Tatfondbank: reviews of employees and customers

Banking in Russia during the crisis has become unstable. The population does not know which organizations can safely trust their money, and which ones to stay away from. Therefore, you have to be interested in the numerous opinions of customers, as well as statistics. Employees of certain banks are also often able to point out the integrity and reliability of their superiors. All this helps to form the correct impression of the financial organization.

Today we will have to figure out how good a company is a corporation called Tatfondbank. Feedback from customers and employees will indicate all the features of a banking company. Should I contact her? For example, as an employee. Or is it better to find a different place of service / employment? A definite answer is very problematic! This should be remembered.

Description of Activities

The first step is to understand how the corporation under study is good for customers. Only then can it be considered as an employer. You should start by studying the activities of the company.

tatfondbank reviews

Tatfondbank receives reviews as a good financial organization. This is a company that provides a variety of services. There is nothing suspicious in the scope of the organization. And this fact pleases both applicants, and employees, and potential / real customers.

Tatfondbank is the most common bank. What can be said about his work? How pleased are the activities of the organization with customers and employees? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a financial company?

About Services

Special attention should be paid to the services provided by Tatfondbank. For what reasons can I contact here? What opportunities do customers have?

They do not surprise anyone. In general, customers leave positive feedback on the range of services at Tatfondbank. Among the opportunities that are offered in the corporation are:

  • issuance of loans and borrowings;
  • opening / closing of deposits and deposits;
  • issuing credit cards;
  • issuing debit banking plastic;
  • mortgage credit lending;
  • car loans;
  • currency exchange;
  • Money transfers;
  • the ability to pay certain payments at the box office;
  • provision of safes to individuals.

In other words, all the standard features of financial companies. Nothing surprising, incomprehensible or dangerous. You can contact Tatfondbank for any banking matters. But is it necessary to do so? Are customers satisfied with the collaboration with the corporation? What are its advantages and disadvantages highlighted in most cases?

Tatfondbank customer reviews

Organization scale

Tatfondbank receives positive customer reviews for its scale. More precisely, for the prevalence of the bank in the country. After all, we are talking about a very large financial organization.

Tatfondbank branches are distributed throughout Russia. You can find offices in Saratov, and in Moscow, and St. Petersburg, and in some other areas of the Russian Federation. Such sizes allow us to believe that we are not talking about scammers at all.

Accordingly, Tatfondbank is a fairly large network of banking companies. Compared to Russian leaders like Sberbank or VTB, it does not look very popular, but they still use its services. How successful? All this will be discussed a little later.


Tatfondbank earns positive customer reviews for the situation in the branches. The thing is that often visitors talk about a pleasant atmosphere in the bank's offices. Not everywhere, but mostly the atmosphere is good.

The offices have redecorated, there is no unnecessary fuss and heavy atmosphere. Bright, spacious rooms, everywhere clean and comfortable. Very friendly employees of Tatfondbank meet all their visitors. It is felt that the situation in the bank is paid enough attention.

Although, some reviews emphasize that some of the offices are poor. Small rooms, stuffy and not too bright, do not affect the rating of the corporation in the best way. Fortunately, such claims are rare. Mostly customers like to be in Tatfondbank.

Tatfondbank Bank customer reviews

About employees

An important role is played by the attitude of employees towards visitors. Tatfondbank (bank) receives mixed reviews from customers in this area. It is difficult to say with certainty how well employees communicate with clients.

Opinions in this area are both positive and negative. Some claim that all subordinates in Tatfondbank offices are attentive, cultured and friendly. They give all customers enough time, and service is quick. All the nuances of certain operations are warned and talked about.

Along with this, some customers emphasize other facts. For example, rudeness on the part of Tatfondbank employees. Some hide important information about cooperation (for example, they don’t talk about the commission for currency exchange), someone is not able to fully answer visitors' questions regarding certain services. In some situations, customers are neglected and work slowly.

All this is not the best way affects the rating of the corporation. Feedback from Tatfondbank depositors often leaves much to be desired regarding service personnel. And what about the quality of the provision of certain services?

About quality of service

In this area, too, there is no unequivocal opinion. Tatfondbank reviews earns different types. True, if you believe the numerous opinions left on different sites, otzoviks, then most of the services and their provision leave much to be desired.

Customers complain that the interest on deposits is initially offered high, but in reality a low return on the storage of funds in the bank is provided. Loans from Tatfondbank are also not receiving the best reviews. Some visitors either encounter a pile of papers, or they are not told about real interest rates for a particular loan. The truth is clarified only after the first months of service provision.

feedback on tatfondbank on deposits

Some customers emphasize dubious debiting. Most often - with banking "plastic". And so they do not recommend fully trusting Tatfondbank. Complaints are often received.

But sometimes you can see positive reviews about Tatfondbank on deposits and other services. For example, in some regions, company employees quickly and easily help to get a loan / loan / open a deposit, and the use of banking "plastic" is not a hassle. No mysterious write-offs of money, nothing incomprehensible.

For customers in general

Tatfondbank receives feedback from customers, as you might have noticed, not entirely unambiguous. Part of the population says that it is here that you need to apply for any banking services. And someone says the opposite.

In general, Tatfondbank is a good place to open a deposit or exchange currencies. Only you should carefully study all the clauses of the contract. Then there will be no trouble after talking with the corporation. Nevertheless, it is also recommended to be wary of the activities of the company. And there are good reasons for that.

Remediation and support of the Central Bank

Which ones? Tatfondbank recently had problems with financing. He was practically declared bankrupt. Nevertheless, the license was not revoked from the corporation; it continues its activities.

They say that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is considering additional support for the corporation under study. It is called reorganization. The Central Bank is constantly returning to the issue of allocating additional funds for a company called Tatfondbank. Remediation receives different reviews. Some approve of such a move, others assure that even such a measure will not save the organization from collapse.

It is still not known exactly how things will be with Tatfondbank. But customers still come here, the bank continues to operate. The population recommends contacting the company only when the conditions of larger and more well-known financial corporations do not suit the potential visitor. Of course, in the current situation, Tatfondbank should not be operated on with large amounts of money either.

tatfondbank loans reviews

Building a career with Tatfondbank

But now you can pay attention to how the corporation under study is a good employer. What Tatfondbank receives employee reviews? Should I get a job here?

As in the case with the position of customers, it is impossible to single out a single opinion that would be confirmed at 100%. Many job seekers and employees of Tatfondbank note that the employer offers good prospects. Namely - building a career.

At an interview conducted in cozy offices with nice looking HR managers, they promise career growth, consistently high salaries, and work in a friendly company. Of course, all this in combination with a social package, a flexible and convenient schedule, constant bonuses, bonuses and official registration for work. But is everything really good in reality?

The nuances of employment

Tatfondbank receives mixed reviews for the employment features that have a place in practice. The thing is that often you can see the opinions of subordinates, indicating the actual absence of official employment. An employment contract is signed “with battle”, often you have to work without it.

But at the same time, part of the staff categorically refutes the published negative. Such people emphasize that Tatfondbank is a conscientious employer who values ​​all his staff. Accordingly, he concludes an employment contract with everyone, a record of this is made in the citizen’s work book. No cheating. Only, as practice shows, without registration you still have to work for a certain period of time. For example, while the applicant collects the necessary documents, passes the medical commission, and also learns to work at Tatfondbank.


A lot of mixed opinions are collected by the studied company because of the trial period and training. These periods are often called doubtful. On the one hand, applicants get acquainted with upcoming duties, join the work team. On the other hand, they carry out all the duties of an officially employed employee. Doubtful joy. That is exactly what some subordinates of Tatfondbank say.

Of course, this period is not paid in any way. And there are no guarantees that after training with the applicant they will conclude an employment contract.


Tatfondbank receives positive feedback from its employees.

Colleagues speak of each other as responsive and open people, always ready to help newcomers and support experienced ones. Conflicts in Tatfondbank do not occur very often, they are all resolved as soon as possible. There is no particular competition. And it pleases. Sometimes you want to come to work again and again precisely because of the team.

Yes, in some branches of Tatfondbank one may encounter not the most friendly and cultural colleagues. But no one is safe from such situations. People who could not join the Tatfondbank team, as a rule, quickly quit.

feedback from tatfondbank depositors


What other features do subordinates often pay attention to? What reviews does Tatfondbank receive? Kazan or any other city - it doesn’t matter which branch it is about. After all, the principles and characteristics of labor remain the same in all departments of the corporation.

Standard claims appear to many managers. And Tatfondbank is no exception in this matter. Therefore, the negativity shown regarding the management of the company is not recommended to devote a lot of time and attach particular importance.


Tatfondbank does not receive the best reviews about itself as an employer. Employees express a lot of negativity because of the salaries that are accrued to all subordinates.

It is emphasized that the salary of Tatfondbank employees is low. And this is despite the fact that at the interview they promise high earnings. Also, salaries are delayed, employees are fined, which reduces their profits. And in a similar way the situation is in all departments of the company.

Schedule and working conditions

The work schedule at Tatfondbank is something that also receives not the best reviews from employees. Most often subordinates say that the established temporary labor restrictions are violated. You have to stay overtime at no extra charge. It is understandable why Tatfondbank receives mixed reviews from employees.

Working conditions are average. Offices are warm and relatively comfortable, but they have to spend 10-12 hours, and sometimes more. Often you have to work on your feet all day. Not everyone can work at Tatfondbank. Only people with high stress tolerance and low fatigue will be easy here.

Career growth in a corporation is not easy to achieve. Will have to work as an ordinary employee for many years. If you are a careerist, this can be a serious obstacle to career advancement.

tatfondbank sanitation reviews


What conclusions can be drawn from all the information studied earlier? Feedback from Tatfondbank depositors does not give confidence that this company is absolutely bona fide. The situation is similar with employment.

It is noted that often Tatfondbank can be found on the black list of employers in different regions of the country. However, this is far from the worst place to work. The population is skeptical of Tatfondbank as a whole. However, all the negativity expressed in the address of the company has no real evidence. Just like positive opinions about the corporation. From now on, it is clear that Tatfondbank banks are receiving mixed reviews. But this is not a reason to avoid collaboration with the organization.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13104/

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