Korea: attractions, the most interesting places

On the Korean Peninsula, there are two states that bear the same name, but are irreconcilable enemies. Countries with different political, cultural and economic conditions have been considering each other as invaders of their ancestral territory for more than 70 years. Korea is united only by people of one nationality and a single historical past.


A socialist country located in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula is considered one of the most closed and mysterious in the world. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea lives by its own rules, which are strikingly different from their usual standards. It is possible to take a trip that will take you back to the time of the distant Soviet past as part of the tour, and independent trips are prohibited.

Features of tourism in North Korea

There are restrictions on movement within the country where you can bring a laptop and a camera, but you will have to hand in your mobile phone at the airport (they will return it before departure). Leaving the hotel to take a walk independently in search of local attractions does not work. The entire route is prepared in advance, and you cannot deviate from it. The host side is very concerned about the impression that the foreigner will have after the trip, so everything that a tourist sees is carefully thought out.

The Republic of Korea

South Korea, the sights of which are varied and very interesting, appeared after the division of the state and at one time became a part of the US The chosen course towards a democratic system and a thriving economy attract many travelers from the most distant corners of our planet. In recent decades, this destination has become incredibly popular with tourists. In fairness, we must admit that the name South Korea is vernacular, and it does not appear in any official document.

castles of south korea

Colorful Seoul

The Republic of Korea, whose sights are of particular interest to European guests, is an ultramodern paradise with entertainment for every taste. The ancient culture of one of the most developed countries in the world left its marks on architectural monuments, most of which are concentrated in the capital - Seoul. Combining inconsistent colorful megalopolis makes an indelible impression on all tourists. The city, home to about 10 million people, is recognized as the most high-tech in the world, but traditional culture remains as intact as it was several centuries ago.

Gyeongbokgung Palace

So, what to see in Seoul for the first time a tourist arriving in a noisy city? The main palace complex, which is the pride of local residents, consists of open pavilions that communicate with each other. Built for the ruling Joseon dynasty in 1395, a historical and architectural monument was destroyed and restored several times. Three hundred and thirty buildings were originally made up of Gyeongbokgung Palace, and now local architects have restored almost half of the magnificent structures.

everland park
The pentagonal building housed two national museums that host visitors. Delighted with the beauty of the complex, tourists will find luxurious apartments, picturesque gardens and incredibly elegant ponds, near which it is so pleasant to walk in the heat. The open-air museum, named the pearl among the historic palaces of Seoul, is justifiably proud of Korea. Sights covering an area of ​​432 thousand hectares will surprise even many travelers who have seen it.

Cheongcheon Creek

Eleven years ago, local authorities restored a river channel, long hidden underground. Flowing in the historical part of the city, today it is visible to all vacationers. Along the banks of the Chongchekhon stream, locals and surprised tourists walk. Here original fountains beat, creating a comfortable microclimate, and on the bridges lit by lights in the evenings, lovers couple freeze. Therefore, when the guests of the metropolis have a question, what else to see in Seoul, we recommend that you go to an outdoor recreation area in the very center of the city.

what to see in seoul

Entertainment center

Forty years ago, a theme park appeared, owned by the famous Samsung company. Divided into five zones, it is included in the list of obligatory tourist routes. Everland Park, located in Yongin City, is visited by over six million people annually.

cities of korea

The entertainment complex includes not only spectacular attractions, but also a huge water park, in addition, in the summer laser shows, colorful festivals, costume processions that will be remembered by the guests of South Korea are held. And in winter, visitors expect no less interesting snow performances.

Castles of South Korea

Not far from Seoul is Namhansanson Fortress, which appeared in 672. Once the monks who defended the king were hiding from the enemy in it, and over time it lost its significance and began to collapse. More than 50 years ago, it and the adjacent territory were declared a national park.

Korea, whose sights are reminiscent of the hostilities that took place over many centuries, did not begin to destroy the objects erected by the invaders. One of these structures is the castle, which is located in the metropolitan city of Ulsan. Built by the Japanese during the invasion of Korea, the stone construction of Sosenpho Wason will surprise you with an unusual architectural style for the country.

Lesser-known Korean cities with their own flavor

Of course, Seoul with its unusual sights, impressive shopping centers, high-speed subway, ideal roads is loved by foreign guests, but there are also lesser known cities in Korea that are worth visiting. For example, the ancient Incheon attracts with its picturesque coast, thermal springs and numerous Buddhist temples.

You can not ignore the so-called summer capital of the state - Busan. It is here that the most famous beaches and equipped promenades are located. In a city hosting hundreds of thousands of tourists, everyone will find something to do. You can go to the huge fish market, offering a variety of delicacies, take a walk in the famous natural park, and visit the national marine reserve. Therefore, try to build your route so as not to pass by this city of Korea, which has a developed infrastructure.

UNESCO-protected village museums are located in Andon, the country's largest cultural center. Considered the birthplace of philosophers, it was completely destroyed during the war, but rebuilt, and if tourists have a desire to immerse themselves in ancient history, then there is no better place.

korea sights

In our article, we talked about the sights of South Korea - a hospitable state that boasts an abundance of places of interest to tourists. A variety of ancient and modern monuments, unique nature, excellent shopping attract Russian people who want to relax in an exotic country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13095/

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