Lermontov Museum-Reserve "Tarkhany" of the Penza Region: description, photo, how to get

In the northwestern part of the Penza region, among dense forests and green fields, crystal clear small rivers and ancient groves, there is an ancient village, which today is called Lermontovo. The former village of Tarkhany of the Penza Region, namely the estate of the Arsenyevs Mikhail Vasilyevich and Elizaveta Alekseevna, was the place where the greatest Russian poet Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov spent his childhood and youth. This place became the cradle of the great poet. Whatever part of the world the poet’s life threw into, he always tremblingly recalled his homeland - the land that had grown him and on which he spent almost half his life. Here, Mikhail Yurievich survived the first longing for love, here he found his last refuge. In the family crypt lies the remains of genius, and a chapel rises above the building itself.

Tarhans of the Penza region

The first exhibition complex

The Tarkhany Museum (Penza Region), a photo of which is presented in our article, consists of three exhibition complexes.

The first part includes a manor house. It was built after the death of Lermontov’s mother, Maria Mikhailovna. By the way, she was the only daughter of Elizabeth Alekseevna. So, in 1818 this estate was erected. In the late 90s of the last century, the house underwent reconstruction. Masters completely recreated the environment that emphasizes the influence of the estate culture on the development of the poet's personality. It was here that the little boy Misha had to endure a series of joyful and woeful events: the death of his mother, parting with his father, acquaintance with the basics of art and science, writing the first poetic lines, the first lessons of playing the piano. Mikhail Lermontov wished that his ashes be buried only in Tarkhany. This complex contains unique items: cigarette box, pipe, casket and other personal belongings of the poet; items that belonged to his grandmother and mother (holiday handkerchiefs and the like). It also presents some of the artwork of a genius.

manor of tarkhany

Not far from the manor house is the one-domed manor church of Mary of Egypt. This monument has completely preserved its architecture and turned out to be timeless. The church is in the Empire style. It was built by Elizabeth Alekseevna in honor of her daughter. The building operated until the mid-20s of the last century, and today it is simply consecrated and is a monument to the days past.

The second exhibition complex

The second part of the exposition of the museum "Tarkhany" of the Penza region is the church of the Archangel Michael. This architectural complex is located in the central part of the village. It was built during the life of grandmother Mikhail Lermontov. The construction of the church began in 1826. In 1836, in the winter, the poet spent his first officer holidays on the estate. Then he watched the still unfinished church.

tarhany penza region photo

The third exposition complex

This is the estate of Apalich. At a distance of three kilometers to the southwestern part of the village of Tarkhany is the estate of a “cute aunt”, owned by M. A. Shan-Girey-Apaliha - the poet’s native aunt. The modern estate is a gorgeous park with centuries-old lindens, the crowns of which are visible from afar. All conditions are created here for a person to merge with nature, to feel it with his whole soul. Only here you can admire the transparent springs, listen to the whisper of hundred-year-old trees. Since the late 30s of the twentieth century, the estate of Tarkhany turned into a museum, and since 1969 it acquired the status of a reserve.

Grave of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov

The Tarkhany manor (now Lermontovo) is the resting place of the soul and body of the great poet. Initially, his ashes were buried in Pyatigorsk, but a year after the burial he was transported to Lermontovo. There, next to the mother’s grave, in the chapel, the son found his eternal refuge. A monument made of black marble was erected over the grave of a genius. The inscription “Mikhailo Yuryevich Lermontov. 1814-1841. " A huge oak tree has grown near the chapel. After the poet’s funeral, his grandmother ordered to dig some trees in the forest and plant them in front of the chapel building, but out of the total number of dug oaks, only one took root.

tarhany penza region map

Interesting Facts

The village of Tarkhany of the Penza region inspired Mikhail Yuryevich to create such unsurpassed masterpieces as the Circassians and the Tambov Treasury. In the same place, the poem “The Dying Gladiator” and the drama “Two Brothers” saw the light of day. Borodino, a notorious poem, was composed on the basis of memories of the Tarkhans.

In early July of each year, the Tarkhany Museum of the Penza Region gathers poetry lovers from all over the state at the All-Russian Lermontov holiday. As part of this event, the organizers reward participants with the Lermontov Literary Prize and hold a music concert where romances are performed. On the day of memory of the poet, July 27, flowers are laid on his grave.

This year, the Tarkhany estate, the Lermontov Museum in particular, celebrated its 75th anniversary. In honor of this event, the reserve for the first time opened a depository for guests. Here are collected things belonging to the Lermontov family, which were not included in the main exhibition.

Tarkhany Lermontov Museum

Also by this date peasant houses located in the museum were restored. A new exposition entitled “Stages of a Short Way” has opened. She presents illustrations for Lermontov's works made by such famous artists as K. Korovin, M. Vrubel and I. Repin.

When it works and how to get there

Tarhans of the Penza region

The Tarkhany Museum (Penza Region), the map of which is in our article, is open every day from 9:00 to 16:00. The exceptions are Tuesdays and the last Thursday of each month: these days the museum has a day off. And you can get here from Penza along the Penza-Tambov highway. The distance is approximately one hundred kilometers. By bus or car you will overcome this path in two hours.

If you are going to take the road from the capital of Russia, then you have to get to the Belinskaya station (Kamenka city), and from there you have to travel another 35 kilometers to the reserve by bus.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13115/

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