge

A famous attraction of Voronezh is the Stone Bridge ( Lovers' Bridge ). It was built in September 1826. The author was the architect Glycine. In 1986, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Voronezh, the construction of the bridge was updated. In 2011, a new reconstruction was carried out.

Voronezh, the bridge of lovers

The bridge is small in length, about 10 meters. Below it is a descent to the embankment of the Voronezh reservoir. The bridge is a place of pilgrimage for the newlyweds. By tradition, they should arrive here on their wedding day. Break a bottle of champagne on the bridge and hang locks on which to engrave the names of young people. Such a ritual should lead to a strong and happy marriage. That is why the building was called the bridge of the Lovers.

Unique residential building

A notable residential building is the so-called accordion house. It belongs to the sights of the city. It was built in 1929. The project of the architect Troitsky was a strange shape, consisting of solid right angles. However, it was roomy and very successfully fit into the existing architectural ensemble in the vicinity.

Voronezh, "Accordion House"

During the Great Patriotic War, the building was badly damaged. It was restored only in the mid-fifties of the last century, giving the facade a classic style. Residents of Voronezh came up with an interesting name for him - "Accordion House".

City Development Plans

Active construction work is currently underway in the city. In addition to the construction of houses, Voronezh, according to a new urban development plan, should acquire two more bridges across the reservoir.

Voronezh, new buildings, Northern district of the city

New roads and interchanges are provided. The municipal construction program adopted for implementation is designed to increase the integrated security and stability of the transport system.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13094/

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