Bags from plastic bags - manufacturing technology

Today, many organizations take care of the environment and try to pollute the atmosphere, water and land as little as possible. Nevertheless, countless large and small retail stores sell plastic bags daily to hundreds or even thousands (depending on trade) of customers. And as we know, this material, unlike wood, iron or organic waste, is not processed by nature either after ten years or ten centuries.

bags from plastic bags

Already more than 40 countries have introduced bans, restrictions and taxes on the production of plastic bags. Nevertheless, Russia has not yet established effective methods for regulating the use of polyethylene. And forgetful customers who leave packages they bought at home the day before increase their average store check by buying new containers. In fact, it is necessary in some way to bring home products.

But there is one good way to solve this problem - these are bags made of plastic bags, made by yourself. After all, most people acquire products of this kind for lack of a more suitable container. Stylish and comfortable bags made of plastic bags will be an excellent alternative to such containers, while contributing to the efficient recycling of old material. But how to make such an unusual thing?

The most common option for creating bags from packages is crocheting. In order to do the job, you must have the material and some knitting skills. Both that, and another does not represent special complexity. Bags from plastic bags can be made even with the base columns without a crochet, and at the same time they will not lose in appearance. The main thing is the needlewomanโ€™s good imagination, capable of designing a pretty model.

As for the material for the bag from the bags, a step-by-step lesson on how to make a kind of โ€œyarnโ€ will be presented to your attention.

So, we need some old bags, preferably plain ones. This will not be a problem if you regularly purchased packages in the same store, for example, in the nearest grocery. Straighten the container, fold it gently, giving it its original appearance. Then fold 4 or 8 times (depending on size and width).

crochet bags

Now cut the "bottom" of the bag and handle. Then cut the remaining strip into pieces about 3.5 cm wide.

bags from packages

Now we unfold what we got.

cutting result

It's time to join our workpieces. To do this, take two rings. Then we put one on top of the other.


Pass the right tail of the upper ring into the left, passing it under the lower workpiece. This will make a sliding loop. Tighten her. Further we work according to the same scheme. As the chain lengthens, wind the yarn into a ball.


When it turns out to be big enough, you can start mating. Do not be afraid that the yarn will end at the most inopportune moment, because if necessary, you can always lengthen the thread.

Thus, after you make yourself enough yarn, knitting a bag from plastic bags will be just a matter of technique. A hook is taken and the process begins.

knitting bags

Here we have such a bag.

work result
We hope that you will surpass our work and do for yourself even more convenient and beautiful thing.


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