Command economy as state property

An economic strategy defines all aspects of ownership of resources such as land, capital and labor. Throughout the history of civilization, there were many types of economic systems that reflected natural conditions, national conditions, religious principles, and others. Due to such a variety of economic systems , the main types can be distinguished - a free market and a team economy .

What is a team economy , and in what way is it manifested? By this term they understand such a form of economic organization in which all material resources are allocated by the government and are owned by the state. For government obligations, enterprises and individuals need to act in accordance with centralized economic planning. That is why a team economy is able to be characterized by the use of directive methods and a high level of centralization of functions.

A centralized or command economy is considered the opposite of a market economy. For each enterprise, the production plan provides for all destinations - what to produce, how much to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce. Thus, the state itself solves the issue of suppliers, customers. And also some certain resources are allocated. Then, after the adoption of the plan, the means of production can be distributed among the main sectors on the basis of long-term priority relationships, which are determined by the planning body.

Thus, the economic system, in our case, the team economy , reflects that all public decisions are necessary for making and planning decisions. In this case, efficiency can arise only when there is a deep knowledge in the field of economic laws, as well as if you follow the strict requirement and implementation of these laws. Also, the effectiveness of the command economy will arise only when improved production relations of production forces are introduced under the influence of scientific and technical progress. Thus, knowing and following the right tactics allows you to achieve optimal work as a team economy.

The team economy, like the economy of the company , involves the study of the functioning processes of factors and various industries, modern approaches that will ensure effective work at the enterprise; management mechanisms that contribute to being the market leader; management and organization of the operational activities and strategic prospects of the enterprise, as well as innovative actions of business entities.

Today, only a person is able to create and introduce various innovations into production. If artificial intelligence appears, then there will be a post-economic era in which all the need for decision-making on limited resources will disappear . And such a concept as post-industrial economy defines such relations that arise as a result of post-industrial society.

What needs to be understood in the term post-industrial society? This is a society whose economy dominated the productive resource. Here the main driving force for the economy is scientific development. It is thanks to the post-industrial economy, the main qualities, and valuable, of the employee are professionalism, level of education, creativity and learning.

Thus, in the development of the economy, more practical definitions of the information, service, innovation economy, and also the knowledge economy are used.


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