Trader Alexander Gerchik: biography

Should I read biographies of successful people, in particular professional traders? Does that make sense? Of course. This will help to avoid common mistakes if you decide to devote yourself to such a thing as currency trading. That is, reading such biographies will significantly shorten your path to financial well-being. Soon you will be able to earn good money and proudly call yourself a trader. One of the most successful representatives of this profession is Alexander Gerchik, whose biography will be presented in this article. So let's get started.

How did it all start?

1971 - this is the year when Alexander Gerchik was born (the hero’s birthday was on September 13). His story began in sunny Odessa. Many people believe that people with an entrepreneurial spirit are born in this city. Apparently, Alexander was overwhelmed by his commercial potential, and he decided to conquer another country. And this was not surprising. The USSR fell apart, the Iron Curtain fell, and many in those years wanted to leave for the United States. This country seemed the personification of new opportunities. And in 1993, the hero of this article decided on the final and irrevocable move to New York.

alexander gerchik

Work as a taxi driver

Of course, Alexander Gerchik did not immediately go to get a brokerage firm. The future trader chose the most common profession of visitors - he became a taxi driver. Naturally, this is not the best activity for an emigrant. But when you are in a foreign country without any prospects, you need to clutch at any opportunity that has come up.

Alexander did not stop dreaming of a better life. During his trips, he repeatedly paid attention to the building of the Wall Street Exchange, which was a symbol of US capitalism. He also often brought traders there. It was from them that Alexander also learned about the exchange sphere of activity. Currency traders have repeatedly suggested Gerchik try himself in this field.

For an ordinary taxi driver, the exchange was a fabulous country leading into the world of big money. And Gerchik decided to go in there. He enrolled in a four-week brokerage course. Studying was not easy, and the final test was difficult. For a short time it was necessary to answer 250 questions. But the future millionaire studied hard and successfully passed the exam.

trader alexander gerchik

First steps

Having received a broker license in 1998, Alexander Gerchik was able to enter the world of big money, investment and capitalism. He got a job at Worldko, a company specializing in intraday trading. The next eight months, Alexander was engaged in customer service. Also, the trader improved his skills and gained experience in concluding transactions on the exchange. And then Gerchik decided that he could do it on his own.


However, it was not so simple. For three weeks, trader Alexander Gerchik completely went bankrupt. But that did not stop him. Alexander realized that he needed to gain knowledge and analyze his transactions more carefully. Without this, it will be difficult to earn even a couple of dollars. Gerchik kept a diary and wrote down both profitable and unprofitable transactions. He thoroughly analyzed the latter in order not to repeat such mistakes in the future. It paid off. $ 10,000 is the amount that Alexander Gerchik was able to earn in four months (the trader’s fortune at the moment is about $ 5 million). For a man working as a taxi driver a year ago, this result was a huge achievement. Soon, other companies noticed his rapid success and began to offer Alexander the position of analyst. In 2003, Gerchik became the managing partner of the world famous Hold Brothers company.

alexander gerchik biography


Three years later, the largest US channel, CBNC, decided to take a picture of traders on the New York Stock Exchange. Over 2000 people claimed the main role. The winner was Alexander Gerchik. Reviews about the trader and his biography impressed the CBNC team so much that they simply could not choose another. At that time, Gerchik had virtually no losing days.

Educational activities

Over time, the money earned ceased to bring happiness to Alexander. He was tired of loneliness and wanted more communication. For this reason, the trader engaged in educational activities. Sharing his accumulated knowledge and experience with others, Gerchik felt much better. Moreover, the hero of this article understood that starting a trader’s path under the guidance of a mentor is much easier. If Alexander had such, then he would hardly have lost all his money at the beginning of his career. Today, any novice Russian trader can go to the Gerchik seminar and get information about this profession. And for this you do not have to go to the USA. Seminars are held in Moscow.

alexander gerchik reviews

Teaching talent

Thanks to the amazing energy, Alexander Gerchik simply fascinates the students of his courses. He is so interested in the world of stock trading that they are ready to learn its basic principles the very next day. Fantastic industriousness and incredible level of professional qualities, mixed with a lot of energy - this is the alloy that causes stormy applause and indescribable emotions. In addition, it is worth noting that Gerchik has a pedagogical talent. It allows him to convey information to a listener of any level - from beginner to professional.

alexander gerchik condition

Own project

Now a successful trader and investor Alexander Gerchik works closely with IT Invest. It is located on the territory of the Russian Federation and is among the Russian funds. Recently, rumors appeared on the Internet about creating a unique project. Gerchik prepares it for residents of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. They will be able to access the New York Stock Exchange and make transactions right from home. It should be noted that now to engage in currency speculation will not need a brokerage license. Gerchik made such a decision, as he was sure that human capabilities are determined, first of all, by his choice, and not by some piece of paper about the completion of courses.

In addition to intermediary services, the project of Alexander will include seminars on professional development and training of novice traders. In fact, the American side will render a great service to the CIS countries, and the concluded agreement will become transnational. The project will be supported by Hold Brothers, which is led by the hero of this article. Together with this program and Gerchik’s training seminars, experienced and young traders of the Russian Federation will have a chance to earn good money and “get” our country out of the crisis. Now speculators from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine will be able to know the feeling when you are trading on the world market.

alexander gerchik birthday


The story of Alexander Gerchik tells us that, having a dream, determination and enterprise, everyone can achieve any goals. If you have them, then with the proper level of diligence, you will win on the stock exchange arena and become a financially independent person.

However, Gerchik warns of the complexity and thorniness of the trading path. Nothing will come easy. A young trader needs to improve daily and work hard. Before climbing to the top of financial prosperity, you need to learn self-control, be patient and tune in to victory.

The main advice from Alexander is: “If you firmly decided to make good money, prepare in advance for their loss.” As soon as the trader comprehends the basics of trading and realizes his own mistakes, everything will fall into place.


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