Features of Tverskaya metro station

The Tverskaya metro station of the Zamoskvoretskaya line of the Moscow metro has a rather unusual story dating back to the depths of the 1930s, when the future Moscow metro was under construction. Layout plans were repeatedly revised, and the so-called "backlog", that is, an empty underground space at the place where the Tverskaya metro station is today, was created precisely during the laying of the first lines through the densely populated center of Moscow. From the creation of the station at this place in those days had to be abandoned for a number of technical reasons. They returned to this station only after 40 years.

Tverskaya metro

Metro station "Tverskaya". Features of building technologies

This station was nevertheless built using the old backlog at a depth under Pushkinskaya Square. It was put into operation in the summer of 1979 and until 1990 it was called "Gorky". By its design type, the Tverskaya metro station is a three-vaulted deep-laid pylon station. There are quite a few like hers; there is nothing unusual in architecture. But many engineering solutions during its construction can be called unique. The construction was complicated by the fact that the station was being built on the already operating stage "Mayakovskaya" - "Theater". Geological conditions were more than just complicated, and urban development in the center of the capital is very dense. These circumstances forced to abandon the construction of a separate mine shaft and use the existing mine at Pushkinskaya station.

Tverskaya metro station
I also had to abandon the bypass tunnels, ensuring the uninterrupted movement of the Zamoskvoretskaya line during the construction of a new station on the already operating stage. Temporary paths were laid right along the center line of the future Tverskaya metro station. Photos, diagrams and calculations of engineering solutions are included in textbooks on architecture and construction as an example of a rationally chosen construction strategy and technology. This is a classic of Soviet engineering, an important experience in the design and construction of metro lines in the central part of large cities. With the preservation of the integrity of their historical buildings and cultural heritage. The station forms a convenient interchange hub with transitions to Chekhovskaya and Pushkinskaya.

Tver metro photo

Metro "Tverskaya". Architectural features

Light marble and red granite dominate the interior decoration of the station. The thematic concept of aesthetic design is the work of the Soviet classic Maxim Gorky, whose name the station originally bore. The “petrel of revolution” is also dedicated to the sculptural composition, which had to be moved from the end of the station when it became necessary to build a transition to the Chekhovskaya station. Pushkinskaya Square has a dense historical development, so the station "Tverskaya" has an underground lobby. It is combined with the lobby of the Pushkinskaya station of the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line. From here you can also get to the shopping complex "Tverskaya Passage" and the basement of the editorial complex "Izvestia".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13103/

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